

This was published 7 months ago

‘You can’t get out the window if you’re on the 20th floor’: Buildings act on risky e-bikes

By Caitlin Fitzsimmons

Sydney apartment owners are moving to ban or restrict electric bicycles and scooters in their buildings after a growing spate of battery blazes, undermining the state’s sustainability policies to encourage active transport.

Some buildings, including one large tower in North Sydney, have banned e-bikes and e-scooters outright, while the peak body representing owners of strata properties has drafted a model bylaw for how to best manage the devices.

But discouraging e-bikes is at odds with the NSW government’s push to double the number of walking and cycling trips in NSW across the next two decades, while legal experts warn outright bans would be open to challenge and may be invalid.

James McKinnon outside his North Sydney apartment.

James McKinnon outside his North Sydney apartment.Credit: Dean Sewell

North Sydney resident James McKinnon successfully urged his owners’ corporation to ban e-bikes and e-scooters from the building at the annual general meeting last year. There will be a new vote in the coming weeks to endorse an amended version based on legal advice to make it less susceptible to challenge.

McKinnon said the growing evidence that lithium-ion batteries, especially in e-bikes, were causing dangerous chemical fires had convinced him that it was an unacceptable safety risk to residents. Incidents last month alone included a fire at an e-bike factory in Croydon attended by 60 firefighters, and a blaze caused by an e-bike battery in the bedroom of a flat in North Bondi where two residents had to escape out the windows.


“In a building such as ours, you can’t get out the window if you’re on the 20th floor, you’ve only got one option, through the front door and down the fire stairs, that’s why it’s so dangerous,” McKinnon said.

“My great fear is that there could be a fire, and it could be catastrophic. The thrust of the bylaw is an outright ban because we can’t pick winners – we don’t know whether brand X or brand Y is safer.”

Lithium-ion battery fires are a growing problem across the state and e-bike fires, once uncommon, are one of the biggest causes. NSW Fire and Rescue figures show micromobility devices such as e-bikes and e-scooters caused 63 fires across the state last year – a quarter of all battery fires, as reported in The Sun-Herald on Sunday. Last month, the devices accounted for eight out of 20 battery fires, or 40 per cent.


The Owners Corporation Network of Australia, which represents the owners and residents of strata properties such as apartment blocks, townhouses and villas, will be launching its model bylaw later this month. The organisation’s chair, Fred Tuckwell, said the data showed electric vehicles were safe but e-bikes and e-scooters were a “massive, massive risk”, especially if they were poor quality, had incompatible battery chargers, or had been tampered with to “soup up” the device.


The model bylaw, which individual owners’ corporations can choose to adopt or amend, states e-bikes and e-scooters should adhere to Australian standards and be well maintained, and requires owners to monitor the devices during charging and place them in a location such as a balcony that does not block the path to a fire exit.

Tuckwell concedes that enforcement was difficult, but believes the bylaw would help educate residents about the risks.

He knew a growing number of owners’ corporations were discussing bans, but he did not believe that was the right approach. Legal experts had told him that a blanket ban probably would be found invalid if a resident challenged it in the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal because bylaws can’t be “harsh, oppressive or unconscionable”.

Tuckwell added that e-bikes should be encouraged because of the sustainability benefits.

“You can’t say ‘here is an important way of getting around cheaply and economically with no emissions’ and then ban the things,” Tuckwell said.

New builds must have charging infrastructure for electric vehicles, and might also have a charging area for e-bikes, sometimes in a fireproof room in the basement. But Tuckwell said three out of four current strata schemes in NSW were old-style walk-up blocks with up to 10 flats.

Who’s who in strata

  • A strata scheme is typically a building or group of buildings that has been divided into “lots” such as an apartment, townhouse or villa. Lot owners share ownership and overall legal responsibility for the whole property.
  • All the owners in a strata scheme automatically belong to the owners’ corporation (previously called the body corporate).
  • The strata committee (previously called an executive committee) is elected by the owners’ corporation to help it make decisions for the scheme.
  • A strata manager or strata managing agent is a professional appointed to assist running of the strata scheme.
  • NSW Fair Trading has a mediation service, and the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal has the power to adjudicate.

By 2040, it’s expected that half of Greater Sydney residents – more than 3 million people – will live in strata, making it a growing political issue.


Cathy Sherry, a professor in the law school and the Smart Green Cities research centre at Macquarie University, said e-bike fires were a bigger risk in apartment living.

“It’s young people and travellers who have e-bikes and e-scooters, and they’re going to be in apartments rather than houses,” Sherry said.

Bicycle NSW chief executive Peter McLean said the safety concerns were real, but bans and overly restrictive bylaws in strata schemes went too far.

“We shouldn’t over-react,” he said. “E-bikes are the missing piece in the transport puzzle – they enable people of all ages and experiences to be able to access active transport.”

McLean said the real problem was that the federal government was not preventing cheap e-bikes, which can retail for as little as $500, from being imported and sold even though they don’t meet Australian safety standards and were likely to end up in landfill.

Stephen Brell, the NSW president of the Strata Community Association, an organisation of strata managers and owners corporations, said insurers were yet to get involved in the e-bike safety debate, but he believed this could happen.


An earlier version of this story said micromobility devices accounted for eight out of 37 battery fires in January. It should have said eight out of 20 fires.

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