

This was published 9 months ago


This young minister has arrived, but other arrivals will be her burden

Clare O’Neil looks pretty youthful, and for someone in her job, she is. At 43, the federal minister for home affairs is the youngest member of Anthony Albanese’s cabinet, responsible for everything from counter-terrorism to asylum seekers.

You might be tempted to think she’d be a soft target. In fact, the ambitious former McKinsey’s management consultant from Melbourne is emerging as one of the tougher members of the government.

Illustration by Jim Pavlidis

Illustration by Jim PavlidisCredit: Jim Pavlidis

She’s delivered major new policy on cybersecurity, and she’s recast national immigration in the first half of the government’s term. “She’s got steel,” says a cabinet colleague. “She’s a purposeful reformer.”

She is also a strong parliamentary performer who can deliver withering judgments from the dispatch box. She’s prepared to go over the top for her squad. O’Neil unapologetically accused Peter Dutton of wanting to “protect paedophiles over children” when he opposed a Labor law to ban illegal immigrants with convictions of paedophilia from loitering near schools.

And, after the government fumbled the politics of immigration detention last month, she struck a pose that was more Margaret Thatcher than Neville Chamberlain, in the vein of “never apologise, never explain”.

After the failure of the Voice referendum, the bungling of immigration detention policy probably has been the most politically damaging episode in the life of the Albanese government. When the High Court overturned two decades of immigration detention policy last month by ruling that illegal immigrants can’t be held indefinitely, the government had no response ready.

It had known for six months that the ruling was due but when it came, and the Commonwealth lost its case, the government had no back-up plan and nothing to say.

‘More Margaret Thatcher than Neville Chamberlain’. Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil.

‘More Margaret Thatcher than Neville Chamberlain’. Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Day after excruciating day, O’Neil’s junior minister, Immigration Minister Andrew Giles, stood up in question time “like a fish out of water” with his mouth moving and nothing substantive to say, as one senior minister put it.


Into the government’s silence, the opposition poured its damnation of Labor and painted the alarming picture that 149 illegal non-citizens with criminal backgrounds were being set free from detention unchecked to roam the streets in search of fresh victims.

The government eventually found its response, but it took weeks. And, in the interim, the killer question reverberated – is Labor able to manage the borders?

A senior figure in the government describes the episode as “a big wake-up call for us – the system had got complacent and didn’t red-flag it enough”. As a result, the government has now commissioned high-level work to improve its internal vigilance for potential problems and to hone its responsiveness. “You either learn and sharpen up, or you fail,” he tells me.

When I asked O’Neil how the government had been caught so flat-footed in response to the High Court decision and what lessons it had learned, she flatly refused to concede any fault. She offered only self-congratulation: “I genuinely don’t agree that the government was caught flat-footed. Within one month of the court decision, we had created bespoke visas for everyone in the cohort, established a $255 million joint AFP and ABF operation, and established a new law to allow us to impose curfews, ankle-monitoring bracelets and rigorous reporting requirements.

“And we created a preventative detention regime. All in a month. And I just say, I never saw the former government respond to anything at that type of speed. Never even close.”

‘Like a fish out of water’: Immigration Minister Andrew Giles.

‘Like a fish out of water’: Immigration Minister Andrew Giles.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Very bold, minister. True, even. But insufficient. The entire government is acutely aware that Labor can’t afford to be seen to be unsteady in anything related to national security, border security or immigration. Perceived failure is an election disqualifier for Labor more than it is for the Liberals, perhaps unfairly, in the ruthless calculus of Australian politics. As O’Neil is responsible, in part or full, for all three, this onus rests heavily on her.

Inside the government, there is blame to go around. One cabinet minister is critical of Giles for appearing inert and inept: “He led the push against Bill Shorten when he [Shorten] wanted to support boat turnbacks. He even teared up when he spoke against the idea in the ALP national conference in 2015. I don’t think he’s the right person for immigration.”

Another senior member of the government wonders aloud whether O’Neil should have better anticipated the policy vacuum and the political risk, and whether Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus’ absence on bereavement leave made a difference.

“It was a collective failure,” concludes a government strategist. “There were bits of a response, scattered across the system, which no one brought together – the co-ordination part belongs to PM & C,” the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

O’Neil is unbowed but acutely aware that the government has to recover. So her announcement this week of Labor’s new immigration strategy, over a year in the making, took on extra importance.

“Australia is distinctive in that there’s much wider support for immigration than in most Western countries, but it’s essential that there’s a sense that the government is in control,” explains Andrew Markus, emeritus professor at Monash University and an expert on immigration and racial and ethnic relations. This is a defining difference between Australia on one hand and the US and UK on the other, Markus says. The American and British systems have failed to exert convincing control of immigrant inflows, the essential feedstock for the right-wing populist movements behind Donald Trump and Brexit.


“Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison were very strong that people in Australia won’t tolerate asylum seekers getting out of control,” says Markus, who for 15 years oversaw the annual Scanlon survey on Australian social cohesion. “What’s happening in Australia at the moment is that there’s a sense that immigration is out of control again.”

This isn’t confected. During the pandemic, Australia’s traditional strong net inflow of immigrants went into reverse in 2020-21. It was inevitable that it resurge when the borders reopened. And so it did, driven by overseas students streaming back to resume their COVID-curtailed courses, plus inflows of fresh arrivals.

But as 2023 rolled on, the inflow didn’t slow. Net overseas migration last year was estimated to hit over half a million people, double the previous annual record, and O’Neil came to the conclusion that there was permanent new pressure on Australia’s immigration system.

With an intensifying housing shortage and immigrants under fire, the “social licence” as O’Neil calls it – or public acceptance – for a big immigration intake suddenly was in doubt. The opposition, after spending last year clamouring for more overseas students to swell the ranks of backpackers and fruitpickers, this year reversed.


The population influx has exacerbated Australia’s startlingly bad housing failure. Last month, the national rental vacancy rate was 0.8 per cent for the third consecutive month, a record low and a strong indicator of a housing shortage.

Even the most rational of analysts have concluded that immigration needs to scale back. The economist Chris Richardson, generally pro-immigration on economic grounds, has called for a temporary pullback in numbers to relieve pressure on the housing supply. As he puts it, after years of an inflow equivalent to adding almost another Canberra a year, we’re now importing a Canberra-and-a-half every year.

O’Neil acted this week with a plan to cut the net intake from an estimated 510,000 last year to 250,000 within two years. That would return it to its pre-COVID level.

The preponderance of the cutback would fall on the intake of overseas students, together with measures to reduce rorting of the student visa system. This, together with important changes to better tailor the inflow of skilled workers to fill needs, should do a good deal to restore control and also integrity to the system.

One indicator that O’Neil’s new policy is well crafted is that all the major constituencies, from the Business Council of Australia to the ACTU, have endorsed it. Only the perpetual whining sound from the university sector persists.

In the expert opinion of Andrew Markus, the policy is a well judged and an essential element in resuming control of immigration and reassuring the public: “It is a real challenge for the government to get it under control – it’s not panic stations – but if they can, I think people will move on.”

O’Neil is no soft target, and now has to demonstrate that the immigration system isn’t either.

Peter Hartcher is political editor.

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