

This was published 9 months ago


Labor has been uncomfortable in its own skin. In 2024, will it dare play to its strengths?

On Monday, the government releases its migration strategy. Last week, it passed industrial relations changes through the parliament, in a last-minute deal with the crossbench, and struck a deal with the states on changing the NDIS. For better or worse, this is a return to the approach that marked the politically successful first year of the Albanese government: getting things done, even if few voters could tell you exactly what those things were.

The three are notable in two other ways. First, they are part of the government’s economic strategy. But second, and more interestingly, they point to a shift in the economic debate, with increasing priority placed on economics as a question of fairness.

Illustration: Jim Pavlidis

Illustration: Jim PavlidisCredit:

When a dramatic cut in forecast migration numbers is announced on Monday – essentially a halving – one water-cooler part of the conversation is likely to be around housing affordability, which in turn is more and more about intergenerational equity. Meanwhile, Labor’s industrial relations policy is about wage theft and labour-hire laws – which allow businesses to pay some workers far less for doing the same work. And so, while in all three areas we are talking about the economy, we are also crucially talking about the distribution of economic growth.

In other words, traditional Labor ground – which is interesting, given that this government has often seemed a little trepidatious about, well, seeming too Labor. It has seemed a little stuck in its own head.

A piece of conventional wisdom is that voters trust the Coalition more on national security and the economy. Accordingly, one of this government’s articles of faith, since it was elected, has been that Labor obtains permission from voters by being competent in those areas.


This thinking played a role in Labor’s eager embrace of AUKUS. And it would have been bolstered during the government’s early months, in which Anthony Albanese’s outperforming of expectations on the international stage seemed connected to the soaring polls. The government also managed to deliver a surplus, again upstaging both the government it had replaced and the Rudd-Gillard government it was determined to outdo.

There is perennial frustration in some parts of Labor at the suggestion it should simply accept its also-ran status in these two areas, particularly the economy: if facts about the Coalition’s spending profligacy and high tax take could be argued strongly enough, couldn’t public opinion shift? Which might be part of the reason that, as time went on, it could sometimes seem as though the Albanese government viewed these less as things it had to manage and more as the main game. Perhaps it saw changing voters’ traditional views as steps towards Albanese’s plan for Labor to become the country’s “natural party of government”.

If so, there are three problems. The first is that it neglects the other part of the equation. If Labor has to manage national security and the economy to get permission from voters, it is important to ask: permission to do what, exactly? If Labor was gaining political capital, what was it spending it on? The Indigenous Voice to parliament, perhaps, which is a noble answer but, in hindsight, not a very good political one. So what else?


The more important problem is this: what if Labor simply can’t win in these areas? Evidence from around the world suggests conservative parties tend to win polls on the question of who is better to manage the economy. And it’s not an accident that conservative parties everywhere campaign on national security. They wouldn’t do so if it didn’t work. There is even some evidence that such leanings are wired into our brains. These things are very, very hard to shift. So when challenges like the High Court decision on immigration detention come along, they simply confirm what voters already think about you, fair or not.


Which brings us to the third issue. If that is true, then isn’t it possible that, for Labor, permission works in two directions at once? So, yes, it needs to be competent on national security and economics to win elections. But given voters are still really only ever tolerating it in those areas, the only thing that actually justifies re-electing a Labor government is when it is hugely active in the areas that voters expect it to be active in, such as health and education.

It is possible that inflation is making this problem even more urgent. When most of us feel wealthy, we may feel less concerned about whether, for instance, we can see a bulk-billing GP. Now, stripped of the padding that feeling provides, we are noticing all the problems that have been building for a decade or more – like health, education and housing.

It is often the case that governments are not quite themselves until about halfway through their first term. Initially, they are concerned with fixing up the last government’s mistakes, and with the vague (and sometimes silly) task of “looking like a government”. During these phases – and this feels true of this government and of Albanese himself – they can seem fuzzy, not quite defined yet in the public mind.

Only after that comes the likes of the GST, or the misogyny speech: the moment of accepting what people don’t like about you, or what they distrust you for, owning it, and turning it to your advantage. Or, to put this another way: of being willing to define yourself, with all the risks that carries. This is related to the question of boldness versus incrementalism I wrote about last week, but different: a shifting away from defensiveness, and of choosing your areas of focus. When this happens, the picture voters have of a government can shift and sharpen.


There is a twist to the polling advantage the Liberals have on the economy. Pollster Peter Lewis has argued, based on the work of the American polling consultant Vic Fingerhut, that when the question shifts slightly – to who do you trust to manage the economy in the interests of people – then Labor gains the advantage. As the economic debate shifts towards a focus on inequality and redistribution, this is the question Labor is posing. It is a shift towards its strengths. Whether it is an accident, or a decision that indicates its direction for 2024, is unclear.

Sean Kelly is a regular columnist and a former adviser to Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd.

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