

This was published 10 months ago

The NDIS saved Angelique’s family. But in another world, she would not have needed it

By Natassia Chrysanthos

The Age has once again scooped the pool at the annual Melbourne Press Club Quill Awards for Excellence in Victorian Journalism. Read the stories and see the images and projects that have been recognised at this year’s Quills.See all 22 stories.

Billie was just seven when she was excluded from school for what the teachers described as naughty behaviour.

For weeks, she packed her schoolbag and got ready to go. Her mum, Angelique May-Bennett, was frequently in tears as she made excuses to shield her daughter’s feelings about why there’d be no class that day.

“We thought it was us: that we were making mistakes, that we weren’t being consistent parents, that it was all our fault,” she says.

Angelique May-Bennett with partner Tim and her children Billie (9) and Franny (7).

Angelique May-Bennett with partner Tim and her children Billie (9) and Franny (7).

Three years later, her daughter is thriving. But it was only after moving schools, years of family distress and a coincidental chat with another mother at the school gate about the National Disability Insurance Scheme that she sought help for her daughter, who was diagnosed with autism and finally received the support she needed to interact with other children and regulate her emotions.

“Without the NDIS, honestly, I don’t know where we would be. I had moments where I thought: I can’t do this, I don’t know how to be a parent. It saved our lives,” May-Bennett says.

“But if there was evidence-based practice by experts in early childhood and in school, we would not have had the experience that still brings me to tears. I don’t even know if we would be on the scheme.”


Families of more than 235,000 children with autism or developmental delay are turning to the NDIS to afford supports including speech pathology, occupational therapy and physiotherapy, which help kids build skills such as communication and understanding social boundaries. Research has shown delivering that kind of support early in life sets children up for future success.

But now, an insurance scheme designed to give lifelong support to 500,000 Australians with the most significant and permanent disabilities has become the primary support system for almost 9 per cent of Australia’s kindergarten-aged children.


The ballooning client list of the NDIS is one of the nation’s most vexed policy challenges, and one Bill Shorten must solve. The $42 billion scheme has to be redesigned so it doesn’t collapse under its own weight as costs blow out by billions each year.

The NDIS minister revealed ambitious plans for reform this week: tougher regulations for providers; an online payment system to detect rorting; navigators to help people both inside and outside the NDIS figure out disability services; and tighter entry criteria.

But whether NDIS 2.0 succeeds will largely depend on how the states and federal government work together to establish a new disability system they are calling “foundational supports”, which will operate through schools and childcare centres so that the scheme is no longer a surrogate education system.

That’s because successive financial reports have pointed to the higher than forecast number of children entering the NDIS with developmental delay or autism as one of the two pinch points for its financial future. (The other is the sharper than expected annual growth in the cost of people’s plans).


The number of participants with developmental delay, which often precedes an autism diagnosis, was 90,320 in September; 7 per cent higher than had been projected just three months earlier. The proportion of five- to seven-year-old boys on the NDIS – the scheme’s largest cohort – has grown 2 percentage points, from 10 to 12 per cent, in the past year alone.

Judy Brewer, a member of the NDIS review panel who has worked with schools for decades and has an autistic son, says those figures reflect how much society has learnt about autism and developmental delay in just 10 years.

“We now know that the earlier we identify developmental delay, the better the outcomes. We have a much stronger evidence base about what works and what doesn’t. When my son was diagnosed 27 years ago, we knew very little. The only option was to google American websites to figure out what to do.”

But she says families have been forced into seeking a diagnosis to qualify for the NDIS, an expensive and lengthy process. It then leads them into a disconnected system focused on clinical-based hourly therapy.

May-Bennett, for example, says she may never have turned to the medical system, sought a diagnosis nor entered the NDIS if there had been adequate supports for her daughter outside it. But she became desperate when Billie became increasingly emotionally dysregulated at school, was targeted by bullies and then replicated that behaviour herself, leading to her exclusion from class.

Their school – the logical place to turn – offered no assistance. It was only through a casual conversation with another parent whose child had an autism diagnosis that May-Bennett sought help through the NDIS.


“My daughter has just blossomed under the NDIS, with the right therapists,” she says.

Billie’s support package mainly helps with speech pathology.

“I used to think it was just about talking, but it’s a huge realm of how you take information in, how you digest it, how you communicate in a way that states your needs without hurting other people’s feelings,” May-Bennett says.

She says equine therapy with a clinical psychologist has also been profound.

“You can’t approach a horse and have a meltdown. You have to be in a calm state, remember boundaries. There are spinning plates the children have no choice but to take on. They are beginning to get the muscle of self-regulation.”

It took a while to get the supports right. The family spent $700 on their first 45-minute occupational therapy session because the therapist had to drive from the other side of Melbourne.

Another therapist from a poorly run company cost $4500 over a few weeks.


“I thought: ‘this is a scam’. They just did sit-ups and stuff, [trying to work on her abdominal muscles] to get her to sit still in circle time. But no number of sit-ups were going to make her neurodivergent brain sit still. It was going to take an educated expert to observe her in the classroom and advise the teachers,” May-Bennett says.

They finally found a new school, which was supportive and had already vetted therapists.

“Once you have the right kind of support, these kids flourish, and they’re going to be incredible members of society,” she says. “But it’s such trial and error, and a lot of money is wasted on trying to find the right person or services.”


Brewer says she hears stories like this from Australian families every day. If it goes according to plan, the NDIS reboot she has helped plot over the past 12 months will transform their experience.

Early childhood centres or maternal health centres would be equipped to pick up children’s developmental challenges as early as 12 months old.

There would be a range of supports delivered to children where they are: at home, childcare or school. It may still include speech therapy, psychologists and physiotherapy, but they could be delivered in groups or with families involved, so parents learn to deliver support.


Andrew Whitehouse, head of the autism research team at the Telethon Institute, says one-on-one therapy with allied health practitioners over weeks could be the most effective way to support children with very significant developmental delays.

“But when children have milder developmental delays, a similar course of one-on-one therapy may be overly burdensome, inappropriate or not meet a cost-benefit threshold,” he says.

“Instead, the most effective support may simply be to provide the families more information about child development, or to connect that family with peer support groups, or to help families understand what they can do in their own home to support their child’s development.”


Under the review’s vision, parents would no longer be left to their own devices. A newly created “navigator” role would help them learn about the layers of support available. In more complex cases, a “lead practitioner” would be paid by government to co-ordinate a child’s different services so they don’t receive help in silos. Services themselves would be evidence-based and better regulated.

At the same time, there must be work within the education system to improve teacher training and inclusivity in schools.

“This will be a much better system that will provide for many more kids,” Brewer says.

This week’s NDIS review has been welcomed across the board as the right direction for a more inclusive Australia. But few expect the transition – recommended over five years – will be simple.

Correna Haythorpe, head of the Australian Education Union, says staffing, capital and funding need to be investigated before schools become community hubs that offer disability, allied and mental health services.

“The fragmented nature of the current system makes it difficult for families to navigate and creates additional pressures on principals and teachers in attempting to ensure there is a seamless continuum of support for children with disability in schools and the community,” she says.

“But there are many unanswered questions we have about how a foundational support system would work, what it would cost and how it would be integrated with the school system.”

“Once you have the right kind of support, these kids flourish, and they’re going to be incredible members of society.”

Angelique May-Bennett

Whitehouse says the review had provided a beacon for the sector.

“But this will be worth very little without courageous leadership – from government, service providers and the general community – to adopt positive change, and grapple with thorny questions around eligibility that still remain and likely have no neat answer,” he says.

“The ability of the sector to embrace these changes, even when it’s hard, will be the true test.”

Sam Bennett, from the Grattan Institute, says the 222 recommendations of the disability royal commission – which also interrogated segregation in the school system – create an even more complex task for governments.

“It’s a very major undertaking to pull this together into a sequenced, implementable plan for reform. I’m optimistic about the general direction but realistic about what this is. It’s not a detailed blueprint,” he says.

“It’s absolutely fine to say it’s important there are more supports for people with disability outside the scheme. It’s also not a new idea for anyone who is familiar with the original design [of the NDIS]. There’s a lot of work to be done, to work out the scale of it and how it’s targeted.”


Moving up to 2.5 million people to an as-yet undesigned new foundational support scheme that requires additional investment could also run into the same cost problems in future, Bennett says.

For Jim Mullan, the chief executive of autism organisation Amaze, the main hurdle will not be money, but human resources.

“There are all sorts of gaps currently,” he says.

“We are already asking stretched workforces [such as teachers] to consider additional responsibilities and obligations. The workforce plan that needs to travel alongside the design of supports will be just as important.”

He anticipates the new support system will be easier to deliver in some locations than others; namely, schools in more affluent metropolitan areas that have a full staff of teachers will make more progress than their regional counterparts where principals have struggled to staff classrooms for years.

Accordingly, he thinks the five-year timeline is optimistic.

“I think it’s the right thing to do, this is an extraordinary opportunity for true inclusion for people with a disability. I would not underestimate the challenge, however, in delivering this.”

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