

This was published 10 months ago

Rich and powerful tussle over controversial 14-year contract for Racing NSW boss

By Jordan Baker, Alexandra Smith, Carrie Fellner and Chris Roots

An Australian racing powerbroker is urging Premier Chris Minns to overturn a decision to extend the contract of Racing NSW chairman Russell Balding amid growing concerns over the new laws needed to permit his unprecedented 14-year-term.

The Minns government on Monday announced it would introduce legislation to allow Balding, the former ABC managing director, to continue as chair of Racing NSW for another two years, pushing his tenure well beyond the maximum 10 for state statutory authorities.

Russell Balding is set to continue his tenure as Racing NSW chairman.

Russell Balding is set to continue his tenure as Racing NSW chairman.Credit: Jessica Hromas

It will be the third time a government has passed legislation extending his directorship, despite senior racing figures privately urging the newly elected Labor government to introduce fresh blood to the board.

The then Coalition government extended Balding’s term in 2021, although a former senior minister who declined to be named due to cabinet confidentiality confirmed that the issue divided the cabinet and ministers, who reluctantly agreed to the extension on the condition it would be Balding’s final term.

Opposition Leader Mark Speakman would not be drawn on how the Coalition would vote in parliament this time, insisting that the shadow cabinet would decide once it had seen the legislation, which will be introduced next week before Balding’s term expires in December.

Labor’s proposed extension has caused consternation with some racing figures who left a meeting with Minns in July firmly of the view that the government did not intend to support a longer term for Balding.

John Messara is imploring the premier to override the decision to extend Russell Balding’s contract as Racing NSW chair.

John Messara is imploring the premier to override the decision to extend Russell Balding’s contract as Racing NSW chair.

John Messara, a former chairman of Racing NSW and Racing Australia who is widely regarded as one of the most influential figures in Australian racing, told the Herald that he opposed Balding’s extension. “This is in breach of the statutory term,” he said.

“I implore the premier to override the decision, which is contrary to any norms of good governance. The existing board needs to be refreshed, as do all boards.”


Messara said the challenges facing the industry, which Racing Minister David Harris has cited as justification for re-appointing someone with Balding’s expertise, should have already been addressed by the board, and will need to be addressed by future boards. Messara is the founder and owner of Arrowfield, one of Australia’s largest studs.

Geoffrey Watson, SC, a director at the Centre for Public Integrity, said the government’s decision flew in the face of sound corporate governance.

Peter V’landys at the state dinner hosted by US President Joe Biden.

Peter V’landys at the state dinner hosted by US President Joe Biden.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

“There is a close connection between the NSW government and racing, it’s heavily controlled and regulated by the NSW government and that being so, they went to a fair bit of trouble to legislate to fix terms,” Watson said.

There are diverse views within the racing industry over Racing NSW’s record under Balding, who became chair in 2011, and Peter V’landys, who has been chief executive for almost 20 years. V’landys also serves as chairman of the Australian Rugby League Commission, making him one of the most powerful figures in Australian sport.

Events such as the Everest carnival, racing’s rebounding popularity in NSW, and V’landys’ position as a power player and political influencer are seen by most as bringing major benefits to the sport.

But some are frustrated by what they describe as a lack of transparency on animal welfare, track infrastructure investment, and education and training of an emerging workforce.

Balding was contacted for comment but is overseas attending an unrelated board meeting.

The former chairman of the Australian Turf Club, Laurie Macri, said he was surprised by Balding’s extension, while the chief executive of the Australian Trainers’ Association, Victoria-based Andrew Nicholl, described it as an unusual approach.

Messara said he was worried about how money was distributed by Racing NSW, particularly its focus on increasing prizemoney for new races in Sydney.


Asked whether he wanted to replace Balding, Messara replied: “I do not want to go on the Racing NSW board. People widely want me to go, but I don’t want to. I’m 76 years of age.”

Senior industry figures, including Magic Millions co-owner and Harvey Norman chief executive Katie Page, have also queried Labor’s decision on Balding, warning such lengthy extensions were unusual.

Page was among four industry figures who met Minns in late July, diary disclosures show. Sources present at the meeting – speaking anonymously to honour the meeting’s confidentiality – said they were given the clear impression Balding’s term would not be extended.

A spokesperson for Minns told the Herald: “The government had never made a final decision on the position until recently. The announcement was made subsequent to that.”

Another senior racing industry figure speaking anonymously because he did not have permission to speak to the media said a member of Racing Minister David Harris’ office told him in early September that the government would not extend Balding’s tenure.

However, a collection of NSW jockeys, trainers, horse owners and race clubs wrote to Harris in late September asking for Balding’s tenure to be extended by 12 months because the industry needed stability. Jockeys and trainers are regulated by Racing NSW.

V’landys told the Herald it would be inappropriate to comment on board appointments but noted the vast majority of NSW groups had supported Balding’s extension.

Australian Turf Club chairman Peter McGauran said he signed a letter on behalf of the organisation supporting Balding.

“Racing is faced with some immediate challenges with the decline in TAB income and group 1 racing status battles with Victoria and I think we need the experience and expertise of Russell in those and other matters,” he said.

Macri said Balding had produced a great body of work but the industry had “almost assumed Russell is the only person with any good ideas in racing. I’d suggest there are probably other really good ideas that aren’t being heard.”

He said Balding had 12 years to work on the challenges facing the industry that were identified by Harris, such as equine welfare and changes to the wagering landscape, and Balding was not the only one with the expertise to navigate them.

“I say this without any fear of contradiction; [chief executive] Peter V’landys is the most capable person to navigate NSW through any changes in the wagering landscape,” Macri said.

Andrew Nicholl, the Victoria-based chief executive of the Australian Trainers’ Association, described the extension of Balding’s tenure for a third time as unprecedented. “In my corporate life I haven’t seen anyone’s board tenure extended to 14 years, ever,” he said.

Nicholl acknowledged the challenges facing the industry but said the NSW government’s decision to extend Balding’s tenure did not make sense.

“[Those headwinds] in some shape or form are going to exist in 12 months’ time, and 12 months beyond that, and 12 months beyond that,” he said.

However, the NSW Trainers’ Association backed Balding’s extension, with chairman Richard Pegum telling the Herald: “Look, where racing was 10 years ago and where it is now. The tracks are better; the prizemoney is better; the yearling prices are better and horse welfare is better. Why change something that has been so successful and Russell has led the way.”

The Provincial Clubs Association, which represents racetracks at Newcastle, Kembla Grange, Wyong and Gosford, also sent a letter to Harris in support of Balding’s extension. Its chairman, Dan Lacey from the Gosford Race Club said the increases in prizemoney under Balding’s chairmanship had taken clubs to another level.

“We now have extra feature days, which takes racing to our communities,” Lacey said. “The clubs were happy to support Russell continuing as chairman.”

Harris, the NSW Racing Minister, said his “strong expectation” with Balding’s extension is that there will be increased transparency around welfare and rehoming, greater support for country races and a continued commitment to supporting a responsible, sustainable, and competitive racing industry.

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