

This was published 1 year ago

Inside Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest’s urgent global climate campaign

By Nick O'Malley

Outside, it is one of those perfect Sydney spring days, 26 degrees and a breeze that’s soft on the face.

But I’m under a red light inside a heat chamber in a University of Sydney laboratory experiencing what a potentially lethal temperature feels like, and for this, I blame Australia’s richest man, Fortescue chairman Dr Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest.

A couple of days earlier, Forrest had toured the lab before he gave a talk at the University of Sydney to academics about the growing threat of extreme heat to a growing chunk of the world’s population. The lecture was full of startling moments.

Dr Andrew Forrest addresses academics from the University of NSW and The University of Sydney on the risk of lethal heat.

Dr Andrew Forrest addresses academics from the University of NSW and The University of Sydney on the risk of lethal heat.

Forrest described calls for everyone to do their bit to tackle climate change as flagrant greenwashing, arguing that there are about 1000 people in the world culpable for climate change and capable of fixing it.

He asked that when it was time to “put heads on spikes, start with mine, but please don’t forget the other 999”.

At another point, he grabbed an audience member’s hand and explained how he had once done the same thing to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modhi, telling him that if he did not address climate change he would have blood not just on his fingers, but all the way up his arm.

The talk had baffled some of those who attended. Why was an iron ore magnate lecturing academics, including health and climate specialists, on health and climate? And what was the urgency of Forrest’s race around the world with this DIY Ted Talk?

Dr James Smallcombe inside the heat chamber in the University of Sydney’s Heat Laboratory.

Dr James Smallcombe inside the heat chamber in the University of Sydney’s Heat Laboratory.Credit: Jessica Hromas

Forrest spoke in Sydney at 9am and by lunchtime was at Monash. He hit the Australian National University in Canberra in the afternoon and by nightfall was back in Perth at the University of Western Australia.


Internationally he has held talks at universities including Oxford, Cambridge, MIT and the University of California.

During the Sydney talk, Forrest said he was motivated by the string of heatwaves that hit the northern hemisphere this year, driving extreme temperatures that climate scientists had not expected to see for some years. This week one report concluded that 2023 is likely to be the hottest in 100,000 years.


The searing temperatures prompted Forrest to do some research, or at least to commission some from his harried staff, who brought to his attention the concept of wet bulb temperature. This is a measure of the temperature at which the moisture in a wet cloth evaporates when draped over the bulb of a thermometer, thereby dropping the temperature. It is a metric that takes in the interplay of both heat and humidity.

It came to prominence around a decade ago, in large part due to the work of UNSW Professor Steven Sherwood, who attended the Sydney talk and was lead author of a 2010 paper that estimated when the wet bulb temperature reaches 35 degrees, the human ability to thermoregulate begins to fail, potentially causing death in under six hours.

A more recent study found billions of people to be at risk of living in temperatures at 1.5 degrees of warming, which some areas are already experiencing. Many of those live in parts of the world without access to air conditioning.

Forrest focused on the impact on the body.

“Your core temperature rises and it rises really quick,” he said. “Your heart rate accelerates. One hundred per cent more blood starts sloshing through your system, you get a pounding headache, vomiting. This is really well documented in human science.

“Within minutes to hours, you start to reach a point where those wonderful, complex blood proteins start to unravel. It’s a chemical reaction. This is a lethal humidity death.

“Your blood thickens. You ­internally haemorrhage. Those structures inside your body are like chemical reactions, they’re not coming back. They’re like an egg. When it’s cooked, it can’t be uncooked.”

Such doomsaying has left some observers a little jarred. One of the first versions of the talk, delivered at the Boao Forum for Asia in Perth in August, was largely unnoticed by mainstream media but prompted performative sniggering among some climate sceptic commentators.

In Sydney, Forrest asked his expert audience to comment. Among those to respond was Professor Ollie Jay, director of the Heat and Health Research Incubator and Thermal Ergonomics Laboratory in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at The University of Sydney.

“I’d like to propose that [your assessment of] the impacts on human health and wellbeing in the future with different climate change scenarios may actually be conservative, and the impacts may be even greater,” he said.

The science on lethal heat has improved in the past decade just as the world has grown warmer, Jay said in a later interview.

New studies, including those undertaken by Jay’s team, focus on more sophisticated modelling of the human body in a hot environment. Preliminary work suggests death can strike more commonly and at lower temperatures.

Inside Jay’s heat chamber, that’s not hard to imagine. I was allowed to remain inside a dry heat about the same as that experienced in parts of the northern hemisphere for a few moments. With each breath, I noticed the odd sensation of my tongue instantly drying.

Jay believes that the science in Forrest’s talk could be improved, however, his efforts to forge an alliance between industry and academia to accelerate government change should be applauded.

Not everyone was so convinced.

One of those who attended in Canberra said she presumed experts were being gathered to offer Forrest advice rather than hear a lecture of his views on their fields of study.

“Look, he’s, you know, he’s not wrong,” she said when pushed on her view of his talk. “Lethal humidity is one amongst many, many impacts of climate change that are going to make people’s lives worse.


“I was kind of wondering if he may have latched on to that because he’s someone who spends a lot of time in the Pilbara and understands how uncomfortable [that is] compared to say those of us who live in Sydney and Melbourne.”

Another observer said he feared Forrest was driven by an unchecked ego, accelerated by deep pockets. “He has no one in his life to say ‘no’ any more.”

Others presumed that the talks were simply part of his long campaign to champion the hydrogen technology on which he was focusing parts of his business.

Forrest makes the same point. In Sydney, he argued that “as a capitalist and an industrialist”, his climate views would be better received among governments and industry than those of environmentalists and academics. But, he added, he needed scientific endorsement.

His company, Fortescue, he claimed, was proving that it was possible for “captains of industry” to shift towards carbon-free processes at profit. “It’s great for your shareholders if you have the character to change.”

Often when Forrest is asked what sparked his climate crusade – which long predates this current push – Forrest refers to the PhD in Marine Science he completed in 2019.


In 2015 he was bushwalking by a billabong in the Kimberly when he slipped and fell into the water, shattering his leg below the knee.

“I smashed both the bones and the kneecap and ended up underwater and trapped. I had to twist my body and twist the leg, breaking it further, in order to get to the cliff edge behind me and pull myself out of this wedge I got myself into. You can imagine the pain.”

It was during his recovery, says Forrest, that his children urged him to pursue the PhD, which led to his climate activism.

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