

This was published 10 months ago

Demons player Joel Smith tested positive for cocaine; new Blues player faces drug possession charge

By Jake Niall, Andrew Wu and Peter Ryan

The AFL announced that Melbourne’s Joel Smith has been provisionally suspended, effective immediately, after he returned a positive test for cocaine on match day after the round 23 clash against Hawthorn.

However under the anti-doping code rules he could escape with a suspension of just three months backdated to the start of the provisional suspension making a return to the club in the middle of January. However, Smith will be banned from the club during the provisional suspension as he awaits his fate.

The league said Smith was tested on Sunday, August 20. The AFL was notified first of the adverse finding by Sport Integrity Australia last week, followed by Smith and then the Demons.

Joel Smith celebrates a goal.

Joel Smith celebrates a goal.Credit: Getty

“It is asserted that a sample provided by Smith during an in-competition doping control test on 20 August 2023 returned an AAF for the presence of cocaine and its metabolite benzoylecgonine being a prohibited substance under the code,” the league said in a statement on Thursday.

“The matter is now progressing in accordance with the code, initially involving further investigation by Sport Integrity Australia supported by the AFL.


“In the interim Smith will not be part of Melbourne’s football program.

“The AFL is unable to make any further comment at this time.”

Melbourne also released a statement on Thursday morning, acknowledging “the communication sent by [the] AFL regarding Melbourne player Joel Smith and the notification to him of an adverse analytical finding, potential violation of the Australian Football Anti-Doping Code and imposition of a provisional suspension which is effective immediately.


“As this matter is being investigated by Sport Integrity Australia, the Melbourne Football Club is unable to make any further comment at this time.

“The club will continue to support Joel throughout the process and ensure our supporters are informed further when we are authorised to do so.”

Smith’s positive test was a result of the AFL’s adherence to the anti-doping code under World Anti-Doping Agency guidelines, which runs separately to the league’s illicit drugs policy.

If a player tests positive to an illicit drug under the AFL anti-doping code then they face a two-year ban if it’s in competition and a three-month ban if out-of-competition.

Smith tested positive in competition but under WADA rules introduced in 2021 an athlete testing positive to cocaine or marijuana will only face a three-month suspension if they can prove “the substance was used out-of-competition and that its use was unrelated to sporting performance”.

He would need to prove his case at a hearing of the AFL’s anti-doping tribunal and could have his suspension reduced to one month under the AFL’s anti-doping code if he agreed to undergo substance-of-abuse treatment.

The time taken between the sample collection and Smith being notified was approximately seven weeks however there is no standard time between collection and notification. All athlete samples are sent to a WADA accredited laboratory, which operate independently of Anti-Doping Organisations, such as Sport Integrity Australia.

In Australia, the WADA accredited laboratory is based in Sydney, one of 30 WADA Accredited Laboratories around the world.

The International Standard for Laboratories details the requirements for sample analysis, meaning all samples are analysed based on the same standard regardless of where in the world they are tested, and all analysis is done anonymously.

The AFL Players Association released a statement saying it was inappropriate to speculate on details of the case or pre-empt the outcome, and it would provide support to Smith and the club throughout the process.


Sport Integrity Australia and Smith’s management declined to comment.

Smith played in both of Melbourne’s narrow finals losses this season, to Collingwood and Carlton and celebrated the birth of his first child in September.

He is the son of the former Melbourne and North Melbourne player Shaun Smith, who has been public about his difficulties post-football following concussions during his playing days.

Testing under the AFL’s separate illicit drugs policy has focused on substances including cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamines such as ice, and sedatives such as ketamine and GHB. Both kinds of test are administered by Sport Integrity Australia under the auspices of the AFL.

Under the illicit drug policy, AFL medical directors and the player’s club doctor – but not club management – are told of a positive first test, unless there is footage available.

It is then referred by the AFL medical officer to the club doctor to determine the best course of action, including what treatment the player should be referred to.

A first strike sparks a suspended $5000 fine, counselling and target testing (where a player identified as a potential user is tested more often) but the player – typically – remains anonymous. Upon a second strike, a player’s name is made public, and he serves a four-match suspension.

A third strike incurs a 12-match suspension. Strikes must be given within four years of each other to be considered second, third or subsequent strikes.

In a day of controversy, Carlton also revealed recruit Elijah Hollands has been served a notice to appear in court relating to the possession of an illicit substance. He was a Gold Coast player at the time and the Blues were made aware of the alleged transgression before they went through with trading him into the club to play alongside his brother.

The AFL integrity unit are conducting their own investigation, with both clubs simultaneously releasing a statement just 24 hours after Hollands was traded to play alongside his brother Ollie Hollands at the Blues.

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