

This was published 11 months ago

It’s all Shakespeare, but who really wrote the words?

By Matt Hutchinson

Shakespeare Was a Woman and Other Heresies
Elizabeth Winkler
Simon & Schuster, $49.99

As incendiary titles go, Shakespeare Was a Woman and Other Heresies: How Doubting the Bard Became the Biggest Taboo in Literature is among the best.

Yet Elizabeth Winkler’s journalistic training has resulted in the content being a less provocative and more balanced primer on the thorny subject known as the “Shakespeare authorship question” – whether the man born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564 really wrote the works attributed to him. Blending interviews with those on both sides of the question with a concise history of the debate, Winkler’s book is engaging and stimulating from its first chapter.

Kenneth Branagh as William Shakespeare in his film All Is True.

Kenneth Branagh as William Shakespeare in his film All Is True.Credit:

We discover scepticism grew in the 19th century – perhaps somewhat snobbishly – that a single person from such humble origins could amass the erudition contained within the works. Philosopher Francis Bacon was proposed as an early alternative. Mark Twain – no stranger to a pseudonym himself – was an early convert to the “Baconian” theory.


Yet many Twain fans – me included, before reading Winkler’s work – may not know he wrote an entire book on the authorship question, Is Shakespeare Dead?, in which he wrote: “I only believed Bacon wrote the works, whereas I knew Shakespeare didn’t.”

Usurping Bacon was Edward de Vere, the Earl of Oxford, who was proposed in 1920 and remains the most popular candidate to this day, although it didn’t help that the schoolmaster who first proposed the “Oxfordian” theory was named Looney. Hhis publisher recommended he use a pseudonym so as not to dissuade the potential reader from being put off by the “Looney theory”.

Looney refused and, while it is uncertain whether his name affected sales, Sigmund Freud was an early convert, seeing the tormented Earl of Oxford’s life reflected in Hamlet. Over the decades the Oxfordian movement has attracted numerous impressive names, including physicist Sir Roger Penrose and three US Supreme Court judges.

These intellectuals, however, are not specialists in Shakespeare, which leads to one of the reasons Winkler’s book is eye-opening: she clearly shows the increasing schism between English literature departments, who accept Shakespeare’s authorship without question or discussion, and other departments who may also claim to have expertise in the area.


“Who has the authority to determine the truth about the past?” Winkler asks. “Usually the answer is historians.”

Portrait of William Shakespeare, artist unknown.

Portrait of William Shakespeare, artist unknown.Credit: Bloomberg

And there lies the rub: despite being one of the most famous individuals in history, William Shakespeare is unique in that his life is rarely studied in history departments, due to the lack of a documented writing career. Oxford history professor Hugh Trevor-Roper wrote that Shakespeare “has been subjected to the greatest battery of organised research that has ever been directed upon a single person. And yet the greatest of all Englishmen, after this tremendous inquisition, still remains so close to a mystery that even his identity [as a writer] can still be doubted.”

Yet perhaps the most startling revelation is the reaction of the “Stratfordian” English professors interviewed in the book and their reluctance, even evasiveness, around engaging with any of the evidence Winkler presents to them.
When Winkler asked Professor Marjorie Garber, “Do you think there are reasonable grounds to doubt the authorship?“, Garber replied, “I’ve no idea.” “You don’t know?” Winkler responded, to which Garber said, “It’s not my research.”

When James Shapiro – an American professor who had reprimanded Winkler over an earlier article she had published on the subject – was asked in a letter by Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens why a Jacobean author had named Oxford first in a list of prominent writers, yet had failed to name Shakespeare, an exchange of awkward and unintentionally humorous letters ensued, in which Shapiro danced around the issue, not actually addressing the question at hand.

Christopher Marlowe, another candidate to be the author of Shakespeare’s plays.

Christopher Marlowe, another candidate to be the author of Shakespeare’s plays.Credit:

To be fair, many of the arguments put forward have been of such poor quality that many English professors may have developed an understandable cynicism towards authorship doubters. Yet a theory should be judged by its best iteration, not its worst, and the arguments Winkler details via interviews with some “non-Stratfordians” are nothing less than entertaining, such as the one pointing to poet and possible spy Christopher Marlowe – believed by some to have faked his own death and lived in exile in Italy. Some arguments are genuinely compelling, such as those related to the problems women faced in publishing under their own names at the time.

Is Winkler biased towards the non-Stratfordian viewpoint? That is up to the reader to decide. Yet her lucid and often humorous style, in which she successfully maintains a steady stream of interesting historical facts without tipping into a lecture, makes this an engaging read.

And if the discussion of Shakespeare’s authorship gets more people watching and reading the plays and reading the poems, which it seems to, all the better.

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