

This was published 1 year ago

AEC ticks off Peter Dutton over ‘factually incorrect’ complaint

By James Massola

The Australian Electoral Commission has rebuked Peter Dutton for making a “factually incorrect” complaint after the federal opposition leader complained that a tick on a Voice referendum ballot paper counting as a vote but a cross not counting would advantage the Yes camp.

On Thursday, Dutton called on the AEC to rethink counting ticks as a Yes vote but not counting crosses as a No vote on a referendum ballot paper – even though doing this has been standard practice for the commission in referendums for 30 years under so-called ‘savings provisions’.

The AEC has rebuked Peter Dutton for his comments around referendum ballot papers.

The AEC has rebuked Peter Dutton for his comments around referendum ballot papers.Credit:

As Prime Minister Anthony Albanese prepares to announce the referendum date on Wednesday – with October 14 widely expected to be named as polling day – AEC commissioner Tom Rogers this week warned that the level of mis- and disinformation online had reached new highs.

Voters will be clearly instructed to write either Yes or No on their referendum ballot papers but when they do not, the ‘savings provisions’ allow the commission to count a vote when a voter’s intention is clear.

Despite this, Dutton said that the AEC’s ruling gave the Yes campaign a clear advantage and called for the ruling to be re-thought or overturned, even suggesting that he would support legislation to make the change.

In a strongly worded statement issued on Friday, the AEC said Australians were rightly proud of their electoral system and while there was a high level of scrutiny and commentary on the looming referendum, “sometimes this commentary is immediate and based on emotion rather than the reality of the law which the AEC must administer”.

Sample ballot papers for Yes and No.

Sample ballot papers for Yes and No.Credit:

“There has been intense commentary online and in mainstream media regarding what will and will not be a formal vote for the 2023 referendum; specifically around whether or not a ‘tick’ or a ‘cross’ will be able to be counted,” the commission said.

“Much of that commentary is factually incorrect and ignores the law surrounding ‘savings provisions’; the longstanding legal advice regarding the use of ticks and crosses, and the decades-long and multi-referendum history of the application of that law and advice.


“The AEC completely and utterly rejects the suggestions by some that by transparently following the established, public and known legislative requirements we are undermining the impartiality and fairness of the referendum.”

The opposition’s legal affairs spokeswoman Michaelia Cash, however, hit back at the AEC statement and said allowing people to put a cross to denote a No vote was a “basic question of fairness”.

“If a tick counts for Yes, a cross should count for No. To do otherwise gives the Yes case an unfair advantage. The decision to treat ticks as ‘yes’ but crosses as ambiguous is a decision the AEC has made,” she said.

“Saying that there’s a savings provision is misleading. There is no savings provision that deals with ticks and crosses. The AEC says this approach is based on legal advice from the 1980s. But the Australian people have never seen that advice – and just because you’ve done something for a long time doesn’t mean it’s right.”

“The sensible thing would be to make a clear rule so that ticks and crosses are treated equally, and neither side gets an advantage.”


The AEC was asked for a copy of the legal advice.

In an interview with this masthead earlier this month, Rogers said some of the theories the AEC had seen online about the referendum being compromised were “truly nutty, tinfoil hat-wearing, bonkers conspiracy theories”.

“That doesn’t mean people can’t express those views but if they’re talking about the electoral system and trying to confuse people, it’s our job to fix it.”

The AEC has launched a campaign called stop and consider, Rogers said, to encourage people to think about the reliability of sources they accessed for election information.


ABC election analyst Antony Green suggested the No campaign may have raised concerns about crosses now to make the case that “the Yes case is getting all the advantages, with institutions all signed on” in support.

“This could have been raised earlier this year when the Referendum Act was reviewed, but no one raised this as an issue,” he said.

“The rules on what is called the ‘savings provision’, the Act says write Yes or No but the provision for formality gives leeway so that a vote with a clear intent to say Yes or No can count. So if someone writes ‘yeah’ or ‘hell no’ or ‘yessss’ or ‘no way’, that is not Yes or No but the intent is clear and it is counted.

“But when it comes to ticks and crosses there is a body of case law on the subject which rules on what the meaning of a tick and what the meaning of a cross is and it’s not all related to elections either. The AEC has solicitor-general’s advice on this. This looks perfectly sound to me.”

Despite Dutton’s insistence that an X should denote a No vote, in his 2022 election candidate nomination form he repeatedly placed an X in a box to indicate a Yes to questions about his citizenship and the country of his parents’ birth, for example.

A screenshot from Peter Dutton’s Registry of Members’ Interests showing he used a cross to select Yes.

A screenshot from Peter Dutton’s Registry of Members’ Interests showing he used a cross to select Yes.

Australian National University politics lecturer Jill Sheppard said the AEC had to deal with one of the world’s most complicated electoral systems because of compulsory voting and the preferential voting system.

“It is not an exaggeration to say they are really world-leading in election administration and we don’t give them enough credit. They export their knowledge around the world and particularly throughout Asia,” she said.

“In as much as this helps the No campaign, Peter Dutton knows what he is doing. He is pushing a narrative around complexity.”

The AEC noted in the 1999 referendum, just 0.86 per cent of votes cast were informal and of those informal votes, only a few related to people using either a tick or a cross rather than writing Yes or No on their ballot paper.

Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney said the AEC was a trusted entity in this country and the way that they are conducting this referendum is absolutely no different to previous national votes.

“The important thing is that Australians know their way around ballot papers. And this is a referendum that requires Australian people to write either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in the space provided. And my encouragement is to write ‘Yes’,” she said.

“Quite frankly, the AEC should be congratulated for having more people, Aboriginal people on the roll than ever before in our history, and working closely and collaboratively with people that want to see this as a fair and equitable referendum.”

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