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A, B or C: Scoring Ita Buttrose’s five-year tenure as chair of the ABC
This week it was announced that Ita Buttrose would not seek a second term as chair of the ABC. Will she leave as a success, a failure, or something in between?
By Karl Quinn
Outgoing ABC chair Ita Buttrose.Credit: Oscar Coleman
A week is a long time in politics, they say, but a weekend might be even longer in the life of the chair of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
On Friday August 18, Ita Buttrose went on Virginia Trioli’s morning show on ABC Radio Melbourne, ostensibly to talk about the passing of British broadcasting legend Michael Parkinson, with whom she had been friends.
Inevitably, the conversation turned to the topic of her tenure as chair of the ABC, and whether she might seek to extend it beyond the end of her five-year term in March 2024.
“I’m mulling it over,” Buttrose said.
“Which way are you leaning right now,” prodded Trioli.
“Oh Virginia, come along,” responded Buttrose with her customary mix of charm and steeliness. “We’re talking about the art of the interview. I’m not going to answer that question.”
She did say she had found her time at the ABC “very challenging, but very enjoyable”. The five years had flown by, she added, “but it’s a big decision to decide whether or not I’ll do another five years.”
Age was a factor, she conceded, and life “is full of unexpected detours and you never know how it’s going to turn out”.
Are you talking to the government about staying on, Trioli asked.
“I’m expecting to have a conversation with the minister shortly.”
Ita Buttrose, chair of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, will not seek a second term at the end of her five-year tenure in March 2024.Credit: ABC
It appears that conversation may have been bumped up the respective calendars of Buttrose and the federal communications minister, Michelle Rowland, whose portfolio includes the ABC, because by Tuesday morning the minister’s department had issued a statement in which it clarified that Buttrose “is not seeking reappointment following the completion of her current term”.
Describing Buttrose as “a giant of Australia’s media industry”, and thanking her for her “exemplary service”, Rowland said: “Ms Buttrose was the right chair for the right time”.
But for many reading the tea leaves, it was impossible not to wonder if that also suggested the government felt she was not the right chair for the time to come.
“I don’t know if this is a government decision or an Ita decision, though I suspect it’s the former,” says one veteran ABC observer who, like many of those spoken to for this story, wished to speak anonymously. “She is 81 and she’s recently had back surgery, but she’s very vigorous and I would be surprised if she didn’t feel she could keep going.”
But one well-placed ABC insider is convinced the decision was Buttrose’s, and one she reached “a few weeks ago”. Though she remains as sharp as ever, the pain she is in is considerable; as she said on Perth radio recently, at her age, back problems are a real issue.
Regardless of whose decision it was, the announcement that Buttrose will step down in March – coupled with the revelation this week that managing director David Anderson, whose term was due to expire next May, has been reappointed for another five years – allows the ABC to contemplate the next phase of its transformation to a digital-first media organisation with a degree of certainty and stability that was unthinkable when she came into the role.
The not-so-dream team: The ABC’s former chair, Justin Milne, and managing director, Michelle Guthrie.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
Buttrose was appointed by then prime minister Scott Morrison in February 2019, despite not even having been on the shortlist put forward to cabinet by an independent panel convened by the communications department to scout and suggest suitable candidates.
By the time she arrived, the board had been stacked with directors appointed by the Coalition outside the merit system, and the notion of the organisation’s independence from government was under siege. That she was a “captain’s pick” immediately gave rise to fears that she was yet another purely political appointment.
At its upper echelons, the ABC was in disarray. Former chair Justin Milne had resigned in September 2018 amid allegations of interference in operational matters, while managing director Michelle Guthrie had been sacked by Milne and his board earlier that month.
Kirstin Ferguson was a member of the board from 2015 to 2020, and acting chair from Milne’s departure to Buttrose’s start in early March. And from the moment she first met Buttrose, she says, it was clear she meant business.
“From day one, she brought a deep understanding of what the ABC does,” says Ferguson. “There are a lot of acts, as well as the charter and the ABC Act itself, and she was all across that in my first meeting with her. She was very clear about the role of the board, the role of independence, that was obviously very important.”
Buttrose was only a few months into the job when she was presented with the first test of that independence. In June 2019, the Australian Federal Police raided the offices of the ABC in search of classified documents. Buttrose’s response was fierce and immediate. She said publicly that the raid was “clearly designed to intimidate” the organisation, and revealed she’d had a “frank conversation” with communications minister Paul Fletcher, who had declined to offer a guarantee that such raids would not happen again.
Then editorial director Craig McMurtie speaks to the media outside the ABC after the AFP raids in June 2019.Credit: Kate Geraghty
“I think the government totally underestimated the strength of Ita as a leader,” says Ferguson. “They thought they’d get a figurehead, and they absolutely did not.”
Joe Gersh, who sat on the ABC board from 2018 until May this year, agrees with that assessment. There’s a view, he says, that every government tries to appoint a chair with whom they feel comfortable. “And then they get a surprise when the chair they’ve appointed acts independently – but that’s precisely the role to which they’ve been appointed. It’s required by legislation. It’s a key responsibility of the chair.”
To ABC staff, Buttrose’s defiance in the face of the AFP raids was a welcome sign that they now had a defender as chair, in stark contrast to Milne, who had been seen by many as implacably at odds with the broadcaster he ostensibly led.
“People forget how almost fundamentally broken the ABC was at a leadership and board level at the time she arrived,” says one former senior executive. “We’ve all forgotten the great nuclear meltdown that was Justin Milne and Michelle Guthrie.
“I struggled to get up and go to work every morning because it was so awful,” the source continues. “Then David [Anderson] and Ita arrived, and you could not have picked two people better suited at the time to restore the soul of the place.”
Nor was the AFP raid an isolated incident. In the wake of the infamous Inside the Canberra Bubble episode of Four Corners (in which an unnamed member of the government, later self-identified as Christian Porter, was accused of rape), Buttrose accused Paul Fletcher and the government of a pattern of behaviour that “smacks of political interference”. Porter has denied the rape allegation.
Buttrose and the Coalition’s communications minister Paul Fletcher engaged in a fierce tussle over perceived bias in 2020.Credit: Sydney Morning Herald
“She stood up for us when it really counted,” says one current broadcaster. “She pushed back, which a lot of chairs don’t do.”
Everyone spoken to for this story is of the same view regarding this aspect of Buttrose’s tenure: She genuinely believes the ABC should be fearless.
“She’s been robust in standing up for independence,” says ABC Alumni chair and former Media Watch host Jonathan Holmes. “She effectively told [former communications minister] Paul Fletcher to get f----d over the Canberra Bubble story.”
Much of her power as an advocate for the ABC has come from her demeanour, observes one communications consultant with vast experience of crisis management. “She hasn’t been an easy target,” they note. “You haven’t seen any emotional or stroppy responses, any screaming aggression – it’s very much been ‘talk to the hand’.”
The word that people use most often when describing Buttrose is tough. She learnt how to handle herself in the newsrooms of Australian Consolidated Press, and how to navigate boardroom politics under the tutelage of Kerry Packer. But while that may have been her greatest asset in standing up to a hostile former government, it has also rubbed people up the wrong way internally.
Her decision to override the recommendations of an independent review into the ABC’s handling of complaints by having a newly created ombudsman report to the board rather than to management struck many – including Holmes, who wrote about it for this masthead – as a threat to the very independence she had fought for. But in practice, under the stewardship of Fiona Cameron, the process appears to be working well.
“It could certainly go wrong if you have someone who is antithetical to the ABC, there could be political pressure on that role,” notes one high-profile ABC insider. “But I think it’s good that the ombudsman reports to the board.”
There have been other flashpoints too. A public spat last year over the ABC’s failure to grapple with generational renewal, of both talent and audience, led to Buttrose complaining about ageism, even as its listening and viewing numbers nosedived.
She does appear to grasp the challenge, though. Speaking to Trioli last week about the two vacant positions yet to be filled on the ABC board, she said she hadn’t mentioned individuals she felt were suitable to the minister “because I find that jinxes them”, but had identified the skills needed.
“As we move more and more into digital programming I do believe we need directors who have top-class digital experience. We need digital natives, in other words.”
She might equally have been talking about what is needed of the next chair.
The ABC also came in for sustained criticism of its coverage of the coronation of King Charles III, which sparked a row over racism within the organisation even as presenter Stan Grant was subjected to vile racist abuse from commentators outside it. And the fact Buttrose, who declined to comment for this story, has been willing to apologise to some of the organisation’s harshest critics when it is arguable there is nothing to apologise for does not sit well with insiders.
Q+A host Stan Grant stepped away from the ABC after racist abuse in the aftermath of the network’s coronation coverage.Credit: Chris Hopkins
“There have been a couple of showdowns where Ita has made a call – like apologising to people or condemning things the ABC has done – and it has been presented as a fait-accompli,” says one insider. “You can’t really have that at the top of your organisation.”
“The constituency that Ita tunes into would generally be considered the ABC’s loudest critics – not politically, but around things like the coronation,” says the former senior executive. “She listens to the monarchists, she’s very plugged into corporate Australia, those upper echelons of Sydney society. That’s her constituency.”
And that points to perhaps the most significant friction in Buttrose’s tenure, which arises from her understanding of the nature of her role. In short, critics suggest, she sometimes acts more like an editor-in-chief than a chair, whose role ought to be to advise and support senior management rather than to direct it.
“The relationship with David Anderson is not good,” says one ABC staffer. “They’ve argued constantly. ”
Describing the relationship of chair and managing director as “textured”, the former executive says, “I don’t think in values or understanding the ABC’s role they would differ much, but it’s around those big public events [where they diverge]. Management taking decisions that cause public ructions is never embraced by boards.”
“She is very hands-on,” adds another insider. “She’s a fantastic advocate and asset for the ABC, but she’s overstepped the mark at times in terms of being too operational.”
Buttrose and managing director David Anderson have not always seen eye to eye, say insiders.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer
But, they add, there’s an argument that the chair and the board have at least some right to be involved in decision-making, since it is they who are responsible for ensuring the broadcaster meets its charter obligations. And besides, anyone who imagined Ita Buttrose, with her vast media experience, was ever going to sit quietly was deluded.
“Given her career, what she’s achieved, what she’s done, that’s what you get. That’s what it says on the box.”
Tough, strong-minded. Committed to independence and good governance, and not afraid to trade blows with the people who hand-picked her for the role. These are the virtues that have defined Ita Buttrose’s stint as chair of the ABC – and let’s not forget that she has another seven months in which to continue to display those qualities. But too hands-on, too ready to listen to criticism from a narrow constituency, too determined to leave her mark on operational matters – these may be the marks that stand against her time in the role.
On balance, says Joe Gersh, her tenure will be seen as a positive one. “And more so in retrospect, when it’s assessed from a distance.
“She’s just been a staunch champion of the ABC at a time when that was needed, and that will clear the path for the incoming chairman to do likewise and take the ABC forward,” he says.
But for some at the organisation, the equation is even simpler.
“The thing about the chair is it doesn’t matter what they do until it’s catastrophic,” the broadcaster says. “She didn’t hire a Michelle Guthrie, and counting the blessings of the things she didn’t do is important.
“You have to thank God she didn’t f--- it up.”
Contact the author at, follow him on Facebook at karlquinnjournalist and on Twitter @karlkwin, and read more of his work here.
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