

This was published 1 year ago


Transurban knows for whom the tolls bell

With revenues surging by an eye-watering 26 per cent last financial year, Transurban, the behemoth controlling Sydney’s toll roads, must surely be crying all the way to the bank.

For motorists, there can only be tears of rage. And there will be more before bedtime. Inflation is, in fact, helping fuel the company’s profits and returns to shareholders as inflation-linked toll fees boost Transurban’s bottom line and guarantee that motorists, already wilting from petrol prices dancing over $2 a litre, will be hit by even higher toll fees.

Sydney motorists can expect toll increases to extend into next year, as they are linked to the rate of inflation.

Sydney motorists can expect toll increases to extend into next year, as they are linked to the rate of inflation.Credit: Rhett Wyman

Of concern too, as NSW spends billions on new infrastructure and climate change imposes change on travel habits, Transurban appears to be winning the battle for the hearts and minds of people who once rode trains and buses.

Transurban’s results show average daily traffic on the Sydney toll roads it operates leapt by 24 per cent last financial year. Unveiling record annual earnings on Wednesday, the company expected what it called “additional inflation-linked escalations” in tolls would “positively impact” revenue in the 12 months to next June. Further, reflecting the toll windfall, Transurban disclosed CEO Scott Charlton’s total pay package rose to $6.45 million from $4.34 million in 2022.

Sydney is now the world’s toll road capital, with 13 user-pay motorways. Transurban controls all of them, except for the Harbour Bridge and tunnel. It continues to rake in money thanks to the gung-ho deals done during the public/private partnership/outsourcing era once beloved by federal, state and local governments. The Transurban contract linked many motorways’ charges to the rate of inflation or guaranteed a better payday if inflation fell. The deals, which in retrospect look as though they had been negotiated by credulous amateurs, locked in a ridiculous system that prevented any losses, guaranteeing Transurban could raise tolls on some roads by at least 4 per cent each year or the rate of inflation (whichever is higher) until 2040. After that, they increase at the rate of inflation.


With no competition in the market, Transurban has a practical monopoly, leaving motorists with a rancid form of Sophie’s Choice: pay the burgeoning tolls or take the long route. The growth in toll roads has created an increasingly uneven impost on commuters depending on where they live. While many of the best-paid jobs are found in the city, motorists in the city’s west face a stiff toll levy to access them. Many households in the south-west fork out more than double the amount in tolls each year than those in inner-metropolitan areas.

The Minns government is attempting to change all that. From January 2024, the NSW government will bring a $60 per week toll cap scheme for household motorists, and a reduction in the truck toll multiplier for heavy vehicles on the M5 East and M8 corridors. The scheme will run for two years.

But aside from Transurban’s contractually guaranteed gouging, there is no denying that Sydney’s tolling system is broken. There is a confusing hotchpotch of fixed charges, distance charges, mixed access and distance-based tolls, and an absurd claim-back system that in the past has unfairly penalised some residents and requires users to spend their own money to be reimbursed. An independent inquiry headed by Professor Allan Fels and Dr David Cousins has been established to sort out the mess.

Clearly the Minns government knows the present arrangements are discriminatory and chaotic. Change from the present messy patchwork to a rational tolling regime will not be simple. But the monopolistic system of rewards that allows Transurban to reap such a cornucopia without any competition is bad policy and should no longer be tolerated.

Bevan Shields sends an exclusive newsletter to subscribers each week. Sign up to receive his Note from the Editor.

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