

This was published 1 year ago

Nike versus Puma: The ambush marketing campaign dividing the Matildas

By Vince Rugari

Football Australia has blocked players from the pioneering 1975 Australian women’s team from referring to themselves as former Matildas as part of an ambush marketing campaign by a rival apparel brand that has bitterly divided the national team’s alumni network.

A long-running debate over who should be regarded as the ‘first Matildas’ – and thus the true matriarchs of the sport in Australia – has erupted in the build-up to the FIFA Women’s World Cup, implicating current players and, according to one source who did not wish to be named due to the sensitive nature of the situation, has even ruined friendships between ex-teammates.

Inaugural Matildas captain Julie Dolan, 1975 representative Trixie Tagg, and current Australia skipper Sam Kerr.

Inaugural Matildas captain Julie Dolan, 1975 representative Trixie Tagg, and current Australia skipper Sam Kerr.Credit: Getty/Supplied

It relates to the team that wore green and gold at the 1975 Asian Cup Ladies Football Tournament in Hong Kong, whose groundbreaking role in Australian women’s football was given overdue formal recognition by FA for the first time in May 2022, after almost half a century in the shadows.

But because FA’s historical committee unanimously ruled they were a club team – with the majority of the 16 players drawn from all-conquering Sydney side St George Budapest, including coach Joe O’Connor, and the rest from NSW rivals – the federation stopped short of classifying them as full-blown Matildas due to the absence of a competitive national selection process.

The team had gained permission from Sir Arthur George, the chair of the FIFA-affiliated Australian Soccer Federation, to wear the national colours and coat of arms – although the ASF had no involvement at the time with the women’s game, which was run by the Australian Women’s Soccer Association, which formed a year earlier.

The 1975ers were offered unnumbered caps by FA, inclusion in the federation’s official records, recognition as the first women’s team to represent Australia in an internationally sanctioned tournament, and entry into the Matildas Alumni club, which holds various functions and events for ex-players.

But they thumbed their nose at FA’s offer, and 10 of them have since linked up with Puma – a direct competitor to the Matildas’ apparel sponsors Nike – which has launched a reported six-figure advertising campaign spotlighting the 1975 players with billboards, social media advertising and various other pieces of content telling their remarkable story.

The 1975ers are shown shedding tears as they read out a letter of recognition from Puma’s Oceania general manager Pancho Gutstein in one video. In another, current Matildas Charli Grant and Aivi Luik, as well as AFL stars Toby Greene and Scott Pendlebury – who all have individual endorsement deals with Puma – announce the names of the players who will take part in a ‘walking football’ rematch against New Zealand, their rivals at that tournament in Hong Kong, to be held on Cockatoo Island in Sydney this weekend.


The players, who have been dubbed the ‘OGs’ by Puma, were reunited for the first time since 1975, supplied with branded tracksuits and shoes, and have also been provided tickets for Thursday night’s clash between Australia and Ireland. They will watch it with their New Zealand counterparts – despite the Football Ferns hosting Norway in the tournament’s opener in Auckland on the same day.

FA says it planned to produce similar video content highlighting the players’ contributions had they taken up the offer made to them last year. Gutstein confirmed that when Puma’s campaign launched, an FA executive made contact and warned them about not breaching the federation’s IP, including use of the term ‘Matildas’, the trademark for which is owned by FA.

The 1975 Australian XI is the centre of an ambush marketing campaign by Puma.

The 1975 Australian XI is the centre of an ambush marketing campaign by Puma.Credit: Puma

Last month, FA submitted another trademark request for ‘Tillies’, a shortened version of the team’s nickname commonly used by fans.

FA said it did not “hold a view” on the Puma campaign as it didn’t infringe on any trademarks or their partnership with Nike, which was also contacted for comment.

FA’s board will review the 1975ers’ claims again after the World Cup, with the players believed to be undeterred in their pursuit of further recognition – despite FA’s historians and some ex-Matildas, while recognising the significance of their achievements, believing they are overreaching by demanding numbered caps.

“With regard to the debate, that’s really not our call at all,” said Gutstein. “We just think that they have an amazing story. It’s a wonderful year to celebrate and share that story.” Puma sponsors only two of the 32 teams at the World Cup, while Adidas has a longstanding deal with FIFA.

Inaugural Matildas captain Julie Dolan, who holds cap No.1, at the FIFA Women’s World Cup draw last year.

Inaugural Matildas captain Julie Dolan, who holds cap No.1, at the FIFA Women’s World Cup draw last year.Credit: Getty

Unnumbered caps were also recently offered to – and accepted by – the 1978 Australian team, which FA says was the first senior women’s side selected through a national process, but since they competed against club teams at an invitational tournament in Taiwan that year, and not against other nations, those matches are also not seen as full ‘A’ internationals.

Of the 16 players from the 1975 team, two have since passed away, as has coach O’Connor, and only three went on to earn numbered caps by playing in full ‘A’ international matches. Inaugural Matildas captain Julie Dolan was one of them, and featured in the 1979 clash against New Zealand that FA recognises as the Matildas’ first ‘A’ international, as well as the 1978 team.

Dolan is not involved with the Puma campaign. She declined to comment; sources close to Dolan claim her family was verbally abused the last time she weighed in on the topic. Dolan is the holder of Matildas cap No.1, a status which has led to prominent roles in FA and FIFA activities at World Cup events, and one she would theoretically lose if the caps were to be reshuffled to accommodate the 1975ers – as some of her ex-teammates seem to insist should happen.


In a public Facebook post, former FA director Heather Reid alleges the Puma campaign’s narrative “smacks of deception”, sparking a slanging match in the comments where 1975 player Trixie Tagg accuses her of trying to “rewrite our history” and describing the team’s treatment as that of “illegitimate cousins”. Others questioned what they said was an exclusionary approach.

Tagg said in an article on The Roar in 2020 that simply being acknowledged by FA – as they were last year – would “mean the world to us”, and that the players would never expect cap numbers to be changed.

In another post on a private Matildas Alumni group, seen by this masthead, one ex-player wrote: “Given the choice between honesty and kindness, most of us have chosen kindness. But after the Puma campaign ... it’s time for honesty.

“A team that isn’t nationally selected doesn’t pass the test to be classified as a national team – regardless of what colours they were allowed to wear. We all played many games in green & gold that weren’t classified as A international caps, for a whole range of reasons. A team where nobody else has an opportunity to be chosen simply isn’t a national team.

“Whoever is giving them false expectations is not doing them, or football, any favours. It’s sad to see this divide our game.”

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