

This was published 1 year ago

Ambition, resentment and passion collide in tragicomedy The Orchestra

By Ben Pobjie

The Orchestra ★★★½
SBS, Thursday, 12am and SBS On Demand

Comedy is not one of Denmark’s most celebrated exports: culturally speaking, Scandinavia is better known for its harrowing tales of murder and political intrigue in a chilly climate. Obviously, there is more to Denmark than death, snow and The Little Mermaid, and The Orchestra is a fine entree to the Danish approach to humour. However, it should not perhaps be surprising that this comedy is also steeped in bleakness.

“Tragicomedy” is an apt category in which to place this show – the flaws that make its characters funny are exactly those that make them pathetic. It’s not necessarily the program to go to for massive belly laughs, although with subtitled shows you’re always at the mercy of the director, and it’s possible that The Orchestra is full of sparkling wordplay that only fluent Danish speakers will appreciate. Sadly your humble correspondent is unable to confidently rule on this.

Frederik Cilius Jorgensen (Bo) and Emma Sehested Hoeg (Elin) in The Orchestra.

Frederik Cilius Jorgensen (Bo) and Emma Sehested Hoeg (Elin) in The Orchestra.Credit: SBS

It doesn’t matter: there’s plenty going on, on both comic and tragic fronts, to occupy the mind, even with the yellow text running riot at the bottom of the screen. The Orchestra is the tale of the seething morass of ambition, resentment, hatred and passion bubbling beneath the surface of the Copenhagen Symphonic Orchestra.

As our story begins we meet Jeppe Nygren (Rasmus Bruun), who is starting his new job as deputy head of the orchestra, a position he is qualified for in a professional sense but woefully unequipped to handle in terms of interpersonal relationships. A devoted husband and father – whose devotion may not always be reciprocated in quite the same degree – Jeppe is a pathological people-pleaser. As his wife tells him, his need to be liked is “sick”, and he finds, as he tries to navigate the jealousies and rivalries of the orchestra, that it is paradoxically his very horror of upsetting anyone that causes him to rub everyone up the wrong way.

Desperately conflict-averse, Jeppe finds himself therefore incapable of resolving conflict, floundering about in both his professional and personal lives with an uneasiness gnawing at him that he is constitutionally unable to address. At those moments when he summons the courage to stand up for what he believes, the triumphalism tends not to last long.

Immediately upon his entrance into the world of the orchestra, Jeppe clashes with the show’s other central protagonist, Bo Hoxenhaven (Frederik Cilius Jorgensen). Bo is the orchestra’s second clarinettist, but is convinced he should be the first – his belief in his own talent is absolute. In fact, this belief is shared by those around him, who know he is a better clarinettist than Simon, the first, but dislike Bo so much they don’t care.

Bo is an infuriating character, almost impossible to like but often easy to pity. Like Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker in the woodwind section, he fumes and rages at the unjust system that refuses to recognise the seemingly obvious fact that he is destined for greatness. He also lives with his mother, who washes him in the bath and feeds his sense of injustice, assuring him that he is the best and that he need not bow to “the morals of mediocrity” when it comes to getting ahead. Within the first two episodes, Bo has had his dream fulfilled, then dashed, and then further indignity heaped upon him with an accusation of workplace impropriety. Almost at boiling point with the unfairness of it all, he subsequently comes into possession of information that could turn his life around and upend the lives of everyone around him.


Everything that’s going on in The Orchestra could just as easily be the foundation of a drama, and indeed at many times it plays out like one: the tension of unhappy people fighting to break free of their own personalities, and the intensity of feeling that comes naturally to those who have dedicated their life to work as all-consuming as that of an orchestra. But the laughs do come, often uneasily, as workplace mores and the absurd frailties of humans collide. Comedy is born not of slick one-liners but a recognition of how petty and sad our obsessions can look when viewed from outside – and perhaps a sense of relief that we ourselves will never be forced to handle the pressure of playing classical music.

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