

This was published 1 year ago


Albanese will lose his Voice unless it changes tune

Unless something dramatic changes, the referendum for an Indigenous Voice to parliament will fail.

This is the stark evidence of the published opinion polls. And while different polling companies show different levels of approval in their latest results, they all show the same broad trend – an uninterrupted loss of support, not just by a few percentage points or within the margin of error but dramatically and continuously.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John Shakespeare

For instance, nearly two-thirds of respondents – 64 per cent – supported a Yes vote in August last year, according to the Resolve Strategic poll series published by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. But that was before the National Party, then the Liberal Party and the other No campaigners got to work.

The latest Resolve poll, published last week, shows support to be in minority for the first time – 49 per cent. The margin of error is plus or minus 2.4 per cent.

“The trend has only been going one way,” said the pollster, Jim Reed, who was one of only two pollsters accurately to predict the outcome of the same-sex marriage survey within the margin of error. “A loss of support for Yes.”

“We are at a tipping point now,” he tells me. “All the polls show support for Yes in the late 40s or early 50s, and it’s getting more socially acceptable for people to say No when half the people are saying No.”

The sole exception is the Essential poll, which describes itself as “a proud Yes23 campaign partner” and shows support at 60 per cent.

Looking across the average results of the five different polling firms, political scientist and Sydney University professor Simon Jackman observes an acceleration in the slump: “It’s unambiguous that Yes has ceded ground to No. It was around 60 per cent at the start of the year and it’s much closer to 50 now.


“As far as we can tell, looking across all of the polls and taking into account the differences between the polls, from the beginning of the year to about six weeks ago Yes was shedding an average of one quarter of a percentage point per week. With the last batch of polls, it’s accelerated to shedding an average of one half of a percentage point a week.” If uninterrupted over the 15 weeks to the expected voting date, this trend would cost the Yes vote another 7 percentage points or so, driving it emphatically to failure.


This is testament to the very fine fearmongering we’ve seen from the Coalition and the other No campaigners. The Voice as proposed is nothing more than an advisory body. The federal government already has dozens. This would be just one more. But the opponents successfully have insinuated and hyperventilated the thing into something sinister and scary. And headed for failure.

This shouldn’t be a surprise. In the dismal history of Australian constitutional referendums, the only ones that have succeeded have enjoyed bipartisan political support. Once a referendum question has been contested by a major party, it’s been doomed. Besides, it’s harder for the Yes case because of the “double majority” required – to change the constitution, you not only need a majority of voters nationwide, you also need a majority of voters in a majority of states.

Australia has six states, so a majority is four. So if support dips below 50 per cent in three states, the referendum is lost. And, according to the Resolve poll, we are there already. Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland all showed Yes support in minority, with the caveat that the sample sizes in these less populous states are relatively small so the uncertainties are large.

Reed puts it this way: “It’s five times harder for the Yes case because the No vote just needs 50 per cent plus one, in three of the smaller states. So if that’s WA and South Australia and Tasmania they only need 1.5 million votes to block it. But the Yes side needs a national majority, which is 8.7 million or 7.5 million allowing for turnout and informal votes. So it’s stacked against Yes – it’s as if they have to run five laps while No only needs to run one. It’s that difficult.”


Something dramatic has to change. This week, two things did. First, the legislation to allow the referendum passed its final parliamentary test. The parliament need not have any further involvement.

“There’s a big distinction between the phase we have just been through and the phase we are about to enter,” says Noel Pearson, Cape York Institute policy director and a board member for the Yes campaign, formally known as Australians for Indigenous Constitutional Recognition.

“It’s been a torrid period, these last two months, wrangling politicians, arguing politicians that have been raising problems with the Voice. They are irrelevant now, strictly speaking,” he tells me. “Once the bill becomes law, it’s handed over to the Australian people. My view is that the 151 Australian MPs are 151 votes in October”, when the referendum is expected to be held. “It’s the 17.5 million voters in whose hands this lies.”

Not that politicians are about to fall silent on the matter. Many are looking to advance their careers with it, both those for it and against. So political noise will go on. But the new phase doesn’t depend on the parliament. And there is limited opportunity for parliamentary posturing on it, with only four sitting weeks remaining before the expected October voting date. And the Yes campaign has been waiting for this post-parliamentary phase before becoming fully active.

Second, the Labor Party realised that something dramatic needed to change. Its organisational wing has decided to deal itself into the campaigning effort. Labor’s national secretary, Paul Erickson, announced to the federal caucus room on Tuesday that the party is about to mobilise a field campaign in support of the Yes vote.

Erickson told the assembled MPs and senators that the party would activate members and supporters and union members and volunteers across the wider community to go out and talk to voters across the country. We will turn on a field campaign, and on the same scale, as for a federal election, he said. In last year’s election, Labor counted 27000 of its volunteers making 1.4 million phone calls and 891,000 door knocks.

Erickson cheered the caucus by giving three reasons for optimism. First, the post-parliamentary phase would reduce the scope for Coalition divisiveness, he said.

Second, Australians know that the Labor government can do more than one thing at a time, according to Erickson. He cited an Essential poll that voters trust Labor over the Coalition to handle the cost of living crisis, for instance. This gave Labor scope and standing to campaign for the Voice at the same time as managing other issues.


Third, that all Labor’s research showed a broadly positive attitude to the Voice among the electorate and that the campaign should be able to maintain a double majority because it will put forward compelling arguments, framing the vote as being about recognition and listening, he said.

Erickson told the caucus that it wouldn’t look like a Labor campaign because it would be working closely with the Yes23 campaign. Yet the decision to mobilise shows that Labor knows the Voice is in serious trouble and it’s determined to salvage it.

Yet Labor also mobilised a major field campaign in the 2019 federal election, with 25000 volunteers and over a million phone calls. And lost. The Coalition ran a scare campaign and won. So it’ll take something more dramatic than a Labor field campaign to revive a Voice that has been drowned out by unrelenting fearmongering.

“We have to look forward,” says Pearson, “to breaking through to a better Australia.”

Good luck.

Peter Hartcher is political editor.

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An earlier version of this article said that the outcome of the referendum would be impacted by support falling below 50 per cent in two states. This has been updated to clarify that support would need to fall below 50 per cent in three states.

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