

This was published 1 year ago

Why everything got more expensive over a decade – but your wages didn’t keep up

The price of everything has out-paced incomes for a decade. And over the past 12 months, it’s gotten worse.

By Shane Wright and Craig Butt


Illustration:Credit: Matthew Absalom-Wong

There’s a link between that high-priced puppy you bought to get through the COVID pandemic and the mortgage pain you’re feeling from the Reserve Bank.

Don’t be sucked in by those sad eyes, droopy ears and wagging tail. Inflation can be found in the dog house just as easily as it can be spotted on supermarket shelves and in the bill from the childcare centre.

And it has been building over a decade. Cost of living has come into particularly sharp focus over the past 12 months, but the price of everything – from bread and milk to holidays and vet bills – has outpaced wage growth for at least 10 years.

This week, the Australian Bureau of Statistics released the March quarter consumer price index. It showed that over the past year, prices across all goods and services had climbed by 7 per cent.

While inflation has eased recently, it’s still well above the Reserve Bank’s 2-3 per cent target band. The RBA board meets on Tuesday, with another rate rise on the agenda.

Inflation is acute presently, delivering a real cost-of-living squeeze to most people. Since the March quarter of 2020, inflation has climbed by 13.8 per cent.


But wages – as measured by the wage price index – have increased by just 6.6 per cent. If you feel like you can’t afford as much as you used to, you’re absolutely correct.

OK. So, how did we get here?

In the seven years leading up to COVID, it was a different story. Inflation between March 2013 and 2020 grew by 13.9 per cent while wages were up by 16.6 per cent.

So, over the past decade, the intensity of cost-of-living pain has depended very much on your spending patterns.

Inflation, as measured by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, is a two-stage process. The most important is to track the cost of everything.

The bureau uses a range of methods to know what’s happening with prices. That includes “web scraping”, through which it collects more than 1 million prices a week by scanning the prices on the websites of major retailers.


But just knowing what prices are doing does not give you the full picture of inflation. The ABS also needs to know what people spend their cash on.

To do this, the bureau creates a virtual “basket” of goods and services. That basket contains everything from blocks of cheese to childcare services to international holidays. The various components are weighted depending on our spending patterns.

What are we spending our money on, mostly?

The single largest item in the virtual basket is housing. It accounts for more than 22 per cent of total spending and includes rents, new dwelling purchase costs and utilities.

The next-largest is food and non-alcoholic drinks (17.2 per cent), followed by transport (11 per cent) and then recreation and culture (10.8 per cent).

It’s in recreation and culture where our dogs, cats and guinea pigs reside, along with veterinary services.


Over the past decade, the proportion of weekly spending going towards bird feed, dog bones and trips to the vet has climbed by a third. That’s a bigger increase than on health (18 per cent), utilities (13 per cent) and meat or seafood (2 per cent).

The only major area of spending growing quicker has been on education, which has soared by 39 per cent.

According to the Bureau of Statistics, Australians now spend more on pets and vets than they do on milk, ice-cream and cheese. And the prices of those goods and services have also gone up.

Over the past decade, veterinary services costs have climbed by almost 48 per cent – faster than property rates, insurance and tertiary education fees. The overall inflation rate for all goods and services for the period is 29.5 per cent.

Pets and vets, got it. What about everything else?

Our pets aren’t the only reason for inflation pressures. The largest price increase over the past decade has been tobacco, up a staggering 211 per cent.

Carnivores have also suffered. Beef prices have climbed by 73.2 per cent as drought (and then floods) reduced the size of the nation’s herd.


Gas prices have made a huge contribution to inflation pressures in recent years. They have climbed by almost 67 per cent since March 2013; more than half of that has occurred since late 2020.

Areas of growing demand and affected by the pandemic, such as medical services and supplies (up 65.1 per cent) and domestic holidays (59.8 per cent), have endured high inflation. The impact of the war in Ukraine is evident in the 55 per cent surge in edible oils and fats.

But it’s not all bad news.

Some goods have become cheaper. The real cost of audio, visual and computing equipment has fallen by more than a third, while women’s clothing has fallen by almost 16 per cent.

Men’s clothing, books and small household appliances barely increased over the same period.

Right. So, why am I not getting that pay rise?


The lift in prices wouldn’t be such a problem if wages had managed to keep pace with inflation. But there are a few issues holding back wages growth.

Inflation is being largely driven by higher input costs for businesses, especially those reliant on imported goods. High-priced energy is pushing up business costs.

That means if a business is going to keep a lid on their prices, they have to look elsewhere. And the largest expense for most firms is their staff.

Over the past 20 to 30 years, the bargaining power of workers – here and overseas – has shrunk. Some of that is by government design, some of it is due to the collapse in the power of unions.

Australia’s own measures of wage growth show that people with union-negotiated enterprise agreements largely do better than people who negotiate by themselves.

The Reserve Bank has for months fretted about a price-wage spiral. It’s worried that as prices go up, workers will demand pay increases in line with inflation. Their big concern is a repeat of the 1970s, when super-sized wage demands fed inflation.

We’re in a slightly different situation now, with prices leading wages growth. But if the Reserve Bank is worried, that concern filters through government and businesses who push back against bigger pay rises.

This week’s inflation figures confirmed a few things: cost-of-living pressures are real, a slowdown in price growth still seems a long way away, and while a dog might be a man’s best friend, they can also be expensive friends.

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