

This was published 1 year ago


Faith: Let’s make Lent about what we do, not what we don’t

By Ann Rennie

When I was a little girl, Lent was a time for “giving up.” What it meant, in reality, was giving up the comforts of confectionery. Lent meant no lollies as my friends and I would forswear that small white paper bag crammed with 10 cents’ worth of milk bottles and freckles and fruit tingles and clinkers. A mixed bag of lollies on the long walk home was heaven. A Choc Wedge was heaven on a stick.

So “giving up” really meant going without or a bit of sacrifice and self-denial; a bit of discipline in not simply being able to gratify every whim. The money not spent was put into the Project Compassion box on top of the fridge and although it was just lots of one and two-cent coins, when it got quite heavy we were proud of our effort and knew that our money might help to save a child’s life in a distant country.

A fish fry on the first night of Lent at St Maximilian Kolbe Catholic  Church in the US city of Pittsburgh.

A fish fry on the first night of Lent at St Maximilian Kolbe Catholic Church in the US city of Pittsburgh.Credit: AP

We understood Lent to be a murky, melancholy time; a sombre time of minor mortification and not watching Gilligan’s Island and not eating meat. Fish and chips were wolfed down by seven hungry siblings on a Lenten Friday. It was a season of preparation and contrition as our foreheads were smudged with ash and we were reminded that Jesus died for us.

We knew we were entering the season of his Passion and death as the statues in the chapel were draped with purple cloths. We learned about the Stations of the Cross and that last brutal journey up the Via Dolorosa to Calvary. Always we knew that Jesus suffered as a human being, and that his blood, sweat and tears were real as he made the sacrifice of his life for our salvation.

Today Lent is still about preparation, about prayer and fasting and donating.

A deaconess marks the forehead of a child with an ash cross at the San Hipolito church in Mexico City.

A deaconess marks the forehead of a child with an ash cross at the San Hipolito church in Mexico City.Credit: AP

However, it can also be looked at as a season of commission rather than omission. We might forgo the morning latte or the sugar in the tea and put a few dollars into the Project Compassion or charity box, not hard things to do, and perhaps a sign that our denials today are not quite so rigorous as those we undertook in the past. But we can also commit to an earnest effort to change a bad habit or reframe an attitude or just try a little kindness.

Lent leads us ultimately to the Resurrection, new and eternal life, so what better way to enhance and renew our own lives than by a commitment to do and be better? Pope Francis reminds us that we can “fast” from many of the habits that are less than we should be. We can smite the small sins and malices and microaggressions that harden our hearts.

This is one way we can honour the man who loved too much; the God-Son who died so that we could live.

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