

This was published 1 year ago


It’s no accident our national gallery is on its knees

I was nine when my mum and dad drove us from Sydney to visit the wildly ambitious new gallery in Canberra. My brothers and I raced around the sculpture garden. I have a vivid memory of that. There’s a photo taken by Dad somewhere of the three of us with Mum, with the massive skin-coloured wall of the new building behind us.

It’s a picture full of hope and has been a quietly constant reminder of how important those early encounters with culture were for me and for my brothers.

Artist Ben Quilty: “Taxpayer funding priorities also reveal political preoccupations.”

Artist Ben Quilty: “Taxpayer funding priorities also reveal political preoccupations.”Credit: Nikki Short

It was 15 years earlier that a Liberal government under Harold Holt had conceived the idea of a national gallery, the same year a referendum was held to delete discriminatory references to Aboriginal people in the Constitution and include them in the census. Over 90 per cent of Australians voted in favour, the highest “yes” vote in our history.

Then the National Gallery of Australia rose from the ground in Canberra. It was one of the world’s largest concrete pours at the time and took nine years to build. Its crazily innovative design was a brilliant counterpoint to the more traditional state museum buildings in Australia. Its noble intent was to embody the cultural ambitions of a modern Australia. What heady times.

Now the NGA faces obliteration. Buckets and blankets sit across the floors of the cavernous exhibition spaces when rain arrives in Canberra. More than 60 staff have been made redundant within the last six years. The cafe is closed permanently. The gallery is on its knees.

The roof leaks are not new. Two decades ago, the Howard government was warned about the impending problem. Instead of funding the repair that government implemented “efficiency dividends” on the NGA and other federal cultural institutions in Canberra. Efficiency dividends, very popular among politicians, are code for funding cuts, and the NGA has faced them every single year since then. They compound, and slowly but surely erode whatever they’re implemented upon.

The NGA is confronting multiple problems as a direct consequence of funding neglect.

Having spent time on the Art Gallery of NSW Board of Trustees I see the issues faced by museum and gallery administrators and executive teams. To go public, to stand up to a government implementing an efficiency dividend risks an increase in the efficiency dividend. Simple.

Taxpayer funding priorities also reveal political preoccupations.


The Australian War Memorial is undergoing a huge rebuild at a cost of half a billion dollars which will make it our largest and best-funded museum. When finished, it will be the biggest space dedicated to the memorialisation of war on the planet. I am a supporter and regular visitor to the AWM, but the rebuild has been controversial, with many critics saying it turns what is a shrine and sacred space for veterans and their families into a museum of war.


The crumbling NGA and the expanding AWM – in view of each other across the lake – could not create a more starkly telling story about the priorities of successive Australian federal governments. Is war what we wish to honour above all other aspects of ourselves as a people?

As an artist, I know and understand how the neglect of the NGA reflects a broader hostility towards the arts within our body politic.

When I won the Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship for young emerging artists, the ATO taxed every dollar I won. They taxed my Archibald Prize winnings too. Every art, literature, film and theatre prize is taxed in Australia. I paid tax on the commission the AWM awarded me to spend a month with Australian troops in Afghanistan.

Conversely, The Stawell Gift foot race – with its $100,000 prize pool – is absolutely tax-free. Graduates from the massive Australian Institute of Sport never have to repay their HECS fees, while the cost of arts degrees has doubled.


While the fate of the NGA is an open question, the Albanese government is seriously considering pouring hundreds of millions into a deeply unpopular AFL stadium in Tasmania. It’s hard not to seriously start to wonder about the priorities of legislators in my country.

It doesn’t have to be like this.

In Ireland, the first €50,000 ($81,000) earned by visual artists, composers, sculptors and authors is tax exempt, while their sportspeople pay tax on sporting prizes.

If nothing is done about the NGA, the building, its history, its astonishing collection, its school excursions, its little nine-year-olds opening their eyes to wondrously ambitious futures will become the most distressingly visible fatality of a long, slow, slippery slope of cultural degradation that has been eating at the fibres of our society for far too long.

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