

This was published 1 year ago


Greens’ capitulation represents Labor’s biggest victory over minor party

So, this is where we’ve ended up after the so-called “climate election”. The likely passage, thanks to the Greens, of a Tony Abbott-era policy that can’t actually guarantee real emissions reductions from the industries it covers.

The Greens-amended safeguard mechanism policy doesn’t ensure Australia is doing its part to meet the Paris Agreement target of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees, and it doesn’t stop new fossil fuel projects, despite the Greens doing their best to spin otherwise when announcing their deal with the government.

Senator Dorinda Cox, Greens resources spokesperson, and Greens leader Adam Bandt.

Senator Dorinda Cox, Greens resources spokesperson, and Greens leader Adam Bandt.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

As such, it represents a pretty comprehensive political victory for Labor who, after a decade on the back foot on climate policy, have regained the upper hand by successfully browbeating the Greens – a party whose fundamental reason for existence is the environment – into supporting their election policy with only minor changes.

It’s a significant shift for the Greens who had previously felt confident holding firm on their raison d’etre, often reaping electoral spoils in return. Most analysis of the 2009 decision by the Greens to reject Kevin Rudd’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme presents it as albatross around their neck, preventing them from being seen as serious political contenders.

In reality, the decision contributed to a massive swing towards the Greens at the 2010 election, helping elect current leader Adam Bandt to the House of Representatives and led to the biggest Senate vote the party has ever seen. The party leveraged that result into passing the Clean Energy Act, the most serious climate legislation in Australian history.

Following the 2013 election and Tony Abbott’s dismantling of that legislation, Labor and Greens embarked on different paths. The former chose to minimise the gap between its policy ambitions and those of the Coalition, adopting a small-target strategy and avoiding making climate policy a battleground.

The Greens doubled down, made the end of coal and gas a key policy plank, and continued to make inroads by winning more seats in both houses of parliament, including at the most recent election. Over the past decade, there’s been little evidence that by “refusing to compromise” the Greens have been electorally punished.

So, what happened this time around? Why, despite raising the stakes and forcefully arguing for their platform of no new coal and gas, did they throw their support behind a bill drafted by a party they themselves refer to as the “political wing of the coal and gas lobby”?


Essentially, because Labor played hardball in a way the Greens were seemingly unwilling to. Labor piled on the pressure and managed to convince the Greens that they – not Labor – had more to lose if the safeguard mechanism wasn’t passed. It was brinkmanship and the Greens blinked.


It’s the first time Labor has managed to manoeuvre the Greens into this kind of position on a policy area that is so fundamental to their DNA – climate. Previously it had to contend with a Greens party that was willing to stick to its guns, happy to blow up Labor’s agenda, and hoover up votes from Labor’s left flank at the ballot box.

The government was aided by a business and media consensus that argued passing its legislation was necessary, as well as high-profile environmental voices pushing the Greens to support Labor. Greens MPs themselves have admitted they were snookered by organisations like the Australian Conservation Foundation practically begging them to back the legislation.

“For the ACF to urge us to walk away from our demand for no new coal and gas at a crucial time was nothing less than culpable,” Greens Senator Nick McKim tweeted after the deal was announced.

McKim’s comment is a tacit admission that the party could have ultimately blocked the bill, but felt they didn’t have the political cover to do so. Some cover to reject the bill, if they wanted to, was still there with former leaders Bob Brown and Christine Milne expressing their deep concern, and even former independent MP Tony Windsor, a key supporter of the Clean Energy Act, imploring the party to vote against it.


Even my colleague Ross Gittins made the case for rejecting the bill. “One advantage of voting down Bowen’s bill would be to stop Labor pretending it had done something meaningful about climate change while actually prolonging the future of our fossil fuel industries,” he said.

If the real outcome of the “climate election” ends up being an unwillingness on the part of those who were elected on a platform of more serious action to actually fight for it, and risk copping a bit of a heat for doing so, then Labor really has nothing to worry about.

Osman Faruqi is culture news editor for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. He is a former Greens advisor and candidate. He is not a member of any political party.

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