

This was published 1 year ago

World’s biggest gold exchange wants ‘understanding’ of Perth Mint doping bungle

By Hamish Hastie

The world’s largest precious metals exchange has taken an active interest in the Perth Mint’s gold purity and anti-money laundering scandal.

A spokesman for the London Bullion Marketing Association said it had sought more information about the claims aired on Four Corners on Monday that the Perth Mint sold gold to the Shanghai Gold Exchange that did not meet that exchange’s strict purity standards following a dilution program to improve margins.

The London Bullion Marketing Association is seeking more information about the doping scandal.

The London Bullion Marketing Association is seeking more information about the doping scandal.Credit: Trevor Collens

“LBMA is aware of the allegations raised by the Four Corners TV show and is in close contact with Perth Mint attempting to gain an accurate understanding of the situation,” he said.

The spokesman said the LBMA was also awaiting the results of an audit launched by financial crimes regulator Austrac in August last year into the mint’s non-compliance with Australian anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism funding laws.

The Perth Mint is accredited by five of the world’s largest precious metals exchanges including the LBMA and the Shanghai Gold Exchange.

The LBMA’s anointment of the mint as a “good delivery list refiner” means safety for global investors purchasing precious metals from it.

Any loss of that accreditation would be devastating for Perth Mint’s global reputation.

Its accreditation was last at risk in 2020, when the LBMA pored over the Perth Mint’s gold sourcing regime after it was revealed it had purchased hundreds of millions of tainted gold from a Papua New Guinean mine that used child labour.

The LBMA allowed the mint to keep its accreditation following the investigation, but it had to replace its auditor and tighten its ethical sourcing regime.


The gold dilution – or “doping” – scandal has rocked the mint and WA government, which owns the Perth Mint and guarantees its operations.


The Perth mint began its doping program in 2018 to save more than $600,000 a year by bringing the purity of its gold down from 99.996 per cent to 99.992 per cent.

Gold doping is a common practice by metal refiners where other metals are added to the gold to bring down its purity while remaining above the globally accepted standard of 99.99 per cent.

The Four Corners program claimed the mint tried to cover up concerns that the dilution program, which resulted in two gold bars breaching the strict purity standards of the Shanghai Gold Exchange, may have affected up to 100 tonnes of gold bullion sold to the exchange in 2021.

The Perth Mint has revealed that the purity of the bullion remained above 99.99 per cent, but it was actually the silver content of the gold bullion that exceeded the exchange’s purity standards of 50 parts per million by 20 parts per million.

In September 2021, after the mint received complaints about the gold, the mint dumped its doping program and restarted refining its gold at 99.996 per cent purity.

On Wednesday night, the SGE commented publicly on the scandal for the first time in a brief statement on its website refuting the Four Corners report that it said had damaged its reputation.

“After investigation, the content of the report deviated from the truth and constituted a reputational infringement of the Shanghai Gold Exchange,” the translated statement read.

“The relevant media failed to fulfil their responsibility to review the content, resulting in dissemination of inaccurate content information on the internet, causing serious damage to the reputation of the Shanghai Gold Exchange.”

The statement said SGE would act to “safeguard its legitimate rights and interest”.

This statement contrasts with Perth Mint chief executive Jason Waters, who conceded on Tuesday the purity breach was serious and damaged the mint’s reputation.

“Needless to say people are concerned,” he said.

“Personally, it’s a serious issue. It shouldn’t have happened, but it did. It was fixed. My job is to ensure we have procedures in place [to ensure] this sort of stuff doesn’t happen again.”

He said the mint was working with the SGE and intermediary business that purchased the gold.


The scandal has been a major political headache for the McGowan government and raised questions about which minister knew what as the doping issues were uncovered by the mint.

Premier Mark McGowan said he only found out about the doping issues after the Four Corners program aired despite being the minister responsible for the mint for nearly three years as the doping was occurring.

He handballed responsibilities to Mines Minister Bill Johnston after the March 2021 election.

Johnston found out about the issues in January 2022 -- three months after the issues were raised with the mint.

A spokesman for Johnston said he did not tell the premier about the issues because he was told the matters were resolved.

Perth Mint chairman Sam Walsh is yet to comment publicly about the issues.

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