This was published 1 year ago
$3 million in super? Take comfort in tax benefits past
Jessica Irvine
Senior economics writerLabor’s changes to superannuation serve to reinforce perhaps the two greatest truisms in Australian personal finance. First, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. And second, when it comes to super, the only constant is change.
For the roughly 80,000 Australians who will be impacted by the change to levy an additional 15 cents in the dollar tax on the earnings generated by super balances exceeding $3 million, this week’s news will no doubt be somewhat disheartening. Their ranks are likely to include many high-income corporate executives and business people.
The self-managed super fund (SMSF) community will be hit particularly hard. More than 90 per cent of super balances over $2 million are self-managed, according to the Grattan Institute.
The new threshold may also capture people who have only recently taken advantage of “downsizer schemes” to sell the family home and squirrel sums into super, or those who have taken advantage of incentives to “bring forward” up to $300,000 in non-concessional contributions to super.
All affected, however, can take heart that they have benefited generously from the fact that every dollar they have accumulated in their $3 million-plus balance has been taxed at a preferential rate compared to their salary.
And as disheartening as these changes may be, they can hardly come as a great surprise. The tax net has been closing in on the super balances of higher-income earners for some years now. And politicians of both political stripes have held the net.
Julia Gillard was prime minister when the so-called “Division 293” tax on super was introduced, applying an additional tax of 15 cents in the dollar on contributions to super by people on incomes above $300,000. The Coalition reduced this threshold to $250,000 in 2017.
In the same year, the Coalition also introduced a cap at $1.6 million on the amount of super that can be transferred into a tax-free, pension-phase superannuation account at retirement. That cap is now $1.7 million, meaning earnings on balances above that amount in retirement are already taxed at a higher rate than those below.
One group who will not be objecting to this week’s announced changes will be the taxation and financial advisory firms, who will no doubt welcome a frenzy of new business as high-income earners seek out more advice on how to deal with the latest changes.
Some may benefit from strategies under which they hold more of their savings outside of super. Others may still find the 30 per cent maximum tax applying on earnings in super is preferable to holding their money elsewhere.
Many won’t have a choice because the compulsory nature of super system forces their employers to keep funnelling 10 per cent of their salary into their burgeoning super accounts.
All can take heart that, compared with their take home salary, the tax they will pay on the earnings generated by their super savings will continue to be concessionally taxed, albeit at a reduced rate.
Few, of course, will weep for the predicament of those affected by these changes. But they do represent the latest in a long line of tinkering with super, which creates frustration, complexity and confusion for many.
All Australians would benefit from a more comprehensive and wide-ranging expert review of the tax treatment of our super, so that we can start to plan for our golden years with greater certainty.
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An earlier version of this article stated that the new $3 million balance threshold would apply to the combined balances of SMSFs. This is incorrect. The proposed $3 million threshold will apply to the individual balances of members in a SMSF.