

This was published 1 year ago

Tears and a test case: The meeting that sparked the Sally Rugg, Monique Ryan feud

By Chip Le Grand and Angus Thompson

The meeting was meant to be a routine briefing. Instead, it became the moment when, for people forced to work absurd hours within the unrelenting pressure of a parliamentary sitting week, the Canberra bubble finally burst.

There were about 15 political advisers dialled into the teams meeting, all of them working for crossbench MPs. Among them was Sally Rugg, a prominent political activist who, to the surprise of many and scepticism of some, had taken a job as chief of staff to the new member for Kooyong, Monique Ryan.

The online meeting was organised by one of the nation’s most senior bureaucrats, then deputy secretary of Prime Minister and Cabinet Stephanie Foster, to explain where the review of the law which regulates the work arrangements of federal parliamentarians’ staff had landed.

It had landed like a brick.

Kooyong MP Monique, her newly appointed chief of staff Sally Rugg and electoral officer Tamar Simons at the opening of the 47th parliament.

Kooyong MP Monique, her newly appointed chief of staff Sally Rugg and electoral officer Tamar Simons at the opening of the 47th parliament.

The review did not challenge the staff cuts announced by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese shortly after he came to office. It promised reforms like the code of conduct adopted by parliament this week, but no reprieve from the unsustainable demands of their jobs.

“The meeting was absolute carnage,” said a crossbench staffer unauthorised to speak publicly. “Nearly everyone was in tears. The agenda of the meeting…was completely derailed and eventually abandoned so that crying staff could be heard, every single one of us repeating the same point that unless our offices were given additional staff, then all the new HR systems and complaints processes meant absolutely nothing.”

Another staffer at the meeting described it as “almost a bit like therapy”.

By the end, even Foster was reduced to tears.

The meeting was held on a Thursday morning last September. For people known ubiquitously as staffers, the mostly nameless policy and media advisers who churn through the corridors of parliament, it was the culmination of another exhausting sitting week when many of them clock up more than 70 working hours.


Three months later, Rugg’s time as a staffer was at an end after she couldn’t reach an accommodation with Ryan about the hours she was willing to work and the duties she was willing to perform.

A once warm, professional relationship between two fiercely motivated women, one punctuated by smiling selfies, family nights at AFLW matches and day/night sessions poring over new legislation, had been reduced to a cold exchange of emails.

Monique Ryan and Sally Rugg in happier times at an AWFL match.

Monique Ryan and Sally Rugg in happier times at an AWFL match.

This would have been a wholly unremarkable Canberra story, one repeated countless times in offices across the political spectrum, if not for what happened next.

Ryan thought the pair had agreed to a severance plan in which Rugg would finish work at the end of the year and take all of January as paid gardening leave to ease out of the job. As Christmas approached, a friend of Rugg saw the impact the episode was having on her health and urged her to seek legal advice.

Rugg is now the face of what workplace law expert Josh Bornstein believes could be an important test case of a relatively little known provision in Australian law; the right of employees to refuse to work unreasonable, additional hours beyond an eight-hour working day.


In an interview with the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, Bornstein declined to discuss the details of the case but canvassed the possibility of a broader reckoning about the hours people have long accepted across a multitude of professions.

“This has become so widespread that it has been crying out for some sort of test case,” he said. “Whether this is the case that goes to trial to determine the issue, I don’t know.”

Rugg’s Federal Court claim that she was unlawfully dismissed by the Commonwealth and Ryan for exercising her workplace rights is currently before mediation. If a settlement is reached next week, both parties will likely agree to confidentiality provisions and a court file containing warring sworn affidavits will be quietly sealed.

If mediation fails to produce a settlement by Friday, the matter will return to court on a path to open litigation.

Bornstein said previous disputes involving this provision of the Fair Work Act have settled without trial. He said the need for a court ruling to clarify this area of law is evidenced by the social media ridicule and disparagement directed at Rugg for challenging a prevailing workplace culture.

Rugg served as Ryan’s chief of staff, media adviser, policy adviser and speech writer for events such as last year’s Electric Vehicles Summit in Canberra.

Rugg served as Ryan’s chief of staff, media adviser, policy adviser and speech writer for events such as last year’s Electric Vehicles Summit in Canberra.Credit: Suppied

“When you get into that sort of snarking and sniping, it’s an indication of how enculturated we are to people working sometimes ludicrously unsafe long hours,” he said.

The grievances in this case do not suggest a capricious boss or a work-shy employee but rather, two people confronting an untenable situation created when Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, with the stroke of pen, decided that Independent MPs, including the teal wave coming into parliament, would have to make do with one personal adviser, instead of the previous level of four.

Rugg, while nominally hired as a chief of staff, also agreed to do the work of a policy adviser, media adviser and speechwriter. In addition to these duties, Ryan subsequently asked Rugg to engage more with her local constituents and the community movement which fuelled her stunning defeat of former treasurer Josh Frydenberg in Kooyong. At this point, Rugg was struggling to see where her job started and ended.

By the time of last November’s Victorian state election, where teal candidates failed to win a seat, the movement appeared to be flagging. The same might be said of the Rugg/Ryan relationship, although Rugg kept telling friends that working as Ryan’s chief of staff was the best job she’d ever had.

Sources with knowledge of the relationship canvassed a series of episodes where Rugg either refused or was unable to do work which Ryan considered essential to her job. These are likely to be contested by both parties if the case goes to court.

Monique Ryan arrives at the Federal Court in Melbourne.

Monique Ryan arrives at the Federal Court in Melbourne.Credit: The Age

They explained that Ryan became frustrated when, after parliamentary sitting weeks, Rugg was not available to work until the following Tuesday. Rugg insists this was a one-off over Halloween and the Melbourne Cup weekend. After Ryan missed an allotted time to give a speech to parliament, she blamed the miscommunication on Rugg, who believes the fault was not hers. When Rugg refused to write Ryan’s regular email to constituents, an annoyed Ryan was left to write it herself.

The details of these claims are less telling than the sum fact that Rugg, as a chief of staff to an MP, was willing to break a workplace taboo and push back against some things her boss asked her to do.

Fiona Scott, an experienced Canberra insider currently working as a chief of staff for Senator David Pocock, last year listed in a submission to the government’s review of the Members of Parliament (Staff) Act – known inside parliament house as MOPs – the duties that make up her 12-hour days.

These included, in typically efficient, dot-point form: quick turnaround research; managing his diary; arranging travel; engaging with stakeholders; writing speeches; preparing media releases, letters, talking points, social media posts and other communications; attending events, managing the office budget; liaising with media; mentoring other staff and being available 24/7 to provide advice.

Anthony Albanese slashed the staffing levels for Independent MPs from four to one.

Anthony Albanese slashed the staffing levels for Independent MPs from four to one.Credit: James Brickwood

While Scott somehow finds a way to do all this and, this week, was still able to leave parliament early enough to get to a parent-teacher interview, other anonymous submissions to the review show that Albanese’s staffing cuts were the final cut for any notion of work-life balance.

“The culture that is underlying, is that those who would indicate the need for reasonable working hours are often bullied, belittled or made to feel as though they are not fit for the “extremely privileged role they are in”, one political adviser told the review.

“There is often not sufficient opportunity for downtime, time to be sick nor to place importance on family and important life occasions, leading to burn-out and resentment.”

Another chief of staff told the review: “A change in the culture, rules and practices need to be implemented to protect staff from their employer, who has immense, unchallenged power over their livelihood, career and well-being.”

These concerns are not new to Canberra. In 2009, when Kevin Rudd’s prime ministership was operating at a self-destructive tempo, a report by former senior public servant Alan Henderson found that ministerial and media advisers were typically working 80 hours in sitting weeks and 70 hours in other weeks. Bornstein said that what Henderson found was arguably widespread breaches of the law – they just weren’t couched in those terms.


One of the unusual features of the Ryan/Rugg dispute is that Ryan encouraged Rugg to champion her rights and those of other staffers in pushing for more resources for crossbench MPs. With Ryan’s encouragement, Rugg became a point of contact for other staffers who were looking to the MOPs review for meaningful change.

When the crossbench MPs met to discuss parliamentary matters and the conversation turned to workplace issues, Ryan would defer to Rugg and other staffers in the meeting. “Monique would say, ‘well this issue is affecting the people in the room. Maybe it’s good to get their perspective’,” a staffer present at the meetings said.

Josh Bornstein said the Rugg/Ryan matter could be a test case for unreasonable work hours.

Josh Bornstein said the Rugg/Ryan matter could be a test case for unreasonable work hours.Credit: Joe Armao

When it came to her own office, Ryan still faced the dilemma of having too few staff to do the work needed for her to be an effective parliamentarian. If Rugg v Ryan ever makes it to court, the case will turn on what is reasonable and what is not when it comes to staffers working additional hours for MPs.

Ryan made clear her concerns about the burden being placed on people in her office. In October last year she told The Australian: “It’s not healthy. I think it’s only a matter of time before we have a poor outcome with one of our staff members.″⁣

Having taken a lead role in the push for marriage equality, a pivotal part in GetUp!, run and written a part-memoir, part-activist manifesto before the age of 35, Rugg does not appear work-shy. She didn’t go to Canberra thinking she could do her chief of staff job within a 38-hour working week. Like all staffers in MP offices, she worked long and hard. The question relevant to her case is how many hours beyond that is reasonable.

Under the current enterprise bargaining agreement covering parliamentarians’ staff, the salary range for a non-government personal adviser tops out at $135,054. The award, which is up for renegotiation this year, provides an allowance of $32,856 for staff who work “additional” hours but doesn’t quantify how many hours this means. The Fair Work Act is similarly vague on this question.

“It is a question about where you draw the line,” Bornstein said “Does that mean 60 hours is OK? Does that mean 70 hours is OK? Does that mean 80 hours?”

This week the federal parliament adopted its first code of conduct which makes explicit behaviour standards expected of parliamentarians and their staff. This was a recommendation of both Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins’ report into the workplace culture of parliament house and the MOPs review.

Rugg’s response, best captured in an Instagram post to a private account, was bittersweet.

“Every day since I left this job that I so deeply loved has been an immense struggle,″⁣ she wrote. “Today, the parliament affirmed the new code of conduct for all MPs, a landmark achievement that took thousands of political staff years of work and advocacy.

“I’m devastated to have just missed out on these new protections but am glad they’re in place for current and future staff.″⁣

Jenkins declined to comment on Rugg’s case before the Federal Court but told the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age that long work hours was one of the risk factors for misconduct identified by her report.

As a political activist, Rugg understands the power of advocates who bring personal experience to an important cause. When framed this way, she is an ideal poster girl for the tyranny of excessive work.

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