

This was published 1 year ago

$500m price tag vindicates Gough’s bold art purchase


Credit: Cathy Wilcox

Recalling the criticism heaped on the Whitlam government by the Coalition over the purchase of Blue poles (“Never mind, the Pollock’s worth $500m”, January 30), can one expect some sort of apology?
Steve Bright, North Avoca

I well remember the public stink over the $1.3 million purchase of Blue poles in 1973. Fifty years on and it still does nothing for me, but who am I to pour scorn on such a shrewd buy if $500 million is its latest resale value? Sadly, as yet another casualty of the Coalition’s decade of neglect, the National Gallery that houses it and our other wall-mounted valuables now struggles to find the money to even keep them properly. Having something worthy and admirable is one thing, but you can’t pay for keeping it that way if all you’ve got to rely on is prestige and admiration. Adrian Connelly, Springwood

The purchase of Blue poles was obviously a good investment, but the value of the collection is irrelevant if the NGA still has funding shortfalls. There is no point in having a valuable collection if there is nowhere to put it. The NGA needs some way to leverage the value of the collection so that it can be used productively. David Rush, Lawson

The jump in value of Blue poles from $1.3 million to $500 million represents a bumper return, and that a like investment “will be repaid in spades”. Wow, has the painting been sold? Is the $498.7 million in some bank account somewhere? One wishes. I wrote this same letter five years ago when the painting was valued at $350 million – sell it and invest the money in local art, maybe a dedicated gallery for Aboriginal art? If only. On another note, in 1955 Pollock sold the painting (then called No 11) for $6000, in today’s money that would be $167,281 One has to wonder, how would an artist benefit from the discrepancy of $499,832,718.80m? Philistine thoughts, I know, but the modern art market leaves one scratching one’s head (Cy Twombly’s Three studies from the Temeraire, anyone?). Carsten Burmeister, Mosman

A painting Gough Whitlam authorised to buy (Blue poles) for $1.3 million is now valued at $500 million. Another of his purchases tops $142 million. That alone should put the Whitlam financial disasters into a different perspective. Denis Suttling, Newport Beach


Credit: John Shakespeare

Good old Gough – yet another ongoing benefit to society thanks to him keeping his eye on the future and his trust in art director James Mollison. Panned at the time, Blue poles has appreciated artistically in the public’s mind and financially for the National Gallery. Donald Hawes, Peel

Any chance one could get the National Gallery of Australia to look after my superannuation? They certainly know how to make an investment grow. Barry Ffrench, Cronulla

On a visit to the National Gallery many years ago, I bought a silk scarf with the Blue Poles pattern. Should I put it up for auction or frame it and hang in my home? Stephanie Edwards, Roseville


Artists enrich our lives and deserve full support

The arts is a term that we use to identify a sector, often for political or economic purposes (“Rethinking how we sustain art”, January 30). Artists, of all types and media, are harder to identify with the same purpose, especially as they cross from the status of gifted amateur to someone who seeks to live off their talent as a professional. It is important that governments demonstrate both financial and ideological support for the importance of art in the life of our nation, recognising the contribution of major organisations and renowned individuals, as well as those whose contribution enriches and give expression to rural and regional Australia. Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls

The National Gallery in Canberra - at what cost?

The National Gallery in Canberra - at what cost?

As an artist friend said about sustaining her practice, “It’s not about profit, it’s trying to reduce your losses.“I have been a casual teacher at the National Art School for 45 years and the waste of talent, those unable to continue practising, is criminal. V.S. Naipaul nails it: “You need luck all the time.“
Artists throughout their lives get thrown scraps of scholarships, prizes and grants if they are lucky because these are all lottery tickets. Sales are just as random. The problem with a basic income for artists is it must be for every artist or it, too, becomes a lucky draw. Art is a profession without a retirement age. Practising centenarian artists are among us. Achieving this required establishing a cash flow, careful budgeting and lots of luck. Can I suggest that people just buy more art? Not for investment, not because someone is flavour of the month, but because you like it. Your life will be enriched. Paul Hopmeier, Lane Cove

Is it time we looked at the priorities of our galleries and memorials (“To justify funding, our galleries must pass relevance test”, January 30)? Surely our National Art Gallery, with its incredible treasures from different cultures and times, needs restoration and conservation. Have we not spent enough honouring those who gave their lives with the war memorial? We need to divert the funds to the galleries and institutions that honour our creativity. Roz Townsend, Queanbeyan East

I enjoy reading about the new exhibitions coming to Australia’s galleries but as soon as I see “book now”, I move on, knowing that it will be unaffordable. The arts is increasingly becoming only for the wealthy and ordinary Australians are missing out because they are too busy juggling the rising cost of living. Pamela Shepherd, Balgowlah

Virus complacency does harm

Many people haven’t completed their first course of COVID vaccination, so are unlikely to consider boosters (“Push for new jab as virus rages on”, January 30). The over-65s may be more at risk, but it’s likely that complacent younger adults are more responsible for spreading the virus. While debate over vaccination requirements continues, authorities should mandate mask-wearing and social distancing in high-risk situations again. The benefits would greatly outweigh the minor inconvenience. Graham Lum, North Rocks

COVID-19: know your enemy.

COVID-19: know your enemy.Credit: NIAID-RML via AP

There is no time for complacency with more than 3000 COVID cases per day, when winter is approaching and the risk of new, more virulent variants is well documented. The conservative estimate of 5 per cent of infections leading to long COVID or other complications suggests that more than 150 people a day are having their lives ruined for a significant period and perhaps permanently. These risks are not worth taking and a campaign to educate and encourage vaccination and more careful behaviour in potential superspreader events is essential. Geoff Harding, Chatswood

It’s very difficult to make an informed decision about a fifth jab, as the NSW government seems to have virtually made current COVID statistics a secret. Other than announcements of new strains, there is very little news in the media either. If learning to live with COVID means sticking your head in the sand, then Dominic Perrottet has achieved his goal. If they are available, I, for one, will be opting for another jab. Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

I am one of those 33.6 per cent of the eligible population who had four doses of vaccines, a long time ago when I became eligible, and don’t regret it for a second, given that one person is dying a COVID-related death every 27 minutes and many people are immunocompromised. This is staggering, but it seems it is not waking up our politicians. Unless we have personal experience of losing someone with a COVID-related death, it seems we have become complacent. The medical fraternity is still calling for simple protocols of wearing a mask in public and washing hands, but it seems no one wants to listen. I will be happy to take a fifth dose when available. Mukul Desai, Hunters Hill

Protect planet, not profits

Nick Toscano’s article on the coal reservation scheme (“Coal reservation scheme fuels fears for Mt Arthur mine”, January 30), quotes the Reserve Bank as saying that our coal earnings could collapse by up to 80 per cent by 2050 if the world is to meet the Paris Agreement’s aim of limiting the temperature increase to 1.5degrees. We have known this for 20 years and should hope that, with coal no longer necessary as a source of power, the majority of people would prefer a bearable future on Earth to company profits. Peter Nash, Fairlight

A great majority of Australians, including our leaders in the federal government, are now fully aware why our climate is acting in a turbocharged manner and what has to be done to bring it back to normal. It is the burning of fossil fuels to produce energy, a major money earner for corporations across the globe, that is the culprit here. The UN says reaching net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 cannot be achieved until the massive flow of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, caused by burning fossil fuels is, at least, greatly reduced before the 2050 net zero date. At some point, many countries, including Australia, will have to decide what is more important – deriving large profits from burning fossil fuels, which is jeopardising continuing life on Earth, or ceasing burning fossil fuels, which could put an end to climatic uncertainty. Brian Measday, Myrtle Bank (SA)

Students’ presence a gift

With the majority of Chinese students now having to physically study in Australia (“Beijing edict sends students rushing back”, January 30), it will place pressure on our universities to lift their game and provide more face-to-face classes, and to employ teachers in the process. Many institutions have continued to rely heavily on online instruction as a cheap alternative. The Chinese government has done us a favour by forcing Australian universities to go back to basics: to provide quality teaching. Michael Blissenden, Dural

Let day do double duty

The existing January 1 New Year’s Day public holiday is a logical choice for Australia Day, as it is the anniversary of the federation of our states into a commonwealth (Letters, January 30). With that, we would save on one lot of fireworks and inject some meaning into what is thus far a party day for the sake of another year rolling over. Then another date can be determined, sensitively, as a replacement of invasion day. John Baird, Corrimal

Sheen’s deserved ovation

Michael Sheen as Antonio Salieri

Michael Sheen as Antonio SalieriCredit: Sydney Morning Herald

As a regular theatre and concert attendee, I must disagree with your correspondent (Letters, January 30) about the prevalence of standing ovations for contemporary performances. Yes, people do stand, but not on a regular basis. I think Michael Sheen’s performance as Salieri in Amadeus meets her criterion of “a truly outstanding, unrepeatable triumph of talent and skill” as it was the first time in my life where I observed the entire Sydney Opera House concert hall audience give an immediate and prolonged standing ovation. Anne Elliott, Balmain

A round of applause to your correspondent objecting to standing ovations. No wonder there are so many performances that attract that sort of response as, once one person stands, the rest must follow or miss the final bow. Vicky Marquis, Glebe

Victory and vanity

Unquestionably, Novak was simply too good (“Djokovic no longer just a player for the ages, but an ageless player”, January 30), but Stefanos was definitely no slouch. One deserved victor only but gracious champs both. Edward Loong, Milsons Point

Novak Djokovic

Novak DjokovicCredit: Getty Images

Djokovic has a few admirable attributes, but as the 22 emblazoned on his jacket affirms, humility is not one of them. Mustafa Erem, Terrigal

Novak Djokovic still has to win one more AO and two more majors to equal Margaret (Smith) Court’s achievements. Jenny Greenwood, Hunters Hill

Two views of Ireland

Banshees (Letters, January 30) should have come with a warning about self-harm. I found it horrifying. The only characters I actually liked ended up dead. If the intention was to portray the Irish as insanely violent and stupid, it succeeded. Bill Lloyd, Denistone

Forget about the cliches and caricatures of Banshees. Go and see The Quiet Girl – sublime Irish filmmaking. Chris Hughes, Clovelly

Cost of horse cull

What happens to the environment when thousands of dead horses are left rotting in Kosciuszko National Park (Letters, January 30)? Ruth Ratner, Northbridge

The digital view
Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Jackson Pollock’s controversial Blue poles valued at $500 million
From flitch: ″⁣The notional value of Blue Poles is irrelevant. It is more significant as a symbol of how Whitlam was a breath of fresh air, changing Australia to the irritation of the conservative establishment of the time.″⁣

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