

This was published 1 year ago


Why drag young kids into the criminal justice system?

The NSW Bar Association believes that raising the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14, without exception, would address some of the fundamental inequities in how we deal with children in their most formative years.

Legal and medical experts have been arguing for this for some time, and the recently released draft report of the Age of Criminal Responsibility Working Group established by the Standing Council of Attorneys-General makes a compelling case for change.

There were 293 children aged between 11 and 13 who spent time in custody because bail was refused, most of them Indigenous.

There were 293 children aged between 11 and 13 who spent time in custody because bail was refused, most of them Indigenous.Credit: iStock

There are eight reasons. First, scientific evidence about the cognitive development of children underscores that a child under 14 is unlikely to understand the impact of their actions or criminal proceedings.

Second, children in the criminal justice system have often experienced trauma, abuse and neglect. Children in the child protection system are overrepresented in the youth justice system. They often suffer from developmental delay and intellectual disability; a 2011 study found almost half of young people in detention have borderline or lower intellectual functioning.

Third, research shows that the criminal justice system is criminogenic. Early intervention, prevention and diversion from the system is crucial to giving children the opportunity to change their behaviour and avoid re-offending.


Fourth, children in NSW are presumed incapable of having the knowledge to be criminally responsible (doli incapax). A child is presumed not to understand the difference between right and seriously wrong; the prosecution must prove otherwise beyond reasonable doubt. Many charges are dropped or dismissed once the maturity and capacity of the child have been examined. However, this is only after the child has undergone the trauma of being charged, often bail refused and, if entered to juvenile custody, strip searched.

Fifth, the Bar Association has analysed BOCSAR data from 2019, revealing that 99.03 per cent of the 207 court disposals for children under 14 were non-custodial. Yet, many were refused bail while awaiting these outcomes. A mere two children received a custodial sentence that year, one for theft and the other a public justice offence.

Sixth, very few children under 14 are charged with, let alone jailed for, serious offences. BOCSAR data between 2015 and 2020 reveals there were no homicide or related offences charged in NSW for children under 14. In 2019, only 0.28 per cent of finalised matters involving children under 14 recorded the most serious charge as a sexual related offence. In 2021, three 10-year-olds were charged with crimes but no charges were proven. There were 293 children aged between 11 and 13 who spent time in custody because bail was refused, most of them Indigenous, despite outcomes being overwhelmingly non-custodial. These are shocking numbers.


Seventh, it is practically feasible, and already happening in Australia. In September 2022, the ACT committed to raising the minimum age to 14. The NT recently increased its minimum age to 12. This makes financial sense. It costs $187 a day to supervise a child in the community and $1579 a day to lock a child up. Internationally, Australia’s minimum age is one of the lowest among OECD nations.


Eighth, relying on diversion under the Young Offenders Act is not working. A recent study by Professor Don Weatherburn and Mr Brendan Thomas reveals that Indigenous children are less likely to be diverted by police from the criminal justice system than non-Indigenous children, even taking into account other relevant factors. We know that Indigenous children are grossly overrepresented in the criminal justice system. Children need support services that address their educational, psychological, social and cultural needs, not a response that increases their chances of reoffending.

There needs to be a fundamental shift away from the criminal justice process, and not only for 10 and 11-year-olds. This does not mean no consequences for children engaging in behaviour that poses a risk to themselves or the community. What needs to change is the nature of the response. The Law Council published model guidance on how we could do this in June this year, which the Bar Association supports.

The NSW Government must urgently move to ensure that necessary frameworks are in place to support these children. With appropriate funding, wraparound services, and training for first responders like police, ambulance officers and teachers, we can have an effective and humane response which will reduce offending.

Taxpayers should not be funding a response which ultimately risks severely harming children and can condemn them to a life of crime.

Gabrielle Bashir SC is the President of the NSW Bar Association.

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