

This was published 1 year ago

‘Beloved by Australians’: former Trump adviser fawns over Scott Morrison

By Kishor Napier-Raman and Charlotte Grieve

Since leading the Coalition to a historic election wipeout, and antagonising his few remaining loyalists over the multiple ministries scandal, Scott Morrison has been forced to look abroad for friends.

He’s clearly found them at the Hudson Institute in Washington DC, where the censured former PM gave a private speech on Australia’s China relationship in front of a very friendly crowd.

But even Morrison, who recently joined the Rupert Murdoch-funded neoconservative think tank’s China strategic advisory board, was blown away by the “unique” introduction he received from senior fellow Miles Yu.

“He’s very Australian, he’s very famous, he’s beloved by Australians and Americans,” Yu said, before comparing the former PM to Mel Gibson’s character in Gallipoli.

“He is a general, an admiral in a current global battle for a much larger cause of defending the global order, freedom and democracy.”

Yu wasn’t done stroking Morrison’s ego, telling him afterwards that “with a speech like that, you could run for the highest office in the United States and win”.

The speech in question was a brazen attempt by the former PM to rebrand as a sober China expert, which sits uneasily with a reality where he presided over a historic deterioration in relations with Beijing only for things to thaw the second he left the Lodge.

And in his words of warning to the West, things took a strangely Trumpian turn.

“We need to let the West continue to be the West,” Morrison said.

“We need to be mindful of neo-Marxist global justice agendas, which seek to roll back the way Western market democracies operate.”


He was probably just playing to the crowd. Morrison revealed he’d been invited to Hudson by his “dear friend” and the former US president Donald Trump’s old secretary of state Mike Pompeo. Yu also worked in the Trump administration.

Morrison can count at least one friend from the last government – former minister Ben Morton, who was watching along in D.C. Morton was so loyal to Morrison he spent the last election campaigning on the PM’s bus and forgot to defend his own seat. The lapdog act continues.

News Corp tries to stop the rot

It’s been a rough few weeks for News Corp royalty with a propensity to act inappropriately around female colleagues after a few bevvies at work drinks.

News Corp executive chairman Michael Miller issued a desperate plea to staff

News Corp executive chairman Michael Miller issued a desperate plea to staffCredit: Louie Douvis

First, it was The Australian’s editor-in-chief Chris Dore who stepped down abruptly under a cloud of alleged “lewd comments” towards a woman, and “personal issues”.

Next, it was shock jock Chris Smith, dumped by 2GB and Sky News after alleged inappropriate behaviour at a Christmas party last week, roasted by colleagues Rita Panahi and Andrew Bolt on his way out the door.

It wasn’t the first offence for Smith. His record dates back more than a decade and includes fondling colleagues’ breasts and exposing himself to staff.

So, News Corp Australasia’s executive chairman Michael Miller thought it was about time to issue a stern reminder on Tuesday in case anyone was confused.

“I want to say something as plainly as possible. Do not let a bad choice you make at a party undermine all the good you have achieved.”

In a classic case of rewriting history, Miller said News Corp staff treat people fairly and the company values of respect do not change “once we finish work” (except for when they do).

But in a world where one man’s “bad choice” is another man’s alleged harassment, it seems it’s better late than never to set the record straight.

Caltex teals

Teal independent candidate for North Shore Helen Conway has quite a formidable CV, notably spending four years as the well-regarded boss of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

Conway’s LinkedIn bio curiously omits another major career achievement – namely her stint as corporate counsel at fossil fuel giant Caltex. Perhaps it’s not a great look given her typically teal platform of climate, conservation and koalas.

Then again, Conway isn’t alone in working for Caltex. Back in the 2000s, as a general manager at the company, one of her subordinates was none other than sitting North Shore MP Felicity Wilson, who held various roles in media and government relations during a four-year stint.

Their paths then diverged – Conway was handpicked by the Gillard government to run the WGEA, while Wilson held roles in the Liberal Party and Property Council before being elected in 2017.

Open for business

The post-election embrace by big business of Labor-leaning lobbying firms continues apace, with Counsel House the latest to hang its shingle out in Canberra.

We’ve previously noted that business is booming for former Julia Gillard adviser Eamonn “agent of infection” Fitzpatrick and former Wayne Swan and Bill Shorten adviser Ryan Liddell, who’ve both set up lobbying shops.

Now Counsel House, a lobbying and strategic comms shop run by former Kevin Rudd and Stephen Conroy adviser Claire March, is expanding aggressively.

The firm boasts former Shorten and Clare O’Neil staffer Tom Cameron, ex-Rudd, Gillard and Shorten spinner Andrew Porter and has just added Louise Crossman, who’s previously worked for ministers Ed Husic, Andrew Leigh and Julie Collins, to lead its Canberra office.

The firm has recently opened offices in Tasmania, the NT and Queensland to add to its Sydney and Melbourne digs. Who said Labor was bad for business?

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