

This was published 1 year ago

We failed Australians with chronic fatigue. Will we do the same with long COVID?

By Liam Mannix

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We failed the many thousands of Australians with chronic fatigue syndrome. We did not invest enough in research. We did not build an effective care system. We did not believe them.

Now we are beset with a disease that bears striking similarities: long COVID. And chronic fatigue syndrome advocates say we are in danger of repeating the same mistakes.

Payton Jacobs at NSW’s first long COVID clinic at St Vincent’s Hospital in Darlinghurst.

Payton Jacobs at NSW’s first long COVID clinic at St Vincent’s Hospital in Darlinghurst.Credit: Louise Kennerley

“Frustration, is a gentle way of putting it,” says Anne Wilson, CEO of Emerge Australia, the peak body for chronic fatigue syndrome.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS, it’s now called) is often characterised by overwhelming fatigue and post-exertion exhaustion. Years of underfunding of research has left us without a biomarker to help identify the disease. That has allowed many to go on believing that ME/CFS is not real – that it’s psychosomatic, imagined by someone who, for reasons unclear, wishes to ruin their life.

Long COVID – which overlaps significantly with ME/CFS – blows that scepticism out of the water. As many thousands of Australians have been struck down with long COVID during the pandemic, it has become increasingly difficult to deny that post-viral illnesses are real, debilitating and need to be taken seriously.

If we had properly funded ME/CFS research we’d already be a long way to understanding long COVID. Instead, we’re playing catch-up. There’s nothing we can do about past failings – but we must ensure we do better when it comes to long COVID.

Josh Van Dijk and Ricky Buchanan in Buchanan’s Balaclava home. Ricky is bedridden (she has chronic fatigue syndrome) and must stay in a hospital bed all day.

Josh Van Dijk and Ricky Buchanan in Buchanan’s Balaclava home. Ricky is bedridden (she has chronic fatigue syndrome) and must stay in a hospital bed all day.Credit: Eddie Jim

Yuppie flu


People with long COVID find it extremely difficult to get treatment and to get taken seriously – in part due to widespread scepticism and disbelief from GPs. That’s old news to people with ME/CFS, a disease that was first characterised as “Yuppie flu”.

Mandy* was starting her career as a teacher and had just become engaged when she was hit with glandular fever. After months of strange symptoms, she developed “enormous fatigue”, she tells me, “sleeping 16 hours a night then staggering out from the bed to the lounge room only to have to sleep again from the effort”.


So began a 22-year odyssey with ME/CFS as it moved through various debilitating phases; she spent three years mostly bed-bound.

“I have been insulted by doctors whose careless comments indicate that they have no belief in or regard for the reality of the struggle of living with such a debilitating chronic illness,” she tells me. “Clearly some people are unable to wrap their heads around an invisible illness.”

Silver linings

We still don’t know what causes ME/CFS. Hopefully, we will soon learn what causes long COVID. Money is pouring into researching the disease – in a way it never did for ME/CFS – and intriguing theories are starting to emerge.

ME/CFS and long COVID have similar symptoms: exhaustion after exertion, general fatigue and cognitive difficulties – often called brain fog. A 2021 review looking at 21 long-COVID studies found 25 of 29 ME/CFS symptoms were also present in long COVID patients, and the hallmarks – fatigue and post-exertion exhaustion – were present in many studies.

“ME/CFS is effectively a more severe form of long COVID. If there was no long COVID, these people would just be diagnosed with ME/CFS,” says the University of Melbourne’s Chris Armstrong, director of the Melbourne ME/CFS Collaboration.

Beyond the extra research dollars now flowing into the area, there’s a second silver lining of long COVID: we know the initial trigger, so we can study people right from the point of infection. We’re now getting the sort of high-quality biological studies long missing from ME/CFS.

Perhaps the most intriguing findings to come out so far: persistently low levels of the stress hormone cortisol more than a year after infection. Similarly low levels have been seen in patients with ME/CFS. But it’s not yet clear what’s driving that, says Armstrong.

Then there’s the finding in long COVID patients of higher levels of antibodies against viruses other than SARS-COV-2, including Epstein Barr.


This should raise eyebrows. Epstein Barr is a highly unusual virus (Armstrong calls it a viral “genius”) that causes harmless childhood infections – and, occasionally, the glandular fever that Mandy had. In a subset of people its presence has been linked to a range of nasty diseases including multiple sclerosis, cancer (estimates suggest it is responsible for 1.5 per cent of global cancers), type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease.

After the acute infection ends, the virus becomes dormant inside the body, living in B cells – much like the chickenpox virus. The theory with ME/CFS is that a stressor – such as another infection – knocks down the body’s defences and allows Epstein Barr to reactivate. Then the body gets stuck trying to respond to both the stressor and the reactivated virus.

“It is the most well-acknowledged trigger for ME/CFS,” says Armstrong.

Learning from past mistakes

The ME/CFS community has decades of experience treating the condition. They want us to call on them as we try to build a care system for long COVID.

The keys, says Emerge’s Anne Wilson: don’t reinvent the wheel, and don’t make the same mistakes. Build a high-quality system to educate GPs and Centrelink/NDIS workers so patients can get a quick diagnosis and the financial support they need. Coordinate care between GPs and specialists and personalise it to the patient. Fund research that builds on existing work on ME/CFS. And make long COVID a national health priority.

*Mandy asked us not to publish her last name.

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