

This was published 1 year ago

‘Please don’t judge us’: Monarchists apologise for Hanson, Deves conference panel

By Kishor Napier-Raman and Noel Towell

CBD recently brought word of the Australian Republic Movement’s star-studded lineup of champagne socialists tasked with breaking Australia’s ties with the crown.

But they’ve found a formidable foe in the Australian Monarchist League, who recently unveiled their own roster of talent set to address their national conference next month. Headlining proceedings will be the AML’s chairman and former Liberal Senator Eric Abetz, along with One Nation leader Pauline Hanson.

Katherine Deves, the defeated Liberal candidate for Warringah best known for her divisive anti-trans crusade will give a speech, as will Victorian Liberal MP Beverley MacArthur. Former Labor national president Warren Mundine, better known as an unsuccessful Liberal candidate and chair of the Conservative Political Action Conference, is also on the list.

In other words, it’s a group that wouldn’t be out of place on Sky News after dark, where most of the crew are regulars.

But even the Monarchist League is a little sensitive about that. In an email sent around on Tuesday, with the subject “Please don’t judge us harshly. We are trying to do our best,” the group’s superannuated national chair Philip Benwell noted it had received “several criticisms” from both internal and external sources about the speaking list.

“It is important that we reach out to all those organisations and political movements opposed to a republic to bring them onside,” Benwell said.

“This also includes people who have been quite unpleasant towards me personally, but as far as I am concerned it is the cause that is the most important, not personalities.”

We asked Benwell who exactly he meant by that, but he wasn’t keen to name names.

Hacked off

More details have emerged about Monday’s outrageously cheeky hack of a cyber-security conference held by the Australian Institute of Company Directors and LinkedIn that suggests authorities are not seeking criminal masterminds here.


LinkedIn’s initial inquiries indicate the hackers simply set up fake accounts on the professional networking service’s site and then joined the online conference’s chat function, possibly after sabotaging the event’s stream itself, to try to dupe frustrated participants into offering up their credit card details.

The institute told members on Monday evening that the Australian Cyber Security Centre had been called in to investigate and it wasn’t clear if the failure of the conference to get going was the work of hackers. It would be an unfortunate coincidence if it wasn’t.

In other news, the institute’s leadership confirmed that none of its data had been compromised, which is nice for them.

LinkedIn for its part was able to confirm to CBD on Tuesday that the hackers, whoever they were, had engaged in behaviour that was really quite naughty.

“Fraudulent activity, including the creation of fake accounts, is a clear violation of our terms of service,” said a spokesman for the platform.

“We use technology including artificial intelligence paired with teams of experts, to detect fake accounts and remove them, as we did in this case.”

Budget bores

Treasurer Jim Chalmers wanted to play it safe by delivering his fake budget while the government’s honeymoon period was still hot.

That safe approach meant taking some of the sparkle out of budget night. Thanks to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s recent decree banning party political fundraisers from the hallowed halls of Parliament, much of the boozy, schmoozy action Canberra’s version of the Oscars is known for was forced off-site.

The hottest ticket in town was the government’s post-budget fundraiser at the National Arboretum, where Albanese, Chalmers and Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles addressed a gathering of the labour movement’s most generous friends.

But this is Canberra, and with Parliament House out of action, venues are few and far between, meaning the Liberals will hold their own budget dinner at the same venue, after Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s reply speech on Thursday.

The fun doesn’t end with budget night. On Wednesday, Finance Minister Katy Gallagher and Australian Council of Trade Unions boss Michele O’Neill will address a future women event at Realm hosted by Helen McCabe.

And for any Liberal donors not game for the trip down the Hume, Dutton and Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor will also be hosting a $880-a-head budget reply lunch in Sydney next week.

A thousand words

CBD warned on Tuesday of the dangers of recycling the cliched political photo-op, only to be confronted late that day by a shocker of the genre.

Embattled former bikie-dating Greens Senator Lidia Thorpe took to the socials with a pic of her and party leader Adam Bandt sitting at a table in Canberra wearing smiles so weak they might be sent for a stay in a Swiss sanatorium.

It put us in mind of the infamous photo-op back in 2010 when Julia Gillard was re-united with Kevin Rudd, the man she deposed as Labor leader, to be pictured sitting at a desk poring over maps that set new standards for awkwardness.

We weren’t the only ones who noticed the similarity. Former Bill Shorten staffer Andrew Porter was quick with a quip at the Greens expense “[checks notes] not like the old parties” prompting the riposte from former Gillard spinner Russell Mahoney who called for “more maps”.

Saudi charm offensive

Staying in the nation’s capital, where the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s consular representatives are joining the monarchy’s global effort to improve its image after certain unpleasant occurrences in one of its foreign diplomatic installations a few years ago.

As part of Canberra’s annual Windows to the World festival the Saudi Embassy invited nearly all comers onto the premises for an open day - true story - and people actually rocked up.

And they say Canberrans aren’t an intrepid bunch.

Videos posted by the embassy show looked to show the day going pretty well, with even the occasional smile cracked.

We’re not sure about old mate with the sword though, but that’s just us.

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