

This was published 2 years ago


Captain Morrison refuses to walk the plank

There can be absolutely no doubt Scott Morrison saw himself as captain of Australia. And the first mate. And the engineer. And the deckhand.

“You’re standing on the shore after the fact. I was steering the ship in the middle of the tempest,” he reminded reporters at a press conference on Wednesday, referring to the storm of COVID-19.

It was one classic Morrisonism after another as the former prime minister explained his unprecedented power grab.

It was one classic Morrisonism after another as the former prime minister explained his unprecedented power grab.Credit: Nick Moir

“So I appreciate that your perspective is different to mine and I think that may explain some of the differences in our vantage point and understanding of these issues.”

The hour-long affair was a tour de force of vintage Morrisonisms, almost as if the former prime minister felt compelled to trot out his greatest hits for fear of not getting another opportunity.


There was the comfortable defiance of a man convinced he has not done anything wrong; indeed, that the things he was accused of doing were actually selfless acts in service of his country - for which he was inexplicably now being asked to apologise.

There was the Clayton’s apology to his colleagues for any “offence” they might have taken to him secretly assuming responsibility for their departments. But he insisted it was still the prudent thing for him to have done.

There was the mock incredulity that he was misrepresented by people who could not grasp the precise nature of what occurred. He had not been appointed as a joint minister, had not taken over any portfolios and was not co-administering any departments.

Rather, as Morrison told us, “I was administratively sworn in”. Yet at the same time, “the suggestion of co-administration of departments is 100 per cent false”.


Morrison’s combative streak returned in spades, especially in his terse exchanges with Sky News’ Andrew Clennell, who found the former PM’s logic puzzling. “It may be puzzling but that would be as as a result of [you] not having walked in my shoes, Andrew,” Morrison rebuked.

There was avoidance on key questions, such as who else in his office knew about the appointments, and liberal use of the royal “we”. When pressed on who exactly he was including when he said that “we” sought to do these things, Morrison said “we” meant “the government”.

The government apparently did not include deputy Liberal leader and treasurer Josh Frydenberg, or the other ministers whose territories were infiltrated.

Nor did he explain exactly what calamity he feared when he assumed these reserve powers - the incapacitation of a minister, he implied - or why the normal process for appointing a replacement could not have been followed.

Nor were we told why on 6 May 2021, more than a year after accumulating the health and finance portfolios as an emergency COVID measure, Morrison suddenly felt the need to cushion himself with the powers of Home Affairs and Treasury. He simply hadn’t thought of it until then, he said.

Morrison was at pains to stress he had not interfered in anyone’s portfolio, except for cancelling the PEP-11 offshore gas exploration project in December. But there was gaslighting of the highest order when he implied we should have realised way back then that he had acquired responsibility for the resources ministry.

Credit: Matt Golding

“That’s the only way I could have exercised those powers,” he said. “Anyone familiar with that issue would have understood that those powers could only have been exercised by someone who had authority under that department. The applicant [Asset Energy] certainly understood that.”

So we should have, too?

“I can’t speak for what is known and not known by those asking me questions about what they know or don’t know about the operation of that Act,” Morrison said. He later clarified: “I didn’t say it was the public’s fault.”


There was a whiff of resentment at being interrogated by people who - it is true - had not led the country through a pandemic and recession. But he seemed almost as if he were enjoying this last hurrah, and a good dollop of self-satisfaction from fronting up to answer questions when he really didn’t have to anymore, now that he is merely the member for Cook.

And then there was the ultimate Morrisonism; holding multiple positions with utmost fervour and sincerity even though they don’t really gel.

Morrison explained he made these unprecedented moves because the public, the media and the opposition expected him to take responsibility “pretty much for every single thing that was going on” during the pandemic. And yet at no point did he reveal he would fulfil those expectations in the most literal way possible.

There is a cynical parsing of Morrison’s actions: that having learnt how to do the trick in Health and being assured of its legality, he set about doing it in other portfolios secretly, so as not to upset his ministers - implying he didn’t trust them.

Presented with this on Wednesday, he said: “That’s your narrative and I don’t accept it.” And with that classic, the Morrison bingo card was complete.

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