

This was published 2 years ago


Why I changed careers to teach high school – then quit

I was the ideal candidate to career-change into teaching in an apprenticeship-style program.

I had a combined Arts/Law degree, was admitted as a lawyer and have experience as a professional playwright.

Chris Summers is a law graduate and playwright who then trained to be a teacher but left the profession within five years.

Chris Summers is a law graduate and playwright who then trained to be a teacher but left the profession within five years.Credit:

Both my parents were teachers, I attended the local public school and I had the desire to continue in their footsteps teaching in low-socioeconomic, challenging environments.

At the end of 2014, I was thrilled and determined to start a career as a drama/legal studies teacher in rural Victoria.

After a six-week intensive contributing to a master’s degree in teaching, in January 2015 I began my four-day-a-week teaching load.

I left the profession after four years, two years after completing the program, joining the 30 to 50 per cent of teachers who leave teaching in their first five years.

The federal and state education ministers met last week, and it is believed there will be more money and support for apprenticeship-style models to address the teacher shortage.

These involve participants working as a classroom teacher or in educational support while studying for a teaching degree. They are seen as a way to “break down red tape” and “get more teachers in” who already have proven job and/or academic success.


Despite having practised law and seen my plays performed at the Sydney Theatre Company, I was shocked at how little this counted when confronted with the difficulties of classroom management and needing to engage a variety of students with complex and competing learning needs.

I learnt the hard way that effective pedagogy requires planning, critical reflection, resilience and patience: a set of entirely different academic, personal and professional skills.

The non-profit provider of my two-year apprenticeship model told me I would be part of “transformational change” in my community, helping to create better futures for “disadvantaged” young people, and promised ongoing observations and support. They promised a resume-booster, too: at one stage, their recruitment tagline was “From Classroom to CEO”. The combination of doing good and being supported (and paid) while doing so was irresistible.


Over time, for myself and many of my competitively selected cohort, it became apparent that this was slick marketing that appealed to philanthropic donors and government policymakers rather than being our reality. As we learnt more about our school communities – including engaging with many dedicated and passionate teachers already working there – the framing of us as educational saviours for failing students and staff felt increasingly problematic.

In my second year, my teaching was barely observed at all by the provider, while at the same time I was pressured to apply for leadership positions within my school. I could barely teach, but I was already expected to demonstrate leadership development.

Meanwhile, studying a Masters online while teaching four days a week led to me having to prioritise my job, or my study. It was impossible to do both at the standard I wanted, and have any kind of a life.

Tellingly, of the group of friends I made during the program, only one remains in the classroom.

I had assumed once I graduated with my Masters and was able to begin a more “normal” teaching career, things would become easier.


Instead, I now worked five days with a modest pay rise. The demands of crafting and assessing effective curriculum, engaging with parents and school leadership, the expectations around NAPLAN and VCE performance, and the endless administrative tasks that saw lunchtimes disappear and evenings stretch into the late hours only got worse.

I lasted another two years before transitioning into education academia, burnt out.

While I remain deeply passionate about and committed to public education, I am cautious about apprenticeship-style models being a large-scale solution to deeply entrenched problems.

Those who do thrive in them are still faced with the challenges of the system upon graduation.

A focus on entry points into the profession detracts from the bigger, more difficult questions ministers seem to have mostly avoided: why aren’t teachers staying, and what can we change about the system to fix this?

Pay gets a lot of attention, but few teachers are attracted to the profession– or enticed to remain in it – by pay alone.

Teachers are driven by wanting to work with students, parents and communities. Unrealistic teaching loads, limited planning time, constrained curriculum and ongoing data-gathering for often unknown purposes all take teachers further away from what they do best.

These should be the first areas addressed to support those already teaching, before the issue of supply is considered.


I have found contributing to Initial Teacher Education – particularly with doing an apprenticeship-style model – is a more personally sustainable path.

I hope the students I work with are supported with ways to survive, thrive and stick it out in a way that I couldn’t.

Our education ministers owe them that.

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