This was published 2 years ago
Government to rewrite climate bill to win over Greens
By Mike Foley
The Albanese government is promising to rewrite its signature climate reforms to secure support from the Greens including a change to make clear its target of 43 per cent emissions reduction by 2030 is a minimum that could be upgraded over time.
Labor’s concession on the eve of the first parliamentary session is a crucial bargaining play as the new government seeks support for its first major bill.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Greens leader Adam Bandt. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
While the government previously stated that its 43 per cent target would not put a limit on its climate action, Greens leader Adam Bandt is concerned the original draft did not spell that out and could have acted as a cap on emissions’ reduction.
Labor has agreed to make clear in the bill that 43 per cent is a minimum only, but has stopped short of some of the Greens’ biggest demands, such as phasing out coal and gas exports, and it remains to be seen if this rewrite of the bill is enough to lure the minor party across the line.
Bandt told The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald the changes would be a starting point for negotiations.
“The Greens are pleased the government has listened to some of our concerns about the bill, and we are continuing negotiations about remaining issues, including the opening of new coal and gas mines,” he said.
The Greens want to set a target to cut emissions by 75 per cent by 2030 and hit net zero by 2035. Bandt has called Labor’s target “weak”.
A draft of the climate change bill obtained by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age earlier this month revealed the proposed legislation was largely symbolic because it would only enshrine an emissions target and oblige the federal government to make an annual progress report to parliament.
Responding to the earlier draft, Bandt had demanded the Labor government “Dutton-proof” the targets against any future government’s plans to wind them back, calling for commitments to raise the ambitions to be written into the laws.
Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen on Monday signalled the government was moving to make clear its legislated target would set the floor for the government’s climate ambition.
“The bill makes it clear that 43 per cent is our minimum commitment – and does not prevent our collective efforts delivering even stronger reductions over the coming decade,” he said.
Bowen said enshrining the target in law would “end the climate wars” and would be crucial in creating certainty for business and investors, who are needed to bankroll hundreds of billions of dollars of new infrastructure and technology to shift to a low-emissions economy.
He said Labor has been given an election mandate to stick to its 43 per cent target, arguing that increasing that target shortly after the poll would erode investor confidence.
“We went to the election promising to reduce emissions by 43 per cent by 2030, we were given a mandate and now we are delivering,” Bowen said on Monday.
Chris Bowen has signalled the government is moving to make clear its legislated target would set the floor for the government’s climate ambition.Credit: Oscar Colman
“This bill confirms our commitment to ambitious but realistic targets supported by Australia’s states and territories, business, industry, unions, environmental and community groups – and provides a platform for collaboration to drive down emissions while ensuring reliable energy supplies”.
Labor made an election promise to enshrine its target to cut greenhouse emissions 43 per cent by 2030 based on 2005 levels and the government will depend on the Greens’ votes in the Senate to pass its legislation, as the Coalition has indicated it will oppose the targets.
Labor’s bill is expected to come before the lower house on Wednesday where Labor has enough votes to pass it on its own. The bill is set to reach the Senate by September and because the Coalition has vowed to vote against the draft laws, Labor will need all 12 votes from the Greens plus one crossbencher, which will most likely come from ACT independent David Pocock who is open to Labor’s proposal.
Another change proposed by Labor would also insert the new emissions target into the objectives and functions of key agencies such as CSIRO, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, Infrastructure Australia and the Australian Renewable Energy Agency.
Even if the Greens and the Coalition decide to block Labor’s bill, Labor can deliver its key measures to cut carbon emissions without new legislation by increasing renewable energy projects and capping industrial pollution.
The bill does not contain specific mechanisms to ratchet up emissions reductions, such as the use of existing safeguards mechanism to force tougher carbon pollution caps on the 215 biggest industrial polluters in the country.
Despite its shortcomings in the Greens’ eyes, the bill presents a dilemma for the minor party as it revives memories of its role in blocking the Rudd government’s Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.
While the former Labor government was responsible for withdrawing the CPRS from parliament in 2010, the Greens have shouldered blame from some for helping to ignite Australia’s decade-long climate wars when they deemed the scheme inadequate and blocked the legislation.
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