

This was published 2 years ago

Councillor’s wife says son’s name on $35 million contract an ‘error’, ICAC hears

By Megan Gorrey

A real estate agent has told a corruption inquiry it was a mistake that her son’s name appeared on a contract for a multimillion-dollar property deal in Sydney’s south while her husband – who allegedly accepted perks from developers – was a local councillor.

Former Hurstville Liberal councillor Con Hindi’s wife, Mireille Hindi, gave evidence to the corruption watchdog that she stood to make a $500,000 commission for the potential $35 million sale of a sprawling industrial site at Hurstville, which a Chinese developer wanted to buy and transform with hundreds of apartments and a hotel.

Mireille Hindi arrives at the Independent Commission Against Corruption on Wednesday.

Mireille Hindi arrives at the Independent Commission Against Corruption on Wednesday.Credit: Brook Mitchell

The development – known as Landmark Square – has come under the spotlight of the Independent Commission Against Corruption. It is investigating whether former Hurstville and Georges River councillors Con Hindi and Vince Badalati, and former Hurstville councillor Philip Sansom, accepted benefits, including overseas flights and accommodation, from developers in exchange for supporting their developments in Hurstville from 2014 to 2021.

The commission is also examining whether the councillors deliberately failed to declare a conflict of interest arising from their relationships with developers Philip Uy, Wensheng Liu and Yuqing Liu.

On Wednesday, Mireille Hindi, a former Kogarah councillor who has owned Sydney Realty in the St George area since 2011, said she had met Philip Uy, also a real estate agent, at an event in 2014. She later spoke to him about the industrial site for sale.


Uy told her Wensheng Liu’s company One Capital Group was interested in purchasing the site. Hindi met with Uy and Liu to discuss the sale and entered into a buyer’s agency agreement with One Capital Group in July 2014.

Counsel assisting the commission Zelie Heger questioned why the buyer’s agency agreement listed “Malcolm James” as the agent, rather than Mireille Hindi.

The inquiry heard the Hindis’ son Malcolm, now 28, was getting paid $150 a week to work part-time at Sydney Realty while he was studying. Hindi said he had used the name “Malcolm James” on his business cards because there had been “negative articles in the newspapers attacking Con” for council matters, and he preferred not to use his family name.


Hindi said she was “a bit surprised” her son’s name was on the contract as he was not involved with Landmark Square. She said her son had helped with minor matters and would have helped her fill out the contract.

Commissioner Stephen Rushton said: “This is a property said to be worth between $35 million and $36 million ... What I’m concerned about is why your son has his name on this at all?”

Former councillors Vince Badalati and Con Hindi are being investigated by ICAC.

Former councillors Vince Badalati and Con Hindi are being investigated by ICAC.

Hindi said it could “simply be just an error” and that Wensheng Liu knew that she was handling the sale.

The inquiry heard Hindi’s son only held a certificate of registration at the time and could not enter into a buyer’s agency agreement.

Rushton said he might be forced to call her son as a witness to explain.

Hindi again told the commissioner it could “just be an error”. “I don’t see the big deal, I’m sorry.”

Hindi said the contract was filled out in her handwriting and included her licence number, mobile number and signature, prompting Rushton to remark: “That very much suggests that you were falsely representing that your son was the agent when you knew he wasn’t, and you were.”

Rushton suggested to Hindi that it was not an error.

Hindi said: “I’m sorry, I say it is an error.”


Hindi denied she had used her son’s name so that it wasn’t obvious to anyone who looked at the document that there was a connection between her and the agreement.

Rushton said he had “great difficulty accepting that could be a mistake”. He asked whether Hindi understood the consequences if it was “established that she was telling fibs”, which he said could be a “serious criminal offence and perhaps jail time”.

Hindi said: “I understand that.”

Last week, the commission said it would investigate a further allegation that Philip Uy gave Hindi $10,000 between late 2011 and mid-2012 as a “reward or inducement” to favour the interests of Uy and Wensheng Liu relating to a development on Gloucester Road in Hurstville.

The inquiry continues.

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