

This was published 2 years ago

Twenty-five years after The Castle the Australian dream is well and truly dead

By Gareth Bryant

Twenty-five years ago, a low-budget film shot in less than a fortnight captured the hearts and imaginations of Australia. With its sympathetic portrayal of suburban family life, a classic David v Goliath narrative of justice prevailing over corporate greed, and plenty of ever-quotable one-liners, The Castle has maintained a timeless “vibe”.

In 2010, the film was voted as the best expression of Australian identity, which makes sense when you consider The Castle is a love letter to the Australian dream of home ownership.

Anne Tenney and Michael Caton as The Kerrigans in 1997’s The Castle.

Anne Tenney and Michael Caton as The Kerrigans in 1997’s The Castle.Credit:

It follows Darryl Kerrigan’s fight to save his family home, which is being compulsorily acquired to make way for an airport expansion. Against all odds, Darryl, driven by his conviction that what he owns is not simply a house but a home, takes his fight all the way to the High Court, and wins.

But rewatching the film 25 years after it was first released, The Castle now feels more like a farewell note to the Australian dream. Two decades of rapid house-price inflation has transformed the relationship between Australians and housing so profoundly that making a film like The Castle seems almost unthinkable today.

The Castle’s 1997 release came at an interesting juncture in Australia’s political history. It was just after the economic reforms of the Hawke-Keating Labor government of the 1980s and early 1990s. Those reforms included the decision to privatise Melbourne Airport, the proposed expansion of which is the impetus for the events in the film. It was released during the early years of John Howard’s Coalition government that would usher in Australia’s long housing-market boom and with it, a politics of constant house-price inflation.

Tell ’em they’re dreamin’: home ownership is vastly different to what it was 25 years ago.

Tell ’em they’re dreamin’: home ownership is vastly different to what it was 25 years ago.Credit:

Darryl Kerrigan, though, is a product of an earlier era, when home ownership was much more achievable than it is now. Darryl and his wife, Sal, bought their place 15 years before the events of the film for a “steal”. Reflecting the social and economic dynamics of post-war Australia, they were able to achieve the Australian dream on Darryl’s single blue-collar income as a tow-truck driver. When he was looking to buy a home for his young family in the early 1980s, home ownership rates among 25-34-year-olds peaked at 61 per cent. According to the most-recent census data, that figure has dropped to 45 per cent.

Darryl’s relationship to housing is completely divorced from contemporary concerns about house prices and mortgage debt. In stark contrast to conversations about the housing market in major capital cities today, he was simply happy his house was “worth almost as much today as when we bought it”.

For Darryl, housing is purely about its value as a place of shelter and security for his family. As he explained to his barrister, Lawrence Hammill, QC: “It’s not a house, it’s a home. It’s got everything. People who love each other, care for each other. It’s got memories, great memories. It’s a place for the family to turn to. Come back to.”


Two years after the release of The Castle, the Howard government established Australia’s pro-property investor tax regime, which helped lock future Darryls and Sals out of home ownership. The introduction of a 50 per cent discount on capital gains tax combined with negative gearing to supercharge Australian house prices.


The Kerrigan family home perfectly illustrates the scale of house-price inflation in the decades since. Despite the size of the TV aerial and the fake latticing, the valuation of Darryl’s home came in at just $70,000. The exact same property used in the film, in Melbourne’s northern suburbs, is now estimated to be worth $1.24 million – an increase of 1000 per cent in real terms in 25 years.

Rapidly rising house prices have made buying a house today a very different proposition to that faced by the Kerrigans. In 1981, average house prices in Melbourne were 2.8 times average wages. In 2021, that figure had risen to 10.4 times.

Howard’s legacy was not only to create the policy conditions for house-price inflation, but to create a powerful political constituency in favour of it. In 2003, Howard memorably noted that people were not stopping him in the street to complain about the increasing value of their homes.

This politics of house-price inflation came full circle at the 2022 federal election. After dropping their 2016 and 2019 election pledges to partially wind back negative gearing and the capital gains tax discount, Labor joined the Coalition in abandoning any pretence of restraining house prices. In the final weeks of the campaign, both major parties made pitches around housing affordability that offered government support to buy into house-price inflation. It was, in some ways, the death knell of the kind of Australian dream depicted in The Castle.


The film presented housing as a great equaliser in Australian society. Shared values around home ownership allowed a tow-truck driver to develop a strong bond with a QC. But fast-forward to 2022, and home ownership is now one of the great social and economic divides in Australia. Those who own housing assets face a very different future to those who don’t. Young people, even those on good incomes who are careful with their money, find it near impossible to buy a house without parental support.

Today, it is the young Darryl Kerrigans hoping to work and save their way into the Australian dream who are left “dreamin’”.

Gareth Bryant is a senior lecturer in political economy at the University of Sydney

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