

This was published 2 years ago


If the major parties are Carlton and VB, voters are choosing craft beer

As a pollster, I have just witnessed an election unfold quite unlike any other.

A record number of people voted early, major parties’ primary vote shrunk to new lows, preferences fuelled a narrow victory for Labor and inner-city seats boiled over to form a massive crossbench.

Voters turned away from the major parties this election.

Voters turned away from the major parties this election.Credit: Chris Hopkins

The result was certainly a rejection of the Coalition, which shed five percentage points of primary vote and received a minority of preferences. Despite relative success in navigating the pandemic, the government’s longevity, competency and the style of its leader stymied its chance of a second “miracle” win. You don’t have to like someone to vote for them, but it helps.

Without a bold vision or policy platform, Labor’s primary vote dropped a point, too. Having to rely on others’ preferences, values statements and the WA premier is hardly a glowing endorsement. But a win with under a third of the primary vote is still a win.

If anything, this election was a protest against politics and the way it is being conducted by the major parties. This sentiment erupted most visibly in our inner cities, where moderate Liberals were overtaken by immoderate gains by the independents.


Urban, urbane women built impressive primary votes of 26-42 per cent from nothing. Locals voted for them but also got behind them, many campaigning, donating and advocating for their cause. In Brisbane, independents were unavailable and the Greens capitalised on the shift away from major parties.

Regardless of your political views, you cannot deny this has changed politics.

Elections are no longer a zero-sum game. The Coalition’s losses are not now automatically Labor’s gains, and vice versa. Labor is reduced to running dead in many seats, and the Coalition will now find it harder to win elections from the centre, nurture future leaders and find donations.


The lesson of this election is simple. Not all politics is local, but it needs to become more local, more tailored.

A candidate cannot represent the views or reflect the diversity of an entire electorate, just as a leader or party cannot represent the entire country, but they can represent what the majority of locals want rather than toeing the party line.

The major parties are like VB and Carlton as voters turn to craft beer.

The major parties are like VB and Carlton as voters turn to craft beer.Credit: Andrew Quilty

This is about local representative democracy. This is why the teal independents succeeded against the Coalition using Labor-aligned policies in places Labor has only fantasised about winning.

The major parties will be pondering how best to respond. Lifting their game will not be enough. They need to change how they play the game.

If Liberal and Labor don’t recognise this they will become the VB and Tooheys of this world. The beer hasn’t changed, but the customer has. They will still sell lots of beer, but they’ll enjoy dwindling appeal as locally crafted, targeted and cleverly marketed ales chip away at their market share.


The only political solution is for the major parties to treat local candidates more like franchisees than employees. They may use your brand and agree with your governing ethos, but will apply their own nuances to the offering, and should control their territory and how it operates. This brand extension is a potent combination.

There is also an electoral solution that goes to the root cause of all this.

To understand the election result, you must first understand how people use their votes. Primary votes – the box you number “1” – represent who you want to win, whereas preferences are about who you want to lose. I may vote for a Greens MP because I would like them to win, for example, and put the Liberals and One Nation last because I would prefer them not to.

Our preference voting rewards major parties with more preferences when they take centrist positions and punishes them for taking risks with bold policy and vision.

Denied that differentiation, the major parties are reduced to making the other guy appear less electable. Negative preference votes beget negative, personal campaigns. Destroying Morrison was enough for Labor, just as taking down Gillard was enough for Abbott. Voters despise it, but it works.

The alternative to preference voting is a “first past the post” system where you simply vote “1” and nothing more. One person, one vote. Fair, simple and as elegant a solution as democracy itself.

It ensures you are using your vote carefully and positively to elect someone or something you actually want. The parties must rise to the occasion because they cannot win votes by default. It works elsewhere and our polling says that most Australians support it. This would truly take politics back to its roots.

Jim Reed is the founder of Resolve Strategic and conducts the Resolve Political Monitor poll for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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