This was published 2 years ago
We reserve homes for over 55s. Why don’t we have villages for first home buyers?
“Are you here for your parents or for someone else?” the selling agent asked the weary first home buyer couple inspecting their umpteenth home in Sydney one Saturday morning.
They were hopeful. It could finally have been the one. The perfect place that ticked all the boxes – a well-maintained, two-bedroom starter home within their budget and close to their jobs.
First-home buyers often find themselves at auctions competing with cashed-up downsizers and investors. But what if they didn’t have to?Credit: Peter Rae
“No, we’re inspecting it for ourselves,” the couple replied, suddenly realising the handful of other interested buyers were much older than them.
“Oh, this is for over 55s only.”
There are retirement villages everywhere. Homes reserved for retirees. Why don’t we have the same for first home buyers, where they could have first dibs on affordable property without having to compete with investors and cashed-up downsizers?
It could be done a number of ways, experts say, if there was political will and developers had an incentive to deliver.
There are retirement villages dotted across Sydney where homes are reserved for retirees. Experts say the same could be done for first home buyers.Credit: Peter Rae
University of Sydney professor of urban and regional planning Nicole Gurran said the most obvious way to ensure first home buyers could buy into the market was for governments to enshrine it in legislation by requiring that a proportion of new homes be earmarked for them.
“Of course we could [have first-home buyer villages]. That’s inclusionary zoning and that’s the method used in South Australia and many countries around the world,” Gurran said.
“That means you have to sell those homes at a particular price point that we have defined as affordable that’s based on a deposit and repayments of moderate income earners. It’s not too dissimilar to the approach in retirement housing.
“The benefit is that the first home buyer isn’t priced out immediately by an investor who is able to outbid them.”
Mirvac gave first home buyers first pick of a percentage of apartments in its Pavilions development. Credit:
Gurran said while it took some time to embed in South Australia (starting in 2005 with a 15 per cent target), there is now a pipeline of affordable housing in the state. According to a 2018 report by Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, the program delivered 5485 affordable homes before 2015, amounting to 17 per cent of total housing supply in that state.
In NSW, the state government has given the City of Sydney the green light to commit to inclusionary zoning only to deliver rental housing, despite attempts to boost affordable housing by other councils, including the Northern Beaches and Ryde. Very few Sydney councils have been able to implement the idea because of barriers in state government planning legislation, Gurran said.
She said another way to develop first home villages was through community land trusts. This is a form of shared property ownership in which the land component of a residential property is owned by a community-based not-for-profit legal entity and the building is owned (or leased long-term) by an individual household.
Mirvac trialled an initiative called The Right Start in its Pavilions development at Sydney Olympic Park in 2017, offering first-home buyers first dibs on 60 of its lowest priced units, with just half of the deposit required to secure one. It has not been done again since.
Having moving from rental to rental for years, Mariam Mohammed hopes to buy her own home and said the concept of property reserved at affordable prices for first-home buyers such as herself held appeal.
“The current policy is geared towards catering for people buying their second, third or fourth homes with negative gearing and capital gains tax,” the Mohammed, 28, said.
“A lot of those policies are in place because Australia values property as an asset. We do need to understand it’s not just an asset, it’s also a human right.
“I am a migrant in Australia. I don’t have the bank of mum and dad to help. For a young person who entirely supports themselves, it’s not achievable until at least another decade.”
Mariam Mohammed is an aspiring homeowner who welcomes the idea of prioritising homes for people trying to get onto the property ladder.Credit: Oscar Colman
Tom Forrest, chief executive of Urban Taskforce Australia, a developer lobby group, said building affordable housing for first home buyers was achievable as long as developers had an incentive to deliver it.
“There has to be some sort of reward for doing that,” Forrest said. “Does it come in the form of increased height, or increased FSR [floor-to-space ratio] or something that is financially in the interest of the developer? If you limit the sale, you need to make it financially feasible for the developer.”
He said a similar approach was taken for retirement villages and it “took off” because planning rules were adjusted for developers to build the product with better returns.
“That’s the same thing that was done to promote seniors living – [first-home buyer villages] is not a concept out of left field or crazy.
“Where you have bonuses for the production of seniors living, you have had more seniors. They haven’t tried giving additional bonuses for first home buyers.”
Forrest pointed to flexible planning in Melbourne’s CBD which has allowed for more unit development.
A research fellow in the Henry Halloran Trust at Sydney University, Dr Cameron Murray, said the concept of dedicating stock to first home buyers, who have lower budgets, meant developers must be willing to reduce profits.
“The reason that any property owner looking to develop will avoid targeting first-home buyers is because they have the least amount of money, and if someone else like an investor comes along to offer more for the same thing, they’d be foolish not to,” Murray said.
In some models, retirement villages rely on turnover to make a profit, Murray said, charging fees to as many owners over the life of the home.
“It’s a financial game that is played, and it relies on the fact that they don’t live long before the next. It’s clear why you wouldn’t do that for first-home buyers.”
He said with little private incentive to sell to someone who is not the highest bidder, it was governments’ role to increase homeownership.
Murray pointed to the Singapore example, which created a public housing developer. The government-owned entity develops on public land and limits buyers to certain age, income and, most crucially, those who own no other property. People can only sell on to other eligible first-home buyers.
He said in the past four decades, homeownership among Australians aged 25 to 34 had sunk from about 60 per cent to 45 per cent in the same time in Singapore it rose from about 60 per cent to 88 per cent for that age group.
He suggested the Singapore model as the closest example of building first home buyer villages.
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