

This was published 2 years ago

‘Not a reason not to talk’: Key independent candidates list demands in event of hung parliament

By David Crowe

Greater climate action and a stronger corruption watchdog are leading the list of demands from independent candidates in the event of a hung parliament after Prime Minister Scott Morrison left the door open to negotiating with the crossbench to hold power.

Morrison would have to commit to action on those two key issues in the hope of gaining support from the independent candidates, who have also named the treatment of women and better healthcare as factors in deciding who should form government.

Key independents - Zoe Daniel, Allegra Spender, Sophie Scamps and Kate Chaney - have named the issues they would consider key to negotiations if the May 21 election produced a hung parliament.

Key independents - Zoe Daniel, Allegra Spender, Sophie Scamps and Kate Chaney - have named the issues they would consider key to negotiations if the May 21 election produced a hung parliament.Credit: Simon Schluter, Louise Kennerley, James Brickwood, Nick Moir,Tony McDonough

With donors pouring millions of dollars into independent campaigns, Morrison aired his frustration on Monday that the challengers were not facing enough scrutiny over who they would install in office if they were given the power at a tight election.

But the independents named their key priorities and fired a warning shot over Morrison’s bow concerning his refusal to commit to setting up a powerful integrity commission in the next term of parliament – a stance that might cost him power.

“Mr Morrison would make it easier for himself if he had not broken his solemn election promise to establish a national anti-corruption commission, but that is not a reason not to talk,” said Zoe Daniel, who is running for the Melbourne seat of Goldstein.


Morrison was asked twice on Monday if he would rule out a deal with independents, but he declined to do so, arguing instead that he was seeking majority government and voters could not be sure how the independents might vote in parliament.

“You don’t know who they are going to support, and who they are not going to support; you don’t know what the policies are, they are not asked. They don’t explain what they will do with the economy,” he said while campaigning in Perth.

“And the great risk of voting for an independent in one of those contests is that you throw the parliament into chaos and uncertainty.”


High-profile independents such as Allegra Spender in the Sydney seat of Wentworth and Monique Ryan in the Melbourne seat of Kooyong have rebuffed requests to name the party they might support and have instead named the key issues they would raise with leaders on both sides.

Independent candidate Kylea Tink, who is seeking to oust Liberal MP Trent Zimmerman in North Sydney, said it would be up to Labor and Coalition leaders to demonstrate what they would do in office.

“I would talk to the leaders of each of the major parties to assess who is more prepared and able to meet the people of North Sydney’s demands for quicker action on climate, integrity in politics and genuine equality for women,” Tink said.

Daniel, who is seeking to replace Liberal assistant minister Tim Wilson, said she would talk to leaders from the two main parties.

“To do otherwise would be a breach of my responsibilities as an independent member of parliament,” she said.

“The men aspiring to lead the government in such circumstances would know full well the principles on which I have campaigned: faster and stronger action on climate change, restoration of integrity and trust in politics and real equality and safety for women.”

Spender, who is challenging Liberal MP and former diplomat Dave Sharma in Wentworth, said local voters wanted an integrity commission and stronger action on climate.

“They hate both parties’ wasteful spending that seems solely designed to retain power,” she said of the feedback she had received from voters.

“With $1 trillion of debt, the community expects much better than this.”

Many independents are supporting a bill advanced by Dr Helen Haines, the MP for Indi in northern Victoria, which would give the proposed integrity commission broader powers, including the scope for public hearings.

Haines said if she was sitting at the negotiating table after the election the issues most important to her would be “a robust federal integrity commission, strong action on climate change and urgent and significant investment in regional healthcare”.

Sophie Scamps, who is seeking to oust Liberal MP Jason Falinski in the northern Sydney seat of Mackellar, said the priorities for local voters were climate action, integrity and better healthcare.


“National leadership on clean energy will provide good jobs, cheaper energy for families and businesses, cleaner air and oceans for our children, and a safer climate for all,” she said.

“We also need a significant increase in federal government funding for health and mental health services to ensure better access and health outcomes for all Australians.”

Liberal MPs have privately estimated that the independent campaigns will spend as much as $2 million in blue-ribbon seats in Melbourne and Sydney, with the latest Resolve Political Monitor showing a fall in the Labor primary vote and a small increase in the Coalition vote, highlighting the possibility of a hung parliament.

In a sign of their confidence, Ryan published polling on Monday that suggested she had 59 per cent of the vote in Kooyong in two-party terms against Treasurer Josh Frydenberg, who has held the blue-ribbon seat since 2010. Ryan said the poll by UComms of 847 residents was conducted on April 12 and had a margin of error of 3.35 percentage points.

Ryan made it clear that Morrison would have to deepen cuts to carbon emissions from his target of 28 per cent by 2030 to her target of 60 per cent by the same year, but said this would also apply to Labor leader Anthony Albanese. The current Labor target is 43 per cent by 2030.

”At this point, neither of the major parties has come to the party, to the table, in the same way that the people of Kooyong want them to,” Ryan told Sky News on Monday afternoon.

Kate Chaney, who is challenging Liberal MP Celia Hammond in the Perth seat of Curtin, said she would pursue action on climate change, integrity in politics and pushing for a future-proof plan for our economy.

“In the case of a hung parliament, I’d enter into negotiations with both sides and see who is willing to make a serious commitment on these issues so vital to Australia’s future,” she said.

“Both parties would need to show some genuine commitment to taking action on climate change; so far, they’ve been dragged kicking and screaming to the bare minimum, and we’ve lost 10 years to politics.

“Many traditional Liberal voters are telling me they’re appalled that Mr Morrison has abandoned his promise to establish a federal anti-corruption commission, so that would have to change.”

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