

This was published 2 years ago


‘Google it, mate’: The postmodern answer to a politician’s nightmare

Can anyone wait for that special moment when an excited newshound asks the next political candidate who wanders into the television spotlight to name the current trade-weighted index? Or the spot price for West Texas crude?

Headline writers everywhere would surely be standing ready to break out their thesauruses to find a more scathing word than the over-used “gaffe”.

’Google it, mate.” Adam Bandt stands his ground.

’Google it, mate.” Adam Bandt stands his ground.Credit: AAP

Is it a mere blunder to fail such a test? A howler? A botch, a faux pas or a cock-up?

Greens leader Adam Bandt was the latest to be lined up for a cheap fall when he appeared at the National Press Club on Wednesday.

“What’s the current WPI?” asked a youthful economics correspondent from the federal press gallery.

Given that about 0.001 per cent of the population (not a fact-checked number, we concede) would know the WPI was the wage price index, and about 0.1 per cent would have the answer on the tip of their tongues, you might have imagined this would have struck Bandt into a pillar of salt.

He wasn’t having it, however.

“Google it, mate,” was his marvellously postmodern response.


Somewhere, surely, Anthony Albanese was slapping his forehead, sobbing along the lines of: “Why in God’s name didn’t I think of that.”

Bandt added plenty more about his opinion on questions like these.

“If you want to know why people are turning off politics,” he said. “It’s about what happens when you have an election that increasingly becomes this basic fact-checking exercise between a government that deserves to be turfed out and an Opposition that’s got no vision. This is what happens.

“Elections should be about a contest of ideas.

“Politics should be about reaching for the stars and offering a better society. And instead, there’s these questions that are asked about - can you tell us this particular stat or can you tell us that particular stat.”

With the Greens squeezed between the big parties and emergent independents of all stripes as the federal election groans to life, the press club’s podium was Bandt’s moment to shine, his speech beamed across the nation by ABC TV and radio.

Emboldened by the opportunity, he spoke optimistically of the likelihood of his party picking up enough seats to hold the balance of power in what he expected would be a minority Labor government. Salad days ahead.

Anthony Albanese discovered that it doesn’t pay to get your answers wrong about key economic indicators.

Anthony Albanese discovered that it doesn’t pay to get your answers wrong about key economic indicators.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

But then came the dreaded question and answer session.

This is where, not long ago, Prime Minister Scott Morrison found himself unable to name the price of a loaf of bread, a litre of petrol and a rapid antigen test. Commentators everywhere decided he was out of touch with the common voter.


Morrison’s difficulties calculating the worth of the Kirribilli larder, the fuel tank and the COVID cabinet paled, of course, when on the very first day of the election campaign, Anthony Albanese had a brain spasm.

Many excited commentators all but declared Albanese’s chances of winning the election were kaput after he seized up when asked the Reserve Bank’s official cash rate, and went wildly off course when guessing, and getting wrong, the unemployment rate.

Indeed, it doesn’t pay to get your answers wrong about key economic indicators.

Back in Labor’s anxious days of 1991, John Kerin was summarily sacked by Bob Hawke as treasurer when he forgot in a press conference the meaning of something called the gross operating surplus. The condemnation of Kerin was immense from media figures, some of whom had to consult their budget papers to define what this gross operating surplus thing actually was.

What might John Kerin have done in the paralysed moments of that old press conference to be able to cry “Google it”?

Google, alas, had not been invented.

Meanwhile, there were those taken aback that the wily John Howard seemed strangely unmoved by Albanese getting the unemployment figure wrong.

“So what,” he said, before later backtracking.

Could it be that Howard remains haunted by the biggest election campaign snafu of all?

His 1987 election campaign, when he was opposition leader, stopped dead in its tracks, never to recover, when he had to admit his much ballyhooed tax policy contained a thumping arithmetic error: a black hole of $540 million, which would be north of $1.5 billion in today’s dollars.

Don’t recall this frozen moment?

Google it.

Jacqueline Maley cuts through the noise of the federal election campaign with news, views and expert analysis. Sign up to our Australia Votes 2022 newsletter here.

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