

This was published 2 years ago

The failures that left Australians facing floods alone began years ago

By Nick O'Malley and Laura Chung

Sometime before dawn on February 27 Aidan Ricketts’ neighbours began to cry for help. When the flood warning for northern NSW and south-east Queensland had come in the day before Ricketts had tied his tinny up under the house ready for the rescues he knew would follow.

But during the night, the water had risen so fast that it was clear it would soon be pinned under the house. His daughter, Kudra, pulled an athletic “Lara Croft move”, paddling under the house and rolling into the boat, to retrieve it before the water engulfed their home.

Northern Rivers region resident Aidan Ricketts didn’t think twice about jumping into his boat to save his neighbours.

Northern Rivers region resident Aidan Ricketts didn’t think twice about jumping into his boat to save his neighbours.

They rescued the neighbours at first light and by the time they took a break after the waters peaked in the mid-afternoon Kudra, 25, and Ricketts — a 60-year-old law lecturer at Southern Cross University — had rescued 22 people including their own family.

They had to bust through the roof of one house to free a trapped family and they lifted a woman in her 90s out a loft window at one point, says Ricketts. He remembers most people were fearful but calm.

“Your whole mind and body knows what needs to be done and it’s just focused on the task. Most people were in that state. They were just focused on the survival task,” he says.

Ricketts doesn’t feel as though he was abandoned by a lack of government support in those first hours. Nor does he believe that thousands more troops would have made much of a difference since.

Australia has been hit by back-to-back flooding events with many communities worried if they can ever recover.

Australia has been hit by back-to-back flooding events with many communities worried if they can ever recover.Credit: Brook Mitchell

“The people of Lismore are good at this, the government had no capacity to deal with this event at the time,” he says, echoing a point made by Prime Minister Scott Morrison a week ago.

“We need people to go and rescue their neighbours. We need the community response,” Morrison said when criticised about the government’s flood disaster response.


“To deploy nationally positioned forces around the country and mobilise them with the equipment ... and the supplying and the provisioning — that, you can’t just turn that off and on.

“You’re never going to have an ADF base sitting around the corner in every single town.”

Ricketts agrees but believes that successive governments have betrayed Australians by not properly planning for the disasters they knew were coming, while not acknowledging climate change.

“This flood didn’t just pip over the records we had since the beginning of white settlement, this flood exceeded it by two-and-a-half metres in a single bound,” he says.

“This is the climate catastrophe. It’s in our faces. This is what they have been warning us about.”

Ricketts says that to deny the role of climate change in catastrophes facing communities like his goes beyond political reluctance to reduce emissions. It prevents communities from preparing to save their own lives.

Ricketts is not the only person with that view.

A decade ago, Australia was at the forefront of international efforts to prepare communities for the impact of climate change.

The work was informed by bodies including the Climate Change Adaptation Flagship at the CSIRO, the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility at Griffith University and the Climate Commission, an independent body created by the federal government in 2011.

All were defunded or scrapped after Tony Abbott won office in 2013.

Ecologist and author Tim Flannery, who headed the Climate Commission, recalls taking a call from then environment minister Greg Hunt hours after the new coalition government was sworn in letting him know the commission had been sacked.

The research it had posted on its website was soon removed from the public domain.

Shortly afterwards, the CSIRO’s adaptation flagship was abolished too. One member of its advisory council, Professor Barbara Norman says it was made clear to its members that it, too, had fallen foul of a government that did not want to discuss climate change, let alone fund research on it.

Indeed, she recalls one meeting in which it was suggested the body might survive longer if it removed the word “climate” from its title.

Another former member of the flagship’s advisory council says that her frustration over the body’s destruction over the past year had only grown as she has watched the fires and floods wreak havoc across the nation.

While the Climate Commission’s role was public education, the flagship’s role was to engage with communities to help them prepare for the sort of disasters that have been occurring with increased frequency in the years since it was defunded.

“It’s devastating,” she says. “We’ve continued to put people in harm’s way, to allow people to stay in harm’s way, despite the fact that we had a national leadership program looking at how communities could engage with the science and fact-basis of climate change and start to prepare for, and adapt to, their changing situation.”

The former NSW fire chief Greg Mullins says that the politicisation of climate change and the curtailment of federally managed research and preparedness has left state-based agencies vulnerable.

“They are organised and resourced to fight the hazards of the last century, not this one,” he says.


He believes that agencies like Victoria’s CFA, the NSW RFS and SES remain equipped to protect their communities from many hazards, but not the catastrophes we can now expect to happen more often.

Emergency services acknowledge they are being stretched due to the frequency and intensity of natural disasters.

In the 2019-20 bushfire season, they faced fatigue from battling blazes that raged for months while juggling work demands, prompting questions over the capacity of volunteer organisations.

Former deputy director-general of the NSW SES and flood expert Chas Keys said volunteering was an important aspect of Australian life. “[Emergency services] are a lot better than they were 30 years ago … but everything can be better,” he says.

Keys added that Australia’s emergency management system wa good compared to other countries despite its reliance on volunteers.

And emergency services are updating their practices as weather extremes hit.

NSW RFS deputy commissioner of field operations Peter McKechnie says since the 2019-20 bushfires, the group’s risk management processes had improved to include more scientific input from a new partnership with Melbourne University as well as community input.

He said the RFS had received more support since the 2019-20 bushfires, including a large air tanker and 100 additional personnel dedicated to mitigation and preparation for fire seasons.

“Every event, we learn something else and other ways of doing things. We are focused on preparing to fight fires as bad or worse as 2019-20 and we are ready to do a better job next time. We’ve been well-equipped to take that challenge on,” McKechnie says.

But he added there was a shared responsibility between community members, government and agencies to invest in mitigation and preparations.

Fire and Rescue attempt to hold the Gospers Mountain fire from crossing the Bells Line of Road in December 2019.

Fire and Rescue attempt to hold the Gospers Mountain fire from crossing the Bells Line of Road in December 2019. Credit: Nick Moir

The federal government rejects the criticism that it remains unprepared for climate impacts.

Using uncharacteristically blunt language earlier this month Morrison said: “We are dealing with a different climate to the one we are dealing with before ... I think it is just an obvious fact that Australia is getting harder to live in because of these disasters.”

In October last year Environment Minister Sussan Ley announced the creation of the National Climate Resilience and Adaptation Strategy and a National Adaptation Office to co-ordinate work on climate resilience and adaptation across governments.


It has invested $38 million into a new Climate Systems hub to inform climate adaptation solutions. (Early estimates suggest the national cost of the recent floods could exceed $2 billion).

A spokesman for Ley’s office notes funding goes to other programs, too, including the Future Drought Fund, programs for the Great Barrier Reef, and the Preparing Australia Program to deliver long-term disaster risk reduction and resilience.

Mullins has joined the Climate Council, which with private funding grew out of the remains of the Climate Commission. He confesses to feeling “jaundiced” by the federal government’s climate stance.

He dismisses these efforts as “government by press release”, and says it does not make up for the lack of national leadership in co-ordinating all levels of government to prepare for a new climate reality, nor for the scrapping of the bodies that were already in place.

“Taking away critical disaster research and planning capabilities may have already cost lives, and will almost certainly contribute to more deaths in future,” Mullins says.

Flannery says that even if the new bodies succeed, a crucial decade has already been needlessly lost.

Back in the disaster zone, Ricketts says that in the days since the flood receded, there has been an odd beauty about the community response.

“I call it the free state of Lismore. Money doesn’t change hands for anything in the first weeks after a flood. People share food, they share labour. They bring sandwiches to your door,” he says.

“But this isn’t just about Lismore and it isn’t just about floods. It’s about floods and fire and coastal erosion and houses dropping into the sea. It is going to get everyone at some stage.

“We live in a place of climate extremes and we are thumbing our nose at it. We are saying ‘What more can you throw it us?’ Well, it can throw plenty more at us.”

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