

This was published 3 years ago

‘Breathe! Please breathe’: Why young Alisha died waiting for an ambulance

An asthma attack was all it took. That and a minutes-long delay to get a call-taker to answer triple zero. Victoria’s failing triple-zero service has claimed another victim.

Alisha and her mum, Jasmin Hussein.

Alisha and her mum, Jasmin Hussein.

It’s when Alisha’s face turns a bluish grey that her mother, Jasmin Hussein, realises the window is closing to keep her 14-year-old daughter alive. Every second is precious, every minute a lifetime.

Breathe, Alisha.

Please breathe.

Jasmin has dialled triple zero, and is waiting to hear the voice of a call-taker to tell her what to do, or get an ambulance on the road. Victoria’s Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) is meant to answer emergency calls within five seconds.

But on this night, October 27 last year, no-one at ESTA is picking up her call. Inadequate staffing means already overworked employees are helping other panicked, ill, injured or dying Victorians.

Thirty seconds ticks over. One minute.

A Telstra operator is still trying to page Jasmin through to a triple-zero call-taker, but it isn’t working. Neither is the puffer or the nebuliser that normally help Alisha during an asthma attack.


Jasmin knows that a speedily dispatched ambulance can stabilise an asthma patient. But no one is picking up.

And now Alisha is turning blue.

A recording that Telstra will later release to Jasmin captures the desperate mother peppering its operator with questions she can’t answer: Should I drive her to hospital? Will that be quicker than waiting for ESTA to pick up?

Jasmin Hussein weeps as she and her family (Eiliya, Grandma Rita, Zaahir, Imani, Aleena and Ammara) look through a photo album containing photographs of her deceased 14-year-old daughter Alisha.

Jasmin Hussein weeps as she and her family (Eiliya, Grandma Rita, Zaahir, Imani, Aleena and Ammara) look through a photo album containing photographs of her deceased 14-year-old daughter Alisha.Credit: Chris Hopkins

Alisha is 14. She wants to become a magistrate and is looking forward to getting her first mobile phone. Jasmin hears herself telling the Telstra operator her daughter might be dying.

“She is not probably going to make it,” she says.

Alisha’s face isn’t only drained of colour. Her eyes have moved from pleading and panic to terror. Her lungs need air.


Two minutes pass and Jasmin decides to put her daughter onto the back seat of the family car and race her to hospital.

Three minutes. ESTA still hasn’t picked up. Jasmin is performing CPR on the car’s back seat while her husband drives. Her triple-zero call is still with the Telstra operator who is still trying to page it through to ESTA.

The Telstra recording captures Jasmin speaking again. This time just two words: “She’s dying”.

Five minutes pass.

As each minute drags on, the Telstra operator responds calmly that she is “still connecting” to an ESTA ambulance dispatcher. But Jasmin is too focused on trying to revive her daughter. She is screaming at her: “Breathe, Alisha. Breathe.”

Alisha as a little girl.

Alisha as a little girl.

Her lifeless eyes look nothing like those in the photos her mum would later carefully select and paste in an album. There is Alisha grinning with her little sister, one of eight siblings; there is Alisha with her best mates from school.


Ten minutes. Eleven minutes. “Ambulance still ringing out” says the Telstra operator. There is still no one at ESTA who is able to pick up.

In calling triple zero, Jasmin has done what every Victorian mum would during a medical emergency. But she has not been told what is known to the Andrews government and those within ESTA’s senior ranks. What they know is that 18 months into a pandemic and several years since 10 Victorians died after a thunderstorm asthma event, ESTA remains a resourcing and management basket case.

Warnings about the need to properly prepare for surges in ambulance call-outs date back to 2014, but they have escalated throughout 2021. There were articles in late March and early April, an October 8 letter from the federal government written to minister Jaclyn Symes.

And 11 days before Jasmin failed to get through, there is the fatal event that would later plunge ESTA into the headlines: a 15-minute delay that may have contributed to the death of a Melbourne father of three.

Thirteen minutes have now passed, but Jasmin’s call remains an urgent flashing light on a computer screen as call-takers help others in the triple-zero queue. Hers is one of the thousands of urgent calls that will not come within cooee of ESTA’s five-second mandated call-answer target, making Jasmin one of thousands of Victorians left facing an insidious choice: hope for eventual connection to a call-taker who will dispatch an ambulance, or turn their family car into an ambulance.

“Saving time, saving lives” is ESTA’s motto, but this fails to capture the real work of the call-takers: calm, professional, they not only dispatch ambulances but instruct Victorians how perform CPR, or clear an airway or staunch a wound.


But the number of Victorians who can access this life-saving assistance is contingent on the ability of ESTA to actually take the calls, even when their number is surging.

Fourteen minutes. Alisha’s mum has given up on getting through to ESTA and is carrying her into hospital. The unnamed Telstra operator has also given up. The recording captures her muttering in frustration: “Fifteen minutes!”


On a hospital gurney, the teenager, the one who was excited to get her first mobile phone, is almost unrecognisable, surrounded by doctors and tubes. Jasmin will still buy the phone after Alisha’s funeral and place it, in its unopened box, in a shrine in the living room.

Long before she’s formally declared dead, Jasmin knows by the absence of life in her little girl’s face that she is gone.

Only then does an ESTA call taker pick up the call.

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