

This was published 3 years ago

NSW Treasury accused of cover-up over controversial rail corporation

By Adele Ferguson and Matt O'Sullivan

The NSW Auditor-General has accused Treasury of obstructing its investigation into a controversial rail corporation by withholding crucial documents and making inaccurate forecasts to inflate the state budget.

In a high stakes move, Auditor-General Margaret Crawford delayed signing off on the state’s accounts by three months due to a “protracted disagreement” over the government’s handling of the Transport Asset Holding Entity (TAHE) and the integrity of Treasury’s numbers.

About $40 billion of rail assets including trains are owned by the government’s Transport Asset Holding Entity.

About $40 billion of rail assets including trains are owned by the government’s Transport Asset Holding Entity.Credit: Rhett Wyman

She signed the accounts just before Christmas when the government agreed to inject more than $5 billion in extra funding into the railways over the coming years.

In a scathing report released on Wednesday she called on Treasury to “significantly improve” its sharing of critical information in a timely manner after receiving 23 crucial reports around midnight, hours before she signed off on the state’s finances.

She said Treasury presented “late, unsophisticated, and inaccurate forecasts” to the Audit Office, all of which sought to support its desire for higher projected returns from the controversial rail corporation.

The report into the state’s finances, released on Wednesday, follows revelations in June by the Herald that TAHE was set up to shift billions of dollars of expenses off the NSW budget and into a new rail body to artificially inflate the state’s coffers.

The Herald also revealed NSW Treasury pressured accounting giant KPMG and then partner Brendan Lyon to delete or amend aspects of a report that found the plan could end up costing the state more than it saved. A second report was commissioned by a different partner at KPMG, using different assumptions, to contradict Mr Lyon’s work.

Former KPMG partner Brendan Lyon appears at an inquiry into the rail corporation in November.

Former KPMG partner Brendan Lyon appears at an inquiry into the rail corporation in November.Credit: Kate Geraghty

In her report, Ms Crawford warns that the extensive use of consultants runs the risk of agencies shopping for opinions to support their desired outcomes.


And she said the challenges in completing the audit of the state’s finances had been “extraordinary” and “tested” her office’s relationship with Treasury.

The Auditor-General said her office’s investigations into TAHE was “hindered by errors and omissions in information and models” provided by Treasury.

They included a failure by Treasury to include in its calculations a writedown of the state’s rail assets by more than half to $24.8 billion, which it later amended to $20.3 billion.

Shadow treasurer Daniel Mookhey said the government and Treasury were engaging in misleading and deceptive conduct as they raced to stop TAHE from detonating the state’s budget.

“The tactics of withholding information, and providing the Auditor-General with misleading answers are despicable. Those responsible need to lose their jobs,” he said.

Mr Mookhey said the Auditor-General had demolished the Premier and Treasurer’s claims about the benefits of TAHE, which would cost taxpayers more than $13 billion by the end of this decade.

“Taxpayers will have to throw even more good money after bad to pay for the Premier’s attempt at budget deception,” he said.

The Auditor-General warned that “significant uncertainties” remain and a key focus would be whether TAHE can operate as an independent state-owned corporation.

It was only when the Auditor-General told Treasury in December that the state’s accounts were likely to be qualified that the government began making “significant changes”. A qualified audit report is one that warns of discrepancies in the financial statements.


Those changes included raising the fees that Sydney Trains and NSW Trains will have to pay TAHE by a further $5.2 billion over the next 10 years, the majority of which will have to be funded by future governments.

Her report found Treasury was “unnecessarily obstructive and difficult” when it came to handing over crucial documents, which was highlighted by it dumping 23 reports around midnight on December 23.

The accounts were finally tabled in Parliament late last month. Days later, Treasury secretary Mike Pratt exited his role.

The rail corporation has become a major embarrassment for the government as it threatens to derail a promise to return the budget to surplus in 2024.

In its response to the report, Treasury said it would be working closely with the Audit Office in considering and addressing its recommendations.

The scathing assessment comes just a day after a highly critical report into the government’s controversial $252 million council grants program.

Ms Crawford and senior officials from Treasury and Transport for NSW will appear at a parliamentary inquiry into TAHE on Thursday.

Greens MP David Shoebridge, who is chairing the inquiry, said the Auditor-General had cut through the “smoke and mirrors” presented by Treasury and delivered a ruthlessly clinical assessment of the Coalition’s budget mess.

“Only a government that has lost control of its finances could have presented the Audit Office with agency budgets that had $6.6 billion in outright errors in them,” he said.

“[Premier] Dominic Perrottet is literally the only one left standing from a series of financial scandals that have rocked the Coalition government and in which he played a central role as treasurer.”

Treasurer Matt Kean said he always welcomed recommendations on how “we can do things better” and he looked forward to reviewing the report.

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