

This was published 2 years ago

Perrottet’s bold plan for new school hours will be derailed by practicalities

By Jordan Baker

At Merrylands East Public School, classes have begun at 8am and finished at 1.15pm for about a decade. When the school first floated the idea with parents, it was embraced because most families had at least one stay-at-home carer who could walk the children home for a hot lunch.

It’s rare for school communities to have such uniformity, or to agree on anything so readily.

In most schools, working hours of parents can be wildly different not just within year groups, or even classes, but within families. One parent might have a job in which their most important hours are in the afternoon, but co-parent for half the week with someone who starts and finishes their day early.

A bold plan to change school hours is likely to be derailed by practicalities.

A bold plan to change school hours is likely to be derailed by practicalities.Credit: Wayne Taylor

Given that many P&C associations spend years in pitched battles over whether uniform shirts should be cotton or polyester blend, the likelihood of most school communities reaching a consensus on new school hours is slim.

Premier Dominic Perrottet, a father of six who is familiar with the work-school juggle, has called on school communities to look outside the box and to be “bold and brave” about exploring new ways of operating that would better suit families. A trial will begin later this year.

It’s a worthy idea that will, in most cases, be derailed by boring practicalities, such as the difficulty of finding consensus among hundreds of families. Even if schools do agree to trial new hours – and that’s most likely to be in areas where particular types of employment dominate, such as near major hospitals – there are further challenges.

Transport is one. At Merrylands East, most students walk to school. But at others, the bus timetable would have to be overhauled. During the morning and afternoon peaks, every bus is in operation. If changed hours coincided with one of those peaks, students might be left to catch commuter buses, which could be a problem for primary-aged children.

Merrylands East Primary School principal John Goh greets students at 7.30am.

Merrylands East Primary School principal John Goh greets students at 7.30am.Credit: Renee Nowytarger

Another issue would be the NSW Department of Education’s strict out-of-area enrolment policy. If the new school hours were an impossible ask for certain families, they may seek to have their children enrolled at another school. But their acceptance at surrounding schools would be far from guaranteed.


“When [Merrylands East] did it, the few families who didn’t like it were able to transfer to other schools,” says Julia Finn, the member for Granville. “Now there’s a situation where if you’re in-area for that school, and if those hours don’t work for you, you can’t move schools. You have to move house or get another job.”


As Merrylands East shows, schools already have the ability to change their hours. Few, even in the private sector, have followed suit. That flexibility is more likely to be embraced at high school level, when students are in less need of supervision, so schools can be more creative in running timetables that build in earlier or shorter days.

For primary-aged students, after-school care – which has vastly improved in quality over the past decade – already offers parents flexibility from around 7.30am to 6pm, albeit for a fee. Perrottet has offered parents a $500 voucher per child to improve affordability. Some families have also struggled to access places, although that’s less of a problem since parents began working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

But many schools already offer free homework clubs after school, or breakfast club in the morning, as well as extra-curricular activities such as music. Under the COVID-19 tutoring program, there has also been before and after-school tutoring.

As one private school principal put it, “I’m not clear what [Perrottet] is suggesting – it’s not clear to me that if you’ve got working families, that school from 7-12 or 10-4 is any better than 9-3,” she said. “We do a lot of optional extra-curricular activities, there is an amazing flexibility of the school day anyway, with the lessons happening in the middle. How much more flexible do you want?”


But Georgie Dent from The Parenthood welcomes the conversation. “What is really fantastic is that we seem to have some recognition of the challenges within the current structures and systems we have, when it comes to families being able to make ends meet, and get their children to school and early learning as and when is needed,” she said.

“Looking at these issues structurally is a really positive step, and the truth is there probably isn’t going to be consensus on a particular set of hours that would work for every family. The idea that there is a really neat way for people to fit their working hours in and around their children, it just doesn’t exist.

“It is really complicated, depending on who you work for, the kind of work you do, how many days a week your work, what shift you do, there are so many variables in the way Australians work, and there are few examples of working that match school hours.”

Dent would like the conversation to focus not only on ways to create flexibility in the school system, but also on the issues that begin before school, and which shape a family’s entire experience of the work-school juggle.

They include better paid parental leave for men, so women do not become the default primary carer – a responsibility they then keep until their child grows up. They also include an affordable, equitable childcare system and an affordable, accessible after-school care system. But employers need to take responsibility, too.

“Workplaces that openly and fully recognise and respect caring, the norm in our workplaces remains someone that doesn’t have caring responsibilities outside of their job,” Dent says.

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