

This was published 3 years ago

Mina learnt to swim at 62 – now she’s in the ocean every day

By Amanda Woods

As the day begins at Mona Vale, on Sydney’s northern beaches, you will find them. Some will be striking out for the headland in the bay, others swimming laps in the rock pool. They go at their own pace. There are no rules or expectations. And when they come together for their after-swim catch-ups, the true power of the Buckettes is activated.

What started about 15 years ago as three women having the occasional after-swim coffee has turned into 23 women who swim together, holiday together, and laugh and cry together. One of the original three, Jenny Lewis, says the group’s name comes from winter swims when their old changing shed didn’t have hot water.

The Buckettes brave the waves for an early morning swim at Sydney’s Mona Vale Beach.

The Buckettes brave the waves for an early morning swim at Sydney’s Mona Vale Beach.Credit: Vicki Ratcliff

“Pauline, Margo and I would get so cold that we’d stand in an ice-cream bucket filled with hot water brought from home while we got ourselves dry,” says Jenny. “Then, of course, we realised that it was a bit small, so we went out and bought a bigger bucket. And out of that came our name, the Buckettes.”

The 85-year-old former East-West Airlines hostess says their laughter in the changing sheds standing in their buckets, and over coffees after their swims, attracted like-minded women from the area. “It really just grew through people seeing us enjoying ourselves. They’re a very caring group, a very unique group. We’re all different, as we’re meant to be.”

With their motto of “rain, hail or shine”, it takes some pretty wild weather to keep the Buckettes out
of the water. “We’ve been in very rough seas when I think about it,” Jenny laughs. “We’ve hung on to the chains in the pool when the tide has been coming in. When there’s lots of turbulence we’ll say, ‘We’re swimming in the champagne this morning!’ ”

For 67-year-old Mina Pontello, even getting into a rock pool on a calm day used to be a foreign concept. For the first 62 years of her life she didn’t know how to swim. Then one day she found herself at the Mona Vale rock pool and something shifted.

“I just looked at the pool and thought, ‘I’ve got to learn how to do it.’ I was determined I wasn’t going to miss out any more.”

Rather than taking swimming lessons, Mina decided to teach herself … and went straight to YouTube.

“I looked up what to do and started off with the breathing. Then I went each day and did two laps, then four, and worked my way up to a kilometre in the pool. Then I looked at the open water and thought, ‘Hmm, I wonder whether I could swim over there?’ ”


Rather than head out into the bay by herself, Mina asked the Buckettes if she could go with them.

“When we got out there I asked how deep it was – I’d never been anywhere I couldn’t touch the bottom. And when they said, ‘It’s quite deep,’ I swung around and squealed with delight to think that I was in deep water.”

“It blows my mind every morning when I get out there and just think of where I am. It reminds you of just how small and insignificant we are.”

These days, Mina can be found swimming out to the headlands at 6.30am year-round. If the waves are too rough, she’ll switch to the pool, but says nothing compares to bobbing up and down like a little cork in that big ocean.

“It blows my mind every morning when I get out there and just think of where I am. It reminds you of just how small and insignificant we are and you can see things like sharks and gropers and stingrays swimming around under you. It’s quite an unreal experience.”

After moving to Mona Vale 16 years ago, Marilyn Love (or Poss, as the Buckettes know her) became an early member of the group. While she won’t swim out as far as Mina, the 77-year-old likes to head about 100 metres off the beach and swim up and down with fellow Buckettes in their 60s, 70s and 80s. Poss says age means nothing in the Buckettes and smiles as she remembers Gloria Carroll, who swam into her 90s.


“Gloria was a real character. She was very wise and calm. They’d put up a ‘pool closed’ sign and she’d hop over the red-and-white tape. She was a real scream. And because the coffee shop was so busy on the weekends, we used to drink our coffee in a little gazebo on the beach and we called it Gloria’s Cafe. We now have a plaque for Gloria on her table that says, ‘A member of the Buckettes swimmers. An inspiration to us all.’ ”

When asked about special memories, every Buckette remembers Gloria’s 90th birthday, when they put on flowery swimming caps and created a flash mob in the Mona Vale rock pool, using Van Morrison’s Gloria as their soundtrack.

“She had no idea,” Marilyn says. “She stood at the top of the stairs and said, ‘Gee, there are a lot of people here today, there must be something special on for the children.’ And the next thing the music started and we all started. Happy birthday, Gloria! It was very, very moving. It was great.”

Since Gloria’s passing in 2016 the Buckettes have not only lost a friend, but a piece of their history. Last May “The Shed”, where they used to stand in their buckets and get changed, was demolished to make room for the new Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club.

But before it was knocked down the Buckettes found a surprise on a wall. One of their members, artist Vicki Ratcliff, had snuck down one afternoon to paint a mural of a woman walking into the surf. The painting may no longer be there, but Vicki’s Buckettes-inspired works can be found in Sydney and country galleries including Art Gallery on Palm Beach and the Uralla Gallery in northern NSW.

One of the group’s original members, Jenny Lewis.

One of the group’s original members, Jenny Lewis.Credit: Vincent Rommelaere

“The way I express how I feel about the water and the women I swim with is in my paintings.” Vicki says. “They’re a wonderful, wonderful group of women. I remember it was somebody’s 70th birthday and she really wanted to go for a swim but the water was wild. So a group all held hands for a safety chain, went in up to their knees and dunked down so they were swamped with waves before quickly getting out of there.”

As well as caring for each other in the water, the Buckettes stand by each other on dry land. After breaking her back in four places on a road trip in 2020, Jenny went through one of the hardest times in her life. “I was in rehab when the northern beaches lockdown was on and wasn’t allowed any visitors,” she recalls. “I came out with very deep depression.

“The Buckettes would bring me lunch and dinner. When you’re dealing with somebody in depression, it’s hard work. But they never gave up on me and did that faithfully for six months. I said to Claire [Jaroszewicz], who organised the roster, ‘How can I repay them?’ And she said, ‘Just by getting well, Jen.’ So here I am.”

After missing winter swims in order to give her back time to heal, Jenny found herself surrounded by her friends last November 8, when she went for her first bay swim since the accident. Judith Dallas says it was a moment to remember. “We all shared that excitement when she was back in there. She’s got her sparkle back. It’s like there’s an interconnectedness with the elements, with nature, but also with each other. I call it the ‘zing’.”

Originally from Southend-on-Sea in England, 69-year-old Judith says being part of the Buckettes has not only taught her how to swim in the ocean, but also how to keep native bees, make kombucha, knit socks and more. “Coffee after our swim is around ‘the table of knowledge’. Whatever you want to know, or anything you’re interested in, someone around the table knows.”

“It’s like there’s an interconnectedness with the elements, with nature, but also with each other. I call it the ‘zing’.”

In 2020, an award-winning short documentary, Sea Birds, introduced the Buckettes to Australian film festival audiences. In it, the bond between the women is clear. At 59, Shan Withnell is considered the baby of the group and admits she wasn’t sure what she’d gotten herself into when she joined the Buckettes on a trip to the hot springs at Moree, in north-western NSW.

“I thought it would be nice and quiet but I tell you, I was exhausted by the time we got back. It was hilarious. There’s always a dress-up night and a karaoke night and we all have to prepare a meal. The train is a little bit like those old boarding school movies – we all grab seats together and chat and sometimes sing. Usually the train journey up is as much fun as the rest of the trip.”


When the $10 million Mona Vale Surf Life Saving Club is completed later this year, there will be no need for buckets. Instead, the women will be able to warm up under hot showers. But the experience will never be forgotten and on the wall there will be a plaque that reads: “Buckettes – Be Inspired.”

More interviews by Amanda Woods can be found in the book Rock Pools of Sydney by photographer Vincent Rommelaere.

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