


Djokovic is gone. How did the case unfold and what does it mean for Australia’s border rules?

A whirlwind visa battle between the world number one and the Australian government has reached its climax. How did it play out in court? And what does it mean for the Open?


Let’s set the stage. It’s January 5, days out from the opening of the first tennis tournament to impose mandatory vaccination on players in the era of COVID – in a city that has weathered one of the longest pandemic lockdowns on record (and a country known for its hard COVID borders now struggling against an Omicron outbreak).

Enter the top tennis player in the world, Novak Djokovic, and he’s come to chase a record of his own – if he wins a 10th Australian Open title, he will sail past the 20 grand slam wins for which he is currently tied with rivals Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer to become the “greatest of all time”, the GOAT.

The problem is he’s not vaccinated.

The question of whether Djokovic really had a valid medical exemption from vaccination to travel to Australia for the Open as he believed – and then whether he risked stirring up civil unrest and pandemic rule-breaking if he stayed – has become one of the most divisive of the pandemic so far.

On Sunday, after almost two weeks of protests, investigations, apologies and diplomacy, after Djokovic won a legal challenge to stay in the country that was then sensationally overturned by the immigration minister three days before the start of the Open, we now have an answer.

The Federal Court has thrown out a second court challenge to Djokovic’s deportation, moving to uphold the minister’s decision in cancelling his visa in the interests of “public health and good order” – and, according to some experts, cementing a potentially “dangerous” precedent for the minister to act in future cases where a traveller poses no real risk to the community.

Djokovic boarded an Emirates flight to Dubai on Sunday. In a statement minutes after the ruling, he said he respected the court’s decision and was co-operating with his removal but was “extremely disappointed”. “I am uncomfortable that the focus of the past weeks has been on me and I hope that we can all now focus on the game and tournament I love,” he said, wishing everyone well for the tournament ahead and thanking those who had supported him. “You have been a great source of strength to me.”


How did the case unfold in court, and what does this mean for the Open – and Australian immigration law?

Novak Djokovic leaving Melbourne’s Park Hotel immigration detention on Sunday.

Novak Djokovic leaving Melbourne’s Park Hotel immigration detention on Sunday. Credit: Luis Ascui

What was the minister’s decision?

When Djokovic emerged from immigration detention on January 10, having managed to overturn the first cancellation of his visa at the border by immigration officials, there was still another sword of Damocles hanging over his head, immigration lawyer David Prince explains. (Read more about the lead-up here).

The Minister for Immigration, Alex Hawke, holds broad powers to intervene in cases where he believes there are grounds under the law to cancel a visa. But, because this use of a minister’s “personal powers” does not involve the same right of reply or appeal route as a regular cancellation by the department, the minister must also believe it is in the national interest to step in.

When Djokovic’s case was kicked up to his desk he considered two main grounds on which he could intervene under the law – whether Djokovic had provided false information on his visa or passenger card, or whether he might pose a risk to the public health, safety or good order of Australia.

In a surprise to many legal minds watching the case on Friday, he chose the latter – dropping the government’s argument that Djokovic didn’t have a valid medical exemption to enter Australia unvaccinated and conceding that he posed a low risk of catching COVID-19 and passing it onto others, due to the recent infection that had been the grounds for his exemption. Instead, the minister was arguing that Djokovic’s presence here during the two weeks of the Open, as a high-profile vaccine sceptic, may put lives and civil order at risk by stirring up anti-vax sentiment and disregard for COVID-19 rules.


This opened up a new frontier of the law, Prince says, “the first big test” of the rarely used “public health, safety and good order” grounds within the minister’s personal cancellation powers.

In recent years, those grounds have been loosened by the Morrison government to include anyone who might pose a risk, not just those who are found to pose one. That – and the general reluctance of courts to disagree with an elected official on what is in the public interest – gave the government a lot of room to move.

In cancelling Djokovic’s visa, the minister’s reasoning hinged on concern the tennis star could become an “icon” of Australia’s hard-core anti-vax movement that has already staged mass rallies in capital cities and infiltrated the union movement as well as fringe political parties.

He cited Djokovic’s past public comments that he did not want to be forced to get vaccinated, as well as his recent breach of isolation rules while infected with COVID in Serbia, and argued that allowing him to compete in the tournament could, in turn, lead to a breakdown in the community following public health orders, and even potentially more “civil unrest of the kind previously experienced in Australia with rallies and protests, which may themselves be a source of community transmission”.

He said his intervention was “consistent with the Australian Government’s strong stance on the benefits of vaccination” and efforts to control the pandemic, now threatening to overwhelm hospitals during a major Omicron surge. Yet, in the same document outlining his reasoning, the minister also acknowledged that Djokovic has not attempted to break any Australian laws and was a “person of good standing” known for his philanthropy.

Novak Djokovic supporters protest   outside the Park Hotel on January 7 where he was held along with refugees and asylum seekers in detention.

Novak Djokovic supporters protest outside the Park Hotel on January 7 where he was held along with refugees and asylum seekers in detention. Credit: Chris Hopkins

What was Djokovic’s defence?


Given the minister’s powers are so broad, his legal team had very little room to argue on the merit of the decision itself – that is, whether a reasonable person would have come to the same conclusion. Instead, Djokvovic’s lawyers had to show that the minister had made an error in his application of the law or his reasoning, relying on irrelevant evidence or ignoring relevant facts, such as Djokovic’s current views on vaccination, which the minister acknowledged he had not sought.

Team Djokovic argued that Hawke’s reasoning was irrational because the Minister had no evidence to conclude that Djokovic’s presence in Australia would foster anti-vax sentiment or that Djokovic even held a strong view against vaccination. They argued that the minister had cited only one BBC article referencing a quote from early 2020 (before safe and effective COVID vaccines were available) as evidence for Djokovic’s anti-vaccination views. The minister had picked out just one quote from Djokovic, ignoring other clarifications made by the player referenced in the same article, including that he was keeping an open mind and “not an expert”.

Lead counsel Nick Wood SC argued that Djokovic has played in tournaments all around the world without inciting anti-vax protests, including after the April 2020 comments which the minister had relied on. Rather, the anti-vax protests that erupted in Australia this week were against the government’s own actions to cancel his visa. And as such the minister had failed to consider if expelling Djokovic would lead to further unrest. “It is irrational and unreasonable to only look at one side of the coin,” Wood said.

But the government’s barrister Stephen Lloyd SC countered that when Djokovic’s first visa cancellation was overturned by the Federal Circuit Court, there were also rallies, and pointed to a secondary concern that Djokovic’s presence could encourage widespread disregard for following COVID rules, given his isolation breach in December. (Djokovic says he had not yet heard of his positive COVID result when he attended a children’s tennis tournament in Serbia but has apologised for knowingly attending a media interview wearing a mask the following day).

Lloyd reminded the court that the minister didn’t need to prove Djokovic posed a risk to public health and good order, only that he might. And, given so much of the minister’s decision rested on how the public perceived Djokovic’s views on vaccination, nothing the player could have said to the minister personally would have changed that, whether it actually was the view he held or not.

What was the judgment?

After retiring for the afternoon to deliberate, Chief Justice James Allsop announced on Sunday evening that the court had upheld the minister’s decision as lawful, dismissing Djokovic’s application with costs.


At the request of Djokovic’s lawyers, the case was heard by the full court rather than a single judge, raising the stakes even higher by removing the right of appeal for both sides. Chief Justice James Allsop said the decision had been unanimous.

But he stressed, given the international spotlight on the case, that the court could only review the lawfulness of the minister’s decision, not the decision itself. “It is no part of the function of the court to decide on the merits or the wisdom of the decision,” he said.

A full judgment with their reasoning will be published in the coming days.


While Djokovic technically could have sought leave to appeal to the High Court, this request would not have allowed him to stay in Australia, and The Age has confirmed he does not plan to take the matter further.

Prince says he wasn’t surprised by the verdict given the narrow room for Djokovic’s lawyers to argue. “This was a very different case to the first time around,” he says. “The first cancellation case was all about procedure and Djokovic was on very firm ground there. The judges could have found a way [to a different outcome] here, and it was hard to read at times how it was going but, in the end, it came down to the fact [Djokovic] is unvaccinated. That was enough basis for the minister … given how broad the power is.”

So he’s banned for three years?


A visa cancellation under the minister’s personal power comes with an automatic three-year ban on entering Australia. That can be waived if someone applies early for a visa (say for next year’s tournament) and makes a compelling case. Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Monday that the world number one could return early “in the right circumstances and that will be considered at the time”.

But Djokovic will likely face more hurdles yet as an unvaccinated player in the upcoming tennis majors around the world, particularly in the US.

But did he have a valid exemption?

Australia’s border rules loosened on December 15 and that meant people on certain visas no longer needed to apply for special permission to travel to Australia, so long as they were vaccinated, or had a medical exemption. Djokovic thought that included him (as the minister conceded) –the player had been granted a visa from the Commonwealth and a medical exemption to play unvaccinated at the Open by two blind expert panels set up by the Victorian government and Tennis Australia. But when he landed on January 5, immigration officials rejected those permissions and cancelled his visa.


Tennis Australia, which helped coordinate Djokovic’s application, had been warned by the federal government that a recent COVID infection (as Djokovic had in December) was not considered a valid reason to delay vaccination and so obtain an exemption under the border rules. But it seemed players (and the state government) didn’t know that when he was granted one on those grounds, and even Tennis Australia had been redirected to existing Victorian guidelines to bypass hotel quarantine (based on Australia’s vaccine advisory group ATAGI advice) when it requested that Commonwealth double-check exemptions.

Then, as it emerged that other tennis players and staff had already made it through international customs using the same reason as Djokovic, Border Force scrambled to investigate (and promptly deported Czech player Renata Voracova). The federal government has since updated its website to clarify that a recent COVID infection in the past six months does not qualify as an exemption from vaccination for international travellers.

What happens at the Open now?

When the much-anticipated schedule of play was released for the Open on Sunday afternoon, Djokovic was still on the draw to play Monday night. His number one spot will now go to a “lucky loser” from an earlier qualifying tournament: World No.150 Salvatore Caruso.

Some players expressed sympathy for Djokovic as others fumed at how the saga had been handled. But most were eager for the spotlight to shift back onto the Melbourne Park courts.

Ahead of the verdict, Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said the Australian Open was “much bigger” than one player and the case would not cast a pall over the event, as he again urged everyone to get vaccinated.

Vaccination rates among ATP and WTA players have shot up in recent months, after a slow start, and stars such as Nadal and Andy Murray have strongly encouraged players to follow the mandate to stop more disastrous COVID outbreaks at sporting events. Last month, Australian Open boss Craig Tiley said he expected the vaccine take-up among players to hit 95 per cent by January.

What has been the fallout, and implications for the law?

Some commentators have labelled the whole affair a convenient distraction for a federal government struggling to respond to a major coronavirus outbreak ahead of an election. Others have welcomed Djokovic’s expulsion while Serbia’s government is furious. Meanwhile, legal experts say the case is significant as it goes to the heart of Australia’s notoriously complex and hard immigration laws – the same laws now used to keep many refugees and asylum seekers detained without legal recourse.


Immigration ministers wield more personal discretionary power than any other in government (sometimes called God Powers). Court rulings can often be overturned, and sometimes rules are even rewritten to fit decisions. But lawyers say the God Powers were chiefly designed for the minister to intervene to help, rather than deport, allowing people to stay in Australia on compassionate grounds (although they are rarely used for such cases).

“My clients will have a harder time now,” says Prince of the Djokovic verdict. “It shows just how extraordinarily broad and largely unfettered the minister’s powers are if you’re a foreigner.”

The grounds tested in this case are hardly used outside of cases involving serious criminal conduct, he says, “so they’d gone under the radar”. Prince points to separate powers of the minister to cancel visas on character grounds. “Those were meant to only be used in extraordinary circumstances too when Phillip Ruddock broadened them in 1998 ... but as soon as the appeals starting failing, they were used more and more.”

Refugee advocates are now calling for an inquiry into the immigration system, noting the number of visa cancellations are seven times what they were in 2014, when the Morrison government expanded that character test even further. They call the Djokovic case exceptional in how far he has managed to take his appeal.

Most asylum seekers are denied procedural fairness, cut off from their lawyers and not given time to properly respond to a cancellation, even if they face danger in their home country, says lawyer and deputy chair of the Visa Cancellations Working Group Sanmati Verma. Under the current laws, people are automatically detained until they are granted a visa or deported, she said, meaning “many people being detained for years, even indefinitely”, including the dozens of refugees still held in the same notorious immigration hotel where Djokovic was detained in Melbourne.


Meanwhile, some commentators have expressed dismay that Djokovic’s treatment has now added fuel to the fire of anti-vaxxer grievances, making the star a defacto martyr of their cause, whether he likes it or not.

Among them was barrister and president of Liberty Victoria Michael Stanton, who added on Sunday that it was “particularly unfair” to focus on how others might perceive Djokovic’s views, rather than the seriousness of what he had actually said. “It’s very different from [denying a visa] for someone who has expressly said something about inciting violence or encouraging unrest. The reliance on how someone might be perceived sets an impossible standard for that person to meet.”

He warns the case could see more decisions made on political grounds. Both cancellations were largely based on information known to the Australian government before Djokovic travelled to Australia, Stanton says, raising questions about why his visa was granted to begin with.


Australian Lawyers Alliance spokesman Greg Barns SC has also raised concerns the case could lay a “dangerous” precedent for refusing entry to people with views contrary to government policy. What if, hypothetically, a musician well known for opposing the US-Australia alliance was blocked on the basis they might diminish public support for a pillar of Australian foreign policy or national security?

The government would be justified in blocking Djokovic if he was coming to Australia to spruik anti-vaccination views, Barns said. “But he’s coming here to play tennis, and his views [on vaccination] are somewhat muddied.”

A poll published on Sunday in The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald found that 71 per cent of people agreed Djokovic should be deported.

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