

This was published 2 years ago

Alan Tudge leaves cabinet after former adviser alleges their affair was abusive

By Katina Curtis

Education Minister Alan Tudge has stepped down from cabinet and taken personal leave as the allegations from his former media adviser that their affair was emotionally abusive and on one occasion physically abusive are investigated.

The Victorian Liberal MP has rejected the claims from his former staffer Rachelle Miller, but Prime Minister Scott Morrison has asked him to leave his ministerial role while respected investigator Dr Vivienne Thom examines the matter.

Rachelle Miller and Alan Tudge arriving at the Midwinter Ball together in 2017.

Rachelle Miller and Alan Tudge arriving at the Midwinter Ball together in 2017.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Ms Miller released a statement before addressing media in Parliament House on Thursday, saying she wanted to tell more of her story, which first became public in an ABC Four Corners program a year ago. She said she’s speaking out again in part because she wants the nation’s leaders to implement in full the recommendations from a review of parliamentary workplace culture.

“I am fully aware that a year ago I said my relationship with Minister Alan Tudge was a consensual relationship, but it’s more complicated than that,” she said.

“I was so ashamed, so humiliated, so scared, so exhausted. I told the small part of my story I was able to manage.”

Ms Miller said the “bullying, intimidation, harassment” she experienced from Mr Tudge while at work destroyed her confidence in her own abilities.

“This relationship was defined by a significant power imbalance, it was an emotionally, and on one occasion, physically, abusive relationship,” she said.

In two statements on Thursday, Mr Tudge rejected Ms Miller’s claims.


“I have accepted responsibility for a consensual affair that should not have happened many years ago. But Ms Miller’s allegations are wrong, did not happen and are contradicted by her own written words to me,” he said.

“I regret having to say these things. I do not wish Ms Miller ill but I have to defend myself in light of these allegations, which I reject.”

He claimed not to have seen Ms Miller since late 2017 when she moved to work for ministerial colleague Michaelia Cash.

Ms Miller on Thursday outlined an incident when she alleged she and Mr Tudge were in Kalgoorlie for an announcement with then-prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and the minister took her to the hotel bar for a drink at the end of a long day.

At 4am the next morning, she was woken by a phone call from a media producer wanting to get the minister on for an interview.

“I started to talk to her to arrange a time, but I was still half asleep. Then I felt someone kicking the side of my hip and leg as I tried to sit up in the bed,” Ms Miller said in her statement.

“It was the minister. He was furious, telling me to ‘get the f--- out of his bed’. I quickly told the producer I would call her back. I then realised I was completely naked.”

After she managed to get dressed, return to her room, organise a series of media interviews for Mr Tudge, she says she took a shower and “had a moment to think”.

“I could not remember a single thing from the night before. I don’t remember how we ended up in his room. I don’t remember leaving the bar. I don’t remember if we had sex. I didn’t know if we used protection. I still don’t. I was too afraid to ask him if he remembered,” she said.

Mr Tudge did not address this recollection directly, saying only that he and Ms Miller “worked closely together” in 2017.

“It involved constant travel, long hours and often we were under pressure. We became attracted to each other and on a small number of occasions that attraction was acted upon. It should not have happened,” he said.

Mr Tudge intends to refer “the contradictory written evidence” to the independent review Mr Morrison’s department will commission from Dr Thom.

Ms Miller anticipated this, saying on Thursday morning she was fully aware messages she and the minister exchanged “does at times look like I was a willing participant” in the relationship.

“There were times when he was kind, we had great conversations, we did a lot of amazing work together, through such tough times,” she said.

“But that happens in abusive relationships, as so many women know. You keep going back, hoping you’ll get the nice version.”

Mr Morrison said given the seriousness of Ms Miller’s claims, it was important the matters “be resolved fairly and expeditiously”.

“These issues are obviously deeply concerning and I know deeply distressing both for Ms Miller, Mr Tudge, and the families affected by these events,” he said in a statement to Parliament at the start of question time.

“The minister has agreed to my request to stand aside while these issues are addressed by my department, through an independent and fair process, to ensure that the matters that have been raised can be properly assessed and the views put by the respective parties in relation to these issues.”

Dr Thom, a former Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, investigated the sexual harassment claims against former High Court justice Dyson Heydon from his former associates, leading to a public apology from Chief Justice Susan Kiefel.

A year ago Ms Miller lodged a formal complaint about Mr Tudge’s bullying with the Department of Finance, which it finalised last month but did not release either to Ms Miller or publicly. She didn’t participate in its investigation on legal advice.


Ms Miller’s lawyer, Peter Gordon, said in a statement on Thursday afternoon the former adviser would cooperate fully with Dr Thom’s inquiry.

“We regard Mr Morrison’s announcement today of what he calls ‘an independent and fair’ review of Mr Tudge’s ministerial conduct as an admission of the fundamental flaws of the existing complaints process,” he said.

“That existing process allows the government to hire its own lawyers to the complaint, hide the result under legal privilege, provide a minister with access to the determination but not the complainant, and allows the minister concerned to tell everyone his own version of what was decided. The existing system is neither independent nor fair.”

Ms Miller also earlier this year took legal action seeking compensation for workplace bullying. Negotiations are ongoing.

Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins on Tuesday released a report on parliamentary workplace culture, which found one-third of workers surveyed had been sexually harassed, and a quarter of those by a parliamentarian.

It said the power imbalance, boys’ club culture, and “work hard, play hard” environment contributed to the problems.

Ms Jenkins recommended codes of conduct be put in place for politicians and staffers and enforced by an Independent Parliamentary Standards Commission. She also said an independent human resources office should be established to support politicians as employers and their staff.

Ms Miller said Parliament must implement Ms Jenkins’ 28 recommendations in full and called on Mr Morrison to show proper leadership.

“This is entirely a men’s issue, and specifically, the men in this building. The Liberal Party doesn’t have a women problem, it has a men problem,” she said.


“Labor have stayed quiet because they have just as many skeletons. The two major parties will work together when it comes to protecting each other.

“Unfortunately, it’s a sad reality that the perpetrators are the ones who must change the laws to make themselves accountable.”

Employment Minister Stuart Robert will act as Education Minister in Mr Tudge’s absence.

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