This was published 3 years ago
Peter Dutton wins defamation case against refugee advocate Shane Bazzi
By Georgina Mitchell
Defence Minister Peter Dutton will receive $35,000 in damages after he won a defamation case against refugee advocate Shane Bazzi, who referred to the politician as a “rape apologist” on social media.
Mr Dutton, 51, who was formerly home affairs minister and immigration minister, sued Mr Bazzi in the Federal Court over a tweet posted on February 25 this year which said: “Peter Dutton is a rape apologist.”
Peter Dutton pictured at Parliament on Tuesday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
The post linked to a Guardian Australia article reporting Mr Dutton’s comments in 2019 that some women on Nauru “have claimed that they’ve been raped and came to Australia to seek an abortion”. Mr Dutton suggested they were “trying it on” to secure a medical transfer to Australia.
The tweet was also in the context of Mr Dutton’s comments that day that he had not been provided with the “she said, he said” details of the Brittany Higgins rape allegation.
Ms Higgins, a former Liberal Party staffer, alleges she was sexually assaulted at Parliament House in March 2019.
Refugee advocate Shane Bazzi.Credit: Twitter/@shanebazzi
Mr Dutton, who was the only witness called in the defamation case, told the court he was “deeply offended” by Mr Bazzi’s “egregious” tweet, which prompted him to sue for defamation for the first time.
“Obviously as minister for immigration or home affairs, it’s a rough-and-tumble business and there are lots of advocates and a lot of passion in the space where people make comments which are false and untrue, offensive, profane,” Mr Dutton said.
“This went beyond that, and it went against who I am, my beliefs.”
In court documents, Mr Dutton argued Mr Bazzi’s tweet defamed him by wrongly suggesting he condoned rape and excused rape. Mr Dutton sought damages, including aggravated damages, on the basis of several factors including Mr Bazzi’s “extravagant language”.
Mr Bazzi sought to rely on the defences of honest opinion and fair comment on a matter of public interest.
In a judgment on Wednesday, Justice Richard White rejected these defences, finding the tweet defamed Mr Dutton by suggesting he excused rape.
“Mr Bazzi has not established the statutory defence of honest opinion or the common law defence of fair comment on a matter of public interest,” Justice White said. “[J]udgment should be entered for Mr Dutton in the sum of $35,000.”
Justice White said he accepted Mr Dutton was offended and distressed by the tweet, but the politician was not entitled to aggravated damages because there was “no suggestion” he had been affected “in his day-to-day political or ministerial activities, or in his relationships with other people”.
“Mr Bazzi’s description of Mr Dutton as a person who excuses rape was no doubt a serious defamation, particularly having regard to the Ministerial office held by Mr Dutton at the time,” Justice White said.
“It is understandable that, despite Mr Dutton being accustomed to bearing ‘the slings and arrows’ which are an incident of high political office, he found this statement of Mr Bazzi offensive and hurtful.
“However, a sense of perspective does have to be brought to the assessment of the seriousness of the defamation. It was not published in any mainstream media and was published to a relatively small number of people only.
“Mr Bazzi did remove the Tweet shortly after his receipt of Mr Dutton’s concerns letter.”
Justice White said the readers of Mr Bazzi’s “pungent assessment” are likely to have seen it as reflecting political partisanship, rather than the “measured assessment of a serious political commentator”.
Before the judgment was handed down, Mr Bazzi said whatever the outcome was, he was proud he stood by his principles.
Speaking after the judgment, Mr Bazzi said he was “very disappointed”.
“We will be taking time to consider our options,” he said in a post on Twitter. “Thank you for all of your support and solidarity. I ask that you could please respect my privacy at this time.”
The case will return to court in December to discuss costs.
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