

This was published 2 years ago

Government agrees to change proposed pandemic laws

By Rachel Eddie, Annika Smethurst and Marta Pascual Juanola

The Victorian government has agreed to amend its controversial pandemic bill in the hours before a heated debate in Parliament this week, following daily protests and renewed pressure from the public sector watchdog.

Fines for breaching public health orders will be halved and the timeframe to release the reasons behind pandemic decisions slashed under the amendments proposed by the Labor government and supported by key crossbenchers, provided late on Monday night.

Victorian Health Minister Martin Foley.

Victorian Health Minister Martin Foley.Credit: Paul Jeffers

Labor hopes the Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (pandemic management) Bill 2021 — which passed the lower house last month — can pass the upper house this week before existing powers expire on December 15.

The government needs the support of three crossbenchers in the Legislative Council and Labor will rely on Reason Party MP Fiona Patten, Animal Justice MP Andy Meddick and Greens leader Samantha Ratnam, who all pushed for the proposed amendments and celebrated the announcement on Monday night.

In a joint statement the three MPs said the amendments they negotiated “respond to community concerns and strengthen the bill with further transparency and accountability measures”.

“While the official Opposition and some prominent shock jocks and tabloid commentators knowingly, dangerously incited and fanned unduly angry civil unrest with lies, the crossbenchers focused on improving the bill to better protect and support the Victorian community as we continue to face the pandemic,” the statement said.

Protesters outside Parliament House on Monday night.

Protesters outside Parliament House on Monday night.Credit: Eddie Jim

Ombudsman Deborah Glass raised serious concerns with the state government and called for an independent body to hear complaints about detention and enforcement of pandemic orders, in a submission released to The Age.

Ms Glass recommended another independent body, preferably a court, be empowered to review pandemic orders and make binding decisions, which Labor’s proposed amendments did not address.


“While extraordinary powers may be necessary in extraordinary circumstances, given their wide-ranging impact on civil liberties and everyday life, such powers should not only be subject to independent oversight, but also to independent review,” Ms Glass told The Age.

Ms Glass also wants the pandemic provisions subject to an 18-month sunset clause, meaning laws could be abandoned after that time with the support of both houses of Parliament, which is also not among the government’s amendments.

In a rare move, the government could bring on debate on Tuesday by declaring the bill “urgent” and thwart the opposition’s plan to derail the “rushed” proceedings.

Shadow treasurer David Davis said it would be an undemocratic breach of process to do so, pointing out that just nine bills have been declared urgent since 1996, including four during the pandemic, when there was a consensus in the upper house.

Health Minister Martin Foley said the last-minute amendments were decided after further consultations.


“The new pandemic laws will provide a clear framework for managing pandemics such as COVID-19,” Mr Foley said in a statement.

“We have engaged extensively with some of the most trusted leaders in public health, human rights and law and policy making – and the amendments reflect that consultation.”

Under the amended bill, the premier of the day will need to be satisfied on reasonable grounds that declaring a pandemic is necessary before giving the order. Prior versions of the law omitted the need to have reasonable grounds to pull the trigger on the declaration.

The government would also need to publish public health advice underpinning measures such as lockdowns sooner than two weeks after a decision is made, down to seven days.


The maximum fine for a person who failed to comply with a health order, knowing it could cause serious health risks to others, would also be halved from $90,500 for aggravated offences. The government had said these penalties would be used rarely.

The Security of Acts and Regulation Committee would also be empowered to consider pandemic orders when they were made.

The amendments would also clarify the pandemic orders based on characteristics or attributes, the application of the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities, and references to the Equal Opportunity Act.


The Coalition on Monday published its 18 suggested amendments, but believed the bill was beyond repair, and promised to repeal it if it was elected next year.

MPs have been preparing for the possibility they could be hauled back before Parliament for an extra sitting day on Friday.

The proposed laws would replace existing state of emergency powers, empowering the premier and health minister of the day to declare pandemics and enforce health directions. Under the current system, the state’s chief health officer, who is not elected, has these powers.

Weeks of toxic debate escalated further at the weekend, when protesters arrived at the home of Mr Meddick on Friday evening to demonstrate against the proposed law.

Some of the marchers who gathered in their thousands in Melbourne’s CBD on Saturday to protest the bill and COVID-19 vaccine mandates carried nooses, while others waved placards calling for Mr Meddick and his crossbench colleagues to be hanged.

Several hundred protesters gathered on the steps of Parliament House on Monday evening, after many spent a cold day there chanting, listening to music and displaying signs railing against vaccines, mandates, Premier Daniel Andrews and the pandemic response.

People of all ages huddled onto the steps, clutching signs that said, “Kill the bill” and “Dictator Dan”. A handful of police closely monitored the demonstration.

Organisers pledged to maintain a presence at Parliament around the clock unless changes were made to the pandemic management bill.

Victoria recorded 860 new coronavirus cases and five deaths on Monday. There were 378 people in Victorian hospitals with COVID-19. Of those, 149 were in intensive care and 48 on a ventilator.

There were 17,518 active cases in Victoria, and 93.5 per cent of residents aged 16 and over have had at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, with 88.1 per cent double-dosed. More than 93 per cent of Victorians aged 12 and over have now had at least one vaccine dose, with 87.3 per cent double-dosed.

with David Estcourt, Marta Pascual Juanola

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