

This was published 2 years ago

Words and wills are tested in Glasgow as talks kick into overtime

By Nick O'Malley

Glasgow: What optimists hoped would be the final day of the COP26 talks began with the release of another draft of the conference’s “cover decision” which in turn prompted a mass bout of textual analysis in the UN campus on the banks of the River Clyde in Glasgow.

At issue was a debate over which word is stronger: “urges” or “requests”.

John Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, outside the Chinese delegation office at the COP26 UN Climate Summit in Glasgow, Scotland, on Friday, as negotiations went into overtime.

John Kerry, US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, outside the Chinese delegation office at the COP26 UN Climate Summit in Glasgow, Scotland, on Friday, as negotiations went into overtime.Credit: AP

The point mattered because the more recent draft “requests” that nations submit new and improved 2030 climate plans by the end of 2022, whereas the previous day’s used the verb “urges”.

This goes to the heart of the climate summit’s goal of securing commitments from governments to reduce emissions in line with stabilising the climate at a maximum 1.5-degree-rise in global temperatures.

To do this we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by half by 2030, and commitments made so far don’t reach that mark.

If nations with weak short-term targets, like Australia, can be dragged back to the table next year with improvements, the world has a better chance of correcting its course.

So a close reading of the text was not bureaucratic niggling.

Delegates convene in a room as discussions continue at the COP26 Summit in Glasgow, Scotland, on Friday.

Delegates convene in a room as discussions continue at the COP26 Summit in Glasgow, Scotland, on Friday.Credit: AP

It was significant that some read “requests” as weaker than “urges”.


By lunchtime Ed King, head of international communications for the European Climate Foundation, shared a screenshot of the UNFCCC style guide section regarding the use of “invitations and requests” listed in order of strength from strongest to weakest.

“Requests” is stronger than “strongly urges” and “urged”.

“Active verbs, commas and colons. This is apparently how we save the planet at COP26,” King tweeted.

Protesters wearing masks of Boris Johnson and Joe Biden protest outside the entrance to the COP26 site in Glasgow on Friday.

Protesters wearing masks of Boris Johnson and Joe Biden protest outside the entrance to the COP26 site in Glasgow on Friday.Credit: Getty Images

Shortly afterwards at an update session, COP president Alok Sharma reminded delegates that history was watching and requested they go back to the work of pursuing resolution and consensus. “This is our time to deliver on the high ambition set by our leaders at the start of this summit. We must rise to the occasion.”

By nightfall the battle over text had kicked the talks into overtime.


In the section on mitigation - how we might reduce emissions - language on phasing out coal had been softened but remained in place, to the happy surprise of many. An emphasis on pursuing 1.5 degrees remained in place too.

The real fight was over finance, and in particular over finance for loss and damage incurred by developing nations vulnerable to the worst impacts of climate change.

This was a particularly contentious point.

For years vulnerable nations had tried to force this matter to the centre of the COP agenda and for years they had failed. Advanced economies sought to keep the focus on reducing emissions rather than creating a mechanism to pay the poor to fix damage largely caused by the wealthy.


Advanced economies feared not just the cost of paying for damage and loss, but the tacit acceptance of culpability.

Talk in the corridors was that the EU and the US, climate progressives in other aspects of these negotiations, were not budging.

But with the backing of India and China, the developing world was not budging either.

The Marshall Islands climate envoy Tina Stege, a stateswoman who carries real weight in these talks for her firm moral advocacy and as a chair of the High Ambition Coalition, a bloc of both wealthy and developing states that helped reshape the Paris Agreement, made the point with typical power.


“Small island states are always the ones who are asked to compromise our interests in order to reach consensus,” she said as tensions increased over the finance showdown.

“These are not just words that we are conceding, it is our lives, livelihoods and our future.”

Some hours after dark the presidency accepted that COP26 would not end on Friday as scheduled, tweeting that a new draft would be released the following morning, and setting up another day of negotiations, of close reading of texts, of testing and pushing words.

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