

This was published 2 years ago

A plan to target a goal one day, but no new strategies

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

After much prevaricating, our government has announced we will now have an emissions target of net zero by 2050 (“Plan zero: PM offers cash, few details”, October 27). But there’ll be no legislation to underpin the target, no interim targets and no new strategies for getting there. But, hey, there’ll be lots of emerging technologies that will get us there with no trouble.

The data already shows that if Australia continues on its existing emissions reduction trajectory, we should get to net zero some time in the next century, not 2050. That might be a bit late, chaps, but at least it won’t be in your term of office. Catherine Rossiter, Fadden

Scott Morrison will soon commence the long journey to Glasgow with his sidekick Angus Taylor riding shotgun. These two cowpokes are packing saddle bags full of spin. Believing they have managed to bamboozle the Australian people about the government’s climate change policies, they hope to do the same at COP26. I reckon most Australians ain’t buying it. Sounds likes a COP-out to me. Nicholas Beauman, Neutral Bay

Rather than a great leap forward to mitigate climate change, the PM has pirouetted from the “Great Pretender” to the “Great Dissembler” with a backflip that dredges up pre-loved ideas coupled with evangelical fervour.

Snake-oil salesmen tinker with the packaging, colour, ingredients and hyperbole. True leaders provide vision, inspiration and momentum. Voters can tell the difference. Andrew Elder, Ashfield

I completely identify with the Prime Minister’s plan for 2050 net zero emissions. It resembles my dieting plan: no reduction in alcohol, no fewer carbohydrates, already exercise a great deal, but will shed that excess 25kg without impact or pain on my current regimen. Future technology will deliver the necessary results. John Richards, Turramurra

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

It’s as though Morrison was driving a bus. He’s altered the destination board and raised the ticket prices, but hasn’t changed the direction he’s travelling. I hope the passengers don’t fall for it because that cliff they were about to drive off hasn’t gone away. Peter Newberry, Randwick

Where the bloody hell is the plan, PM? We are a joke with some of the highest emissions in the world on a per capita basis and we cannot cross our fingers and hope that businesses and individuals will do the right thing while we wait for “technology breakthroughs”. Jane Armitage, Mosman


What is it that has the government in such a stranglehold that they would rather be held to ridicule than face reality (“Most willing to fork out for climate action”, October 27)? Why is the government blind to the actions of financial institutions worldwide? Follow the money: it is getting out of fossil fuel and investing in clean energy ready to reap the vast opportunities this will bring. What makes our leaders deaf to the wishes of the vast majority of the voting population? Philip Woodman, Fairlight

No one should be fooled by the political pantomime that is going on. We have a junior Coalition partner that saw an opportunity to shore up its diminishing base, and a PM that lost nothing by appearing to concede ground by pork-barrelling that base. The outcome? A win/win scenario for the coalition which fails to serve the interests of its constituents or the planet. David Beins, Cooks Hill

She’ll be right, mate: the Australian way gets us lost

The Coalition has a “uniquely Australian” plan to reduce planet warming emissions (“Economists warn against the technology bet”, October 27). It appears economists have given it a uniquely Australian response: “Yeah, nah.” Anneliese Alexander, Holsworthy

The PM keeps talking about the Australian way. Australia is a country of early adopters, especially when it comes to technology. While waiting for future technology to save the day, the battle against climate disaster may already have been lost. After all this time to prepare, the plan hardly seems more than an election slogan, garnished with soothing platitudes for the Nationals. Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls

Scott Morrison offered little detail other than it will done in a uniquely Australian way. Maybe ask the French how that will play out: all talk, no commitment. Janet Argall, Dulwich hill

Yep, it’s a typically Australian plan. Founded on “she’ll be right”, putting mates first, and featuring a 29-year-long weekend. It’ll go down a treat with those tall poppies in Glasgow. Tom McGinness, Randwick

I would have hoped the Australian way would have real details and involve vision, proven technology and realistic policies: not be reliant on a magic pudding formula yet to be invented.
David Sargeant, Jannali

The Australian way once meant leading other nations in addressing areas of need, by applying global principles in a transparent manner. Now it seems our government seeks to do as little as possible, compared to our peers, by utilising untried approaches and secret deals. Clay O’Brien, Mosman

The only way to get our politicians to take climate change seriously is to reduce the number of coal loving, climate change denying politicians in Parliament by 50 per cent by 2025 and to net zero by 2030. That will require us to encourage credible independent candidates to stand for election and for us to vote for them.

Those who hope that some technological development will fix the problem should remember that we have been promised clean, safe nuclear power from nuclear fusion for more than 60 years. Every time they solve one problem they find that the next problem is even more difficult to solve and it won’t happen in my lifetime, if ever. Bob Roobottom, Taree

The biggest risk for regional and rural communities from climate change action has been the Coalition’s refusal to take action for the 40 years that science has been warning of impending climate disaster and the refusal to transition to the new climate economy when it was most efficient to do so. Greg Thompson, Bega

Smirk and mirrors

We now have a plan to exit from VCRs and start buying DVDs (“Target pledge is powered by hope, not actual action”, October 27). Ruth Barcan, Berowra Heights

The title of Scott Morrison’s “Plan to Deliver Net Zero” brochure just about sums up the defining characteristic of his time in the office of Prime Minister. Mark Pearce, Richmond

After seeing the detail in Scott Morrison’s 2050 Net Zero Plan, I wonder if Boris Johnson still thinks Australia’s pledge “heroic” (Letters, October 27). John Watkins, Collins Creek

We have a three-legged climate plan: One leg in the future, one leg in the past and one leg to kick the can down the road. Alan Russell, Netherby (SA)

I, for one, don’t buy the emperor’s new clothes. Alison Orme, Marrickville

Claytons. Jock Brodie, Port Macquarie

No further evidence is required. The Prime Minister is all smirk and mirrors. Lyn Savage, Coogee

It is easy to set a target for a year you will be unlikely to see and be held responsible for. Genevieve Milton, Newtown

I was so disappointed with the PM’s announcement on our climate plan. Where were the free steak knives? Alan Johnson, Seaforth

App gap is not so alert to COVID

Once again, technology is failing many who rely on the phone app to send them an alert for COVID-19 exposure sites (“‘Almost useless’: phone app has hidden 700,000 COVID-19 alerts”, October 27). Our local daily newspaper sends online alerts every day via email and all free of charge if requested. This service is reliable and very handy for those without a smartphone. Politicians and bureaucrats seem to forget or do not realise not everyone has a smartphone. Robyn Lewis, Raglan

Apparently I had two potential exposures on the same day last week but with no push notifications, I was unaware until my sister, who was with me on one occasion, sent me a text message. It’s a glaring hole in the government’s strategy, especially at this stage of the pandemic. Who, except for my sister, has scrolled through their history to find these so-called alerts? All our great work gone in an instant for the lack of notification. The government has had so much time to work on this app. It’s too late to add this feature in December. Fail. Vicki Copping, Oatley

Can’t boot the punt

An alternate source of revenue is the answer (“What would it take for Crown to actually lose its licence?” , October 27). It is hard to determine who is most addicted to gambling; governments or the punters. This is why Crown and other gambling operators will not be stripped of their licences and is why we have such licences in the first place. Australians are among the world’s heaviest gamblers per capita and governments will never relinquish that income unless it can be replaced with a well-structured and indexed wealth tax. Steve Johnson, Elizabeth Beach

King’s not above decree

If the King’s School is happy to accept government funding, it should follow the guidelines about mask-wearing set by NSW Education and NSW Health (“King’s breaks ranks over school masks”, October 27). Sandra Burke, North Sydney

The wider duty of care that is owed by all schools to their staff and students places King’s in the same position as NSW public schools. That test is based on taking steps to reduce the risk of reasonable foreseeable harm for everyone located on educational premises. Taking into account that the overwhelming majority of schools, public or otherwise, are following the reasonable directives in a health crisis makes the position taken by King’s untenable. Michael Blissenden, Dural

Op worth the wait

My reconstructive surgery was carried out at a public hospital by a fourth-year plastic surgery trainee under the supervision of the plastics registrar. Even though there was a waiting period, I was much more confident about the outcome than if I had gone to a private day surgery run by cosmetic surgeons (Letters, October 27). Heartfelt and sincere thanks to our public hospitals — I don’t think any Hollywood surgeon would have done a better job. Sarah Benmayor, Bondi

Booze: more to lose

Alcohol may well have provided an adhesive for early cultures, but arguably equally or more important was religious belief (“How booze tippled the cultural balance”, October 27). The reliance on alcohol is a fundamental weakness in the human condition as shown by the need, to the point of addiction, for chemical assistance to alleviate shyness and lubricate conversation in social encounters. Meanwhile, one’s intellectual, physical and sexual performances and long-term health suffer. Arguably it is barely worth it. Geoff Harding, Chatswood

Razzle Daz-zled

Meanwhile, countless women across NSW are thinking that, like Gladys Berejiklian, there was no way they’d have been telling their friends they were having a relationship with Daryl Maguire (“Former staffer’s evidence another big blow for old boss”, October 27). Debra Miniutti, Ashbury

You report that “former premier Gladys Berejiklian lied to her then-chief of staff and friend about the duration of her secret relationship with ex-MP Daryl Maguire”. A politician lying? I’m flabbergasted! Vince Scoppa, Tennyson Point

Precarious pavements

Peter Purches need not worry too much about e-scooters on the footpath in our area (Letters, October 27) . Footpaths are very few and far between and, even if they exist for a very short distance, they are narrow, uneven, full of cracks and trip hazards – with absolutely zero plans by council to fix or construct new footpaths. The e-scooters would just join “us” pedestrians, including parents with prams and the elderly with walking aids, sharing the oft one-way roadways (due to parked vehicles) with cars, trucks, vans and cyclists. Wendy Janssens, Newport

Why not make bicycle lanes available to e-scooters? Keeps them off the roads and the footpaths. I’m sure the bicycle riders won’t mind. John Swanton, Coogee

The Nick of our time

Hats off to Dr Nick Coatsworth for being an oasis of calm amid a cacophony of noise and fear-mongering by so-called medical experts and state politicians (“Coatsworth looks forward to a quiet summer”, October 27). He stood out for being the only voice of reason in a crisis situation. Greg Lan, St Leonards

Genetically tasteless

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Stay classy, Donald Trump jnr (“Trump jnr sells shirts mocking Baldwin shooting”, October 27). Simon Squires, Hornsby

Hamilton: access some areas

Of course, I’d like to go to Hamilton the musical, but I’d rather Queensland opened up the borders so I can go to Hamilton the island (“Hamilton plans Sydney return in 2023”, October 27).Michael Deeth, Como West

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Vested interest: How the home-ownership game is rigged
From Nugra: ″⁣It’s true that newly built houses are bigger and better than they used to be. No one builds cheap housing anymore. Gone are the days of fibro walls, kitchen and lounge room, two or three bedrooms and a single bathroom. Nowadays new places all have ensuites, dining areas, courtyards, built-in robes. I despair for anyone without a Bank of Mum and Dad to turn to.″⁣

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