

This was published 3 years ago


Leaps tall stories in a single bound: a government with plenty of front, less substance

In one vital area after another, the Morrison government doesn’t so much produce policy as talking points. The government’s policies in some of the most fundamental areas of national responsibility have an outward appearance of sturdy solidity. But when you get up close and prod them, they are actually quite insubstantial.

Less core policy and more corflute, those corrugated plastic signboards favoured by politicians and real estate agents. You know the ones. They present a nice facade, but they last only as long as the electioneering effort or the sales campaign.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit: The Sydney Morning Herald

“The sign industry loves it because it’s cheap and easy to cut to size,” is how the Perth Graphics Centre explains the beauty of corflute. These are the very reasons that the Morrison government favours it.

Five areas are especially relevant just now. This week the most prominent has been climate policy, closely followed by the drive for a national anti-corruption body.

More details of the Morrison-Joyce climate policy will emerge over the next few days. But the government’s position on the two key threshold dates – 2030 and 2050 - now seem firm. Its achievement is that has decided to formalise a commitment for Australia to emit net zero greenhouse gases by 2050. But on the more urgent question of 2030, Morrison has made it clear that he will not revise Australia’s existing pledge. That is, the Abbott-era promise to cut emissions by 26 to 28 per cent of 2005 levels by 2030.


Australia already is outperforming this target, the government tells us. It will publish an updated estimate of the anticipated 2030 emissions level, but will not make any commitments to do better than the existing trajectory. It is content to continue to allow Australia to drift along at its current pace, in other words.

The current pace, we know, is too slow for several reasons. It puts Morrison out of line with the two biggest state economies – NSW and Victoria – both of which have promised to halve emissions by 2030. Morrison’s position also puts Canberra out of line with Australia’s major trade and security partners, the US, Britain and Japan, as well as the EU. All these big economies are aiming to approximately halve emissions by 2030.

Even if we assume that the planetary cause is lost – that the aim of restraining warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius is hopeless – Morrison’s drift to 2030 is a bad idea. Because “there are tens of billions of dollars of dollars around the world looking to invest in renewables”, as the iron ore billionaire who’s now aiming to create the world’s biggest renewables business, Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest, says. That investment capital will respond to the right opportunities. These include factors such as Australia’s abundant renewables resources but also government policy settings, Forrest points out.


Australia, says the billionaire entrepreneur Mike Cannon-Brookes, “should be the winner of the decarbonised world, and we’re not going to be at the moment”.


Both men are investing billions in renewables, so they’re not just theorising. Both say Australia has the potential to be the “superpower” of the decarbonised world, but that it must commit to a credible 2030 target of halving emissions, or better.

Who would you believe about Australia’s economic future? Australia’s most successful entrepreneurs who’ve created multi-billion-dollar businesses from nothing? Or Barnaby Joyce, Matt Canavan and George Christensen?

The question answers itself. So why is the Prime Minister pandering to the Nationals rump? He doesn’t need to. His emissions plans do not need to be legislated so he doesn’t need their votes.

The main reason is the election ahead. By promising no further emissions action by 2030, he can present himself as unthreatening. And he hopes that Labor will pledge something more ambitious. If it does, Morrison will declare Labor to be reckless, a threat to coal mining communities, jobs, electricity prices, and so on. The time-honoured Coalition scare campaign. And why not? It’s worked till now. Don’t worry about the national interest.

Second is another of Australia’s glaring national failures, the absence of a national anti-corruption commission. The Coalition, Labor, the Greens and key independent MPs all agree on the need for one. And there is plenty of scope for debate about the best design of one.

But the government’s proposal is a non-starter. No other party will support it. Because it is not offering a serious anti-corruption commission. It is offering a body powerless to investigate federal parliamentarians. This would make it worse than useless; it would make it a collaborator in tolerating corruption. And the government’s plan would make it powerless to investigate most of the federal public service.

The agency that Morrison proposes “would hide corruption, not expose it”, said Stephen Charles, QC, a former judge of the Victorian Court of Appeal and a director of the Centre for Public Integrity. It would be “the weakest watchdog in the county”, according to former NSW Supreme Court judge Anthony Whealy. Which is the whole point.

Morrison doesn’t want a real anti-corruption body. He wants a pretend one, a talking point to allow him to campaign as if he favours the idea. His true commitment to scrutiny of Coalition MPs was laid bare this week.

The opposition called for a parliamentary committee to be allowed to inquire into the anonymous slush fund set up to give money to Christian Porter. It could have up to $1 million in it. Porter says he has no idea who gave the cash. He calls it a blind trust and most media reporting uses this name for it. It is not a blind trust. A blind trust is set up with your own money, but managed at arm’s length so you don’t know where the money is invested. This is designed to avoid potential conflicts of interest.


Porter’s fund is stashed with other people’s money. Labor argued that it’s ripe with potential conflicts of interest and the Speaker of the House, the Liberals’ Tony Smith, agreed that there was at least the basis for a committee to consider it. But Morrison used the government’s numbers in the House to block any effort to even debate whether to allow a committee to inquire into Porter’s fund. It was a new low in standards of integrity in Australian federal politics. Yet Morrison will go to the election claiming he favours setting up a national integrity commission.

Like corflute, Morrison’s definition of integrity is cheap and easy to cut to size.

Third is the government’s future commitment to protect Australians from COVID-19. We know there are new variants afoot in the world, and that, as it continues to mutate, there will be more. As Morrison said on Friday: “This won’t be the last pandemic we face.”

The way to tailor the existing vaccines for new variants is through mRNA technology, which allows swift gene editing. Both Pfizer and Moderna are made with mRNA techniques. The Morrison government said it would create a sovereign mRNA manufacturing capability in Australia. That was over a year ago. It’s still dithering.


Fed up with waiting on Morrison, the governments of Victoria and NSW have both allocated funds to develop mRNA capacities in their own states. They have put the federal government to shame. This is a critical national health capability. Canberra was big on the announcement and left behind on the delivery.

Fourth is economic revitalisation. Everyone from the International Monetary Fund to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, from the Australian Chamber of Commerce to Deloitte Access Economics, has pointed out that Australia is on track for economic enfeeblement unless it implements serious economic reforms. Josh Frydenberg may be secretly designing a sweeping plan for the economic renovation of the country. If so, it’s super secret.

The word that stood out in the Deloitte report this week was “complacency”. The government will go to the polls trumpeting its genius as an economic manager. Indeed, Australia will be undergoing a strong bounceback from its COVID crash. That’ll last through the election campaign. Without real action, however, it will deliver Australia into a future of low wages growth, sub-par economic growth and permanent government deficit.

Finally, the headline-grabber in the announcement of the AUKUS security partnership was the promise of nuclear-powered submarines. AUKUS is an important agreement that should bring critical new technologies to Australia.


But, as for the submarines, it soon emerged that it’ll be two decades or so before the first one enters the water and another decade or more to get the full complement of eight. Might as well add it to the list of Morrison’s 2050 commitments.

In all five fields, Morrison’s policies are as solid as a corflute, marketing ornaments to impress the voters for long enough to get through an election campaign and not much more. That doesn’t mean they’ll fail. Corflutes are used in campaigns because they work. Morrison could very well win. It just means it’s a government more interested in campaigning than governing.

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