

This was published 3 years ago


Long may Oxford Street live (if only we could find her pulse)

Oxford Street is a great Sydney treasure. An ancient Aboriginal walking track, it is one of the few streets, perhaps anywhere, to have an entire book devoted solely to it. And while other Sydney high streets may boast comparably picturesque line-ups of shophouses, Oxford Street also has sun and sea breeze, an undulating topography and occasional fabulous views over harbour or valley. But it’s sick, and has been all century. All remedies have failed. Will the City of Sydney’s latest plan help or hasten the decline?

My first-ever day in Sydney started with a gentle drift down Oxford Street, from the Junction to the park. As I wound down through it all – Woollahra, Paddington, Darlinghurst – the whole crusty concatenation seemed a-shimmer with creative energy. Funky jewellers, chic cafes, avant-garde hair salons and strange little shops selling only handmade paper earrings seemed to occupy every nook and crevice, each with a lush if slightly shabby garden out back. I was hooked.

How to resuscitate Oxford Street, this once-creative vein of Sydney?

How to resuscitate Oxford Street, this once-creative vein of Sydney? Credit: Jessica Hromas

That was back when inner Sydney, still cheap enough for the artistic riff-raff, was at its creative zenith. But market forces, over time, yield a kind of natural succession of species. Artists, always the colonisers, are followed by vibrant commerce, then dull conformity then, eventually, by death. Only then, once mortality is acknowledged and death rites given, is resurrection possible.

Oxford Street, after that 70s creative flair, evolved through the 80s and 90s into high-end but original shopping. Its price gradient – from chi-chi Woollahra to the drag-bags of Darlinghurst’s “pink precinct” – broadly echoed height above sea level. Popularity skyrocketed. But when rents followed the original shops were replaced by legions of dreary chain stores, leaving the street vulnerable to attack-by-mall.

Enter Westfield Bondi Junction. Had it happened 20 years earlier, or not at all, Oxford Street might have been fine. But, built in 2003, the mall sucked the chain stores out of Oxford Street, killing its retail life stone dead. A decade later the ill-conceived lockout laws did the same for its wild and wonderful nightlife. Neither has recovered, partly because rent expectations stayed high. So Oxford Street now is like a gap-tooth smile, blighted by vacancy and neglect.


What’s bizarre is that the latest remedy for this obdurate emptiness is yet more floorspace.

The city’s masterplan, devised by architects Studio Hollenstein, allows two extra storeys on top of every building in Oxford Street’s Darlinghurst section and up to four extra floors on Taylor Square. This involves 52 listed buildings and 132 “contributory” buildings along the strip. It will also let the National Art School (the old Darlinghurst Gaol) build a further 2000 square metres within its already crowded and heritage-listed grounds.

The plan is designed to assuage “demand” for large-floorplate businesses too big for the old shophouse fabric by enabling two-storey additions of much larger footprint to spread across several such shophouses. This new work, although set back three metres from Oxford Street, will still be largely visible as a great impost above the old. At the rear, meanwhile, the full four or more storeys will dominate and overshadow the tiny laneways, often only six metres wide.


The Paddington Society, fearing the disease could easily spread up the hill, is “very disappointed” and wants the proposal withdrawn. A group of Sturt Street residents, lamenting their lost winter sunlight, declares the plan “infinitely worse” than proposals the council has hitherto opposed. Still others point out that, since the city owns several properties along the strip’s north side, its interests are conflicted.

Can the plans to add storeys to Oxford Street’s existing buildings protect its character beyond “dumb facadism”?

Can the plans to add storeys to Oxford Street’s existing buildings protect its character beyond “dumb facadism”?Credit: Jessica Hromas

Why is the council, traditionally respectful of both heritage and local viewpoints, doing this?

In the city’s defence, the device of allowing two storeys on top of each building, rather than a flat height limit, maintains the picturesque, higgledy-piggledy roofline. It also plans good things such as cycleways to boost the street’s vitality.

The argument is inoculative: namely, that this compromise of allowing some will prevent more, worse. It also presumes that if you help property owners profit, and claw back a 10th of that uplift for “creative” space, the street’s brilliance will bounce back.

But setbacks are always ugly and there’s the danger of the worst of both worlds: destruction of heritage fabric, “dumb facadism” (in the words of one group), loss of sun and amenity and the looming succubus across the pretty rooftops with no compensatory revival.


There’s no evidence that development begets creativity. For a start, the sheer volume of new building crouched on the roof like Thurber’s Lady on the Bookcase will exert great pressure on the old, politically as well as structurally, making facadism ever more likely. Plus, the 10 per cent of creatives, sieved through committee, will inevitably be so PC and platitudinous I’m yawning just thinking about it.

In truth, there’s only one reason why creatives can’t use the buildings as they currently exist: money. Oxford Street’s problem is not that profits are too low, but expectations are too high.

So remedy may lie not in building ever-glossier premises but in accepting that, to stay creative, every city needs low-rent neighbourhoods and even fine streets must embrace low-rent moments.

Architecturally, it would be bolder and more charming to select particular shophouses as seed projects, extending them straight up from the facade for a storey or two, as Hill Thalis did years ago on its very fine Substation No. 175 in Devonshire Street. But this requires skilled architectural curation and everything in Sydney – from its politics to its court system – works against that.

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