

This was published 3 years ago

Damaging revelations as the ICAC grills team Berejiklian

By Deborah Snow

With each passing day this week, it’s grown harder to understand how Gladys Berejiklian convinced herself she didn’t need to tell colleagues about her romantic relationship with the wheeling, dealing, former Liberal MP Daryl Maguire.

No less than five witnesses – two senior public servants, a former senior executive in the Office of Sport, the former director of strategy in the office of Mike Baird, Nigel Blunden, and former premier Baird himself – have all told the Independent Commission Against Corruption they would have had concerns and acted on them, had they been aware of the relationship.

Under pressure: former premier, Gladys Berejiklian, outside her Northbridge office earlier this week.

Under pressure: former premier, Gladys Berejiklian, outside her Northbridge office earlier this week. Credit: Janie Barrett

On Friday the sixth witness, recently crowned deputy leader of the state Liberal party, Stuart Ayres – who was Sports Minister at the time – agreed.

It would have been “prudent”, he said, for then treasurer Berejiklian to make her relationship with Maguire known to Baird.


In addition, Ayres said, he would have asked her himself whether there was any conflict to be “managed” in relation to a pet project of Maguire’s he [Ayres] was shepherding into the cabinet’s Expenditure Review Committee, which she chaired.

Based on what’s been heard so far, hopes among Berejiklian’s supporters that she’d emerge unscathed from these proceedings are fading rapidly, particularly on the question of a potential conflict of interest in relation to Maguire.

The damaging revelations have temporarily silenced critics of the ICAC who’d accused it of growing intoxicated with its own power and pursuing the former premier on flimsy grounds.

Instead, the public have now been shown what the commission’s investigators have been beavering away at over the past 12 months, ever since Berejiklian’s stunning admission a year ago that she’d been in a “close personal relationship” with Maguire from around 2015.


The ICAC’s sleuths have been following the breadcrumb trail left by dozens of emails, ministerial briefs, memos and memoranda across half a dozen government agencies, in relation to two of Maguire’s favoured projects. These were backed in different ways by the offices of Berejiklian and Ayres and then deputy premier John Barilaro. (Barilaro and Ayres are not under investigation, nor has it been suggested that they may have engaged in any wrongdoing).

Daryl Maguire and Gladys Berejiklian.

Daryl Maguire and Gladys Berejiklian.Credit: SMH

The commission has labelled these projects “case studies”. Evidence this week has shown that senior public servants put hundreds of hours in assessing, re-assessing and trying to ensure proper processes were put around the projects to get them over the line, despite harbouring deep scepticism about their merits.

Much of the focus thus far has been on the $5.5 million grant in 2016-2017 to upgrade the headquarters of the Australian Clay Target Association (ACTA) in Maguire’s then-electorate of Wagga Wagga.

Also under the microscope is a multi-million dollar plan to develop a new home and recital hall for the Wagga Wagga-based Riverina Conservatorium of Music, which was also being pushed hard by Maguire.

Evidence has pointed to Berejiklian and/or her office having a significant hand in progressing both projects.

Yet Ayres, on Friday, was adamant that he’d become a convert to the clay target shooters’ proposal on its own merits by mid- to late-2016, and strongly supported it going to the ERC for funding.

Berejiklian has retained a legal team which includes two of the country’s top silks, Bret Walker, SC, and Sophie Callan, SC, to assist her cause.

From the direction of Callan’s cross-examination of witnesses, it appears Berejiklian will mount an argument she was acting, in relation to the projects, in the interests of repairing the coalition government’s standing in the regions rather than from a desire to deliver personal favours to Maguire.

Several times Callan has referenced the Nationals’ historic loss of the seat of Orange to a Shooters candidate in a November 2016 election as one reason why the government might have been particularly attuned to regional sensitivities at that time.

Berejiklian’s turn in the witness box is scheduled towards the end of next week, by which time the ICAC will also have heard from Barilaro (on Monday), Maguire (on Wednesday) and several more former ministerial staffers.

Sophie Callan, SC, who is representing Gladys Berejiklian at the ICAC.

Sophie Callan, SC, who is representing Gladys Berejiklian at the ICAC.Credit: Kate Geraghty

The former premier has never wavered in her publicly declared conviction that she acted at all times with complete integrity. So Baird’s words on Wednesday must have been hardest for her to hear.

Not because of their force. He chose them with care. But because they’d come from the man she’d succeeded as leader, a man who had supported her, who still describes her as a close friend, and who, like her, had once been entrusted with the task of being the foremost custodian of the government’s standards of conduct.

It’s worth recalling Berejiklian was never an initial target of the investigation into Maguire, dubbed Operation Keppel.


The former Wagga Wagga MP first came to the ICAC’s attention during Operation Dasha, an earlier probe into the affairs of Canterbury Council, during which it emerged that he’d been courting commissions for himself on property deals.

In July 2018, evidence presented to Operation Dasha forced Maguire’s resignation, with Berejiklian publicly scolding him at the time for letting down the people of NSW, his constituents, and the Liberal party.

Still, she did not declare her relationship. Indeed, there are indications they maintained contact into 2020.

When Maguire was hauled before the ICAC on his own account a year ago, Berejiklian was still not a target. Much to the astonishment of her ministers, she survived the exposure of the relationship, which the public seemed to accept was a matter of being “unlucky in love”. She went on to drive the state’s massively successful COVID-19 vaccination campaign.

But by September this year rumours were rife in political circles that the ICAC was now turning its attention to her. Some ex-staffers had been called in for secret compulsory examination. Bureaucrats had received summonses for documents. It was reported that Ayres and Barilaro had been summoned to attend private hearings.

Berejiklian herself was examined by the ICAC in private on September 18, as the battle against the state’s Delta outbreak was at its height. Still no word of this leaked out, until the ICAC’s bombshell on October 1 that the investigation into Maguire would now be expanded to include her as well.

Former NSW premier Mike Baird at the ICAC in Sydney on Wednesday. He said he’d been “incredulous” to learn that the woman who in 2016 was his highly regarded treasurer was in a secret relationship with Daryl Maguire.

Former NSW premier Mike Baird at the ICAC in Sydney on Wednesday. He said he’d been “incredulous” to learn that the woman who in 2016 was his highly regarded treasurer was in a secret relationship with Daryl Maguire.Credit: Louise Kennerley

Berejiklian was gone from her post almost within the hour. Several days later, Barilaro announced he was quitting too, for personal reasons. Outwardly, he and Berejiklian had worked well together through the state’s second lockdown, though bad blood between them lingered after last year’s “koala wars” between the coalition partners.

Three days after Berejiklian’s resignation Barilaro quipped that “the ICAC never asks a question that they don’t already have the answer for”.

In mapping out the grounds for the commission’s investigation into the former premier on Monday, counsel assisting, Scott Robertson, put sharp focus on the NSW Ministerial Code of Conduct, which he described as an “applicable code” for the purposes of the ICAC Act.

It demands that ministers “exhibit and be seen to exhibit the highest standards of probity” in exercising office. It stipulates that a minister must not “knowingly conceal” a conflict of interest between their public duty and “private interest” and that the concept of private interest stretches to include “personal connections”.

As well as examining Berejiklian’s possible breach of “public trust” in how she dealt with Maguire’s pet projects, Robertson said the ICAC would examine whether she’d done anything to encourage Maguire in his allegedly corrupt activities, and whether she had discharged her obligation to report suspicions about his conduct.

In the hearing room on Monday he aired a discomfiting excerpt from the videotaped recording of her answering the ICAC’s questions during the secret grilling on September 18. Five times he asked whether she’d ever suspected Maguire of acting corruptly.

Her first few answers were she didn’t know, couldn’t recall, was in shock, or wasn’t sure. Finally, she answered, “no”.

Robertson told presiding commissioner Ruth McColl “an issue rises as to whether this Commission should accept that evidence”.

Michael Toohey, the first witness at the ICAC on Monday.

Michael Toohey, the first witness at the ICAC on Monday.Credit: Nick Moir

Robertson also made much of the fact that Berejiklian had, over the course of her ministerial career, made other disclosures of personal connections between 2013 and 2019, including two cousins employed by the public service, and individuals she’d known who’d been appointed to government boards. But not a word of the Maguire connection ever passed her lips.

Baird testified that during his time as premier, there’d been a standing agenda item at the outset of each meeting of cabinet or cabinet committee for the declaration of ministers’ interests.

He said he’d been “incredulous” to learn that the woman who in 2016 was his highly regarded treasurer was in a secret relationship with Maguire, whom he described as prone to sometimes abusive conduct towards staff and officials.

As Treasurer, Berejiklian held a powerful role as chair of the ERC, which debates and decides where government dollars get spent.

On December 14, 2016, Berejiklian was in the chair as senior ministers debated the merits of the shooting club’s bid for a $5.5 million upgrade. She and Ayres’ offices had been instrumental in getting the project rushed onto the ERC agenda 11 days before Christmas, despite Baird’s own department – and other arms of the public service – questioning the rush, and pointing out gaping holes in the business case.

Michael Toohey, then a senior official in the Office of Sport, told the ICAC this week he’d been given just one day’s notice to draft up the ERC submission – unprecedented in his experience.

The ACTA project had previously been rejected by the bureaucracy and remained a low priority right through until mid-2016. Toohey’s boss, Paul Doorn, said the ACTA project was not only low priority but was in active competition to an existing government-owned Olympic standard shooting facility in Western Sydney, deemed a higher priority for an upgrade.

Baird’s adviser Blunden was horrified at the clay target association proposal, briefing Baird in a memo headed “sometimes you gotta say WTF”.

He told Baird he should oppose it. “Gladys and Ayres want it. No doubt they’ve done a sweetheart deal with Daryl but this goes against all the principles of sound economic management”, Blunden wrote.

In evidence he clarified that he hadn’t meant “anything improper” with the phrase “sweetheart deal”. But he said there was “frustration” at the lack of normal rigour being applied to the proposal, in particular the lack of a feasibility study, a sound business case and convincing benefit/cost ratio (BCR) analysis.

NSW Deputy Liberal Leader and Jobs Minister Stuart Ayres  leaves the ICAC on Friday.

NSW Deputy Liberal Leader and Jobs Minister Stuart Ayres leaves the ICAC on Friday.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Ayres flatly rejected the notion of a “sweetheart deal” in the witness box on Friday, declaring it a “fantasy”. He also said he had no recollection of being warned about problems with the clay shooter’s business case.

Baird said if Berejiklian’s relationship with Maguire had been known, he would have taken steps to ensure she was excluded from deliberations on the project.

The ERC approved the ACTA proposal with the significant condition that the business case first be properly re-done, with funds to come not from the Office of Sport (which couldn’t wait to be rid of it) but from a new regional development fund overseen by Infrastructure NSW.

The clay target association’s own business case had put the BCR over two, but an updated version in early 2017 put it at less than one. To meet ERC’s conditions it had to achieve a figure on reassessment of one or more.

Deputy secretary of the Department of Regional NSW, Chris Hanger, told the ICAC on Thursday, “I was clearly of the impression that the Premier’s Office and the Premier wanted that business case revisited”.

Hanger’s boss, Gary Barnes (currently head of the Department of Regional NSW) told the ICAC on Friday that the ACTA project seemed “a bit different” to others at the political level.

He said staffers in the office of Berejiklian – who by then was premier – had given him the impression she had a special “interest in this project”. Barnes also expressed annoyance at the direct involvement of one of Barilaro’s staffers, Peter Minucos, in trying to improve the business case.

Eventually, after more work in the bureaucracy the business case emerged with a BCR greater than 1, passing the eligibility test for funding.


Under questioning from Callan, Hanger said he didn’t believe there had been any undue inflation of the number. He also agreed with Callan that Berejiklian had continued to support the conservatorium proposal after Independent Joe McGirr was elected to the seat of Wagga Wagga following Maguire’s resignation.

One of Berejiklian’s former staffers, Zach Bentley, offered an interesting insight into his former boss during a secret interview with the ICAC earlier this year. “She’s very good at silo-ing certain components of her life”, Bentley told Robertson.

But as Robertson told the commission towards the end of his opening address, “there are circumstances in which a person’s ordinary entitlement to privacy must be subordinated to their public duty”.

Next week Berejiklian will be under pressure as never before. She’ll need every bit of her famous toughness to carry her through.

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