

This was published 3 years ago

Juukan Gorge inquiry urges national laws to protect sacred sites

By Nick Toscano and Jack Latimore

A federal inquiry investigating Rio Tinto’s destruction of the 46,000-year-old Juukan Gorge rock shelters has called for national laws to protect Indigenous heritage and new powers for traditional owners to refuse projects threatening significant sites on their ancestral land.

Following 16 months of hearings, the Joint Standing Committee on Northern Australia has made its final recommendations for sweeping reforms, including making the minister for Indigenous Australians, not the environment minister, responsible for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage matters.

The rock shelters at Juukan Gorge had evidence of continual human occupation tracing back at least 46,000 years, placing them among the most significant archaeological sites in Australia.

The rock shelters at Juukan Gorge had evidence of continual human occupation tracing back at least 46,000 years, placing them among the most significant archaeological sites in Australia.Credit: PKKP Aboriginal Corporation

The parliamentary panel calls for the federal government to legislate a national framework setting new minimum standards for states’ and territories’ cultural heritage protections in line with international best practice. The new laws would give the Commonwealth the power to override decisions made under inadequate state-based frameworks, and empower traditional owners to enforce the Commonwealth protections through civil legal action.

In its most far-reaching recommendation, the committee calls for traditional owners to be given “primary decision-making power” regarding their cultural heritage and the ability to refuse development applications for projects that could affect significant sites on their land.

“The destruction of Juukan Gorge was the result of Rio Tinto’s failures, but the events also highlighted the inadequate protection afforded by the Western Australian Aboriginal Heritage Act,” committee chairman Warren Entsch said.


“Throughout the course of the inquiry, it became apparent that there are serious deficiencies across Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage legislative framework, in all states and territories and the Commonwealth.”

Mr Entsch declared it was time for all Australian jurisdictions to afford “meaningful protections” for Indigenous cultural heritage to ensure a disaster such as the Juukan Gorge’s destruction never happened again.

“Perhaps the tragedy may at least be a catalyst for change,” he said.


Committee member and Yawuru man Senator Pat Dodson told The Age on Monday that First Nations peoples should have the right to say “no” to the destruction of their cultural heritage.

"That recommendation has been made in light of the inquiry, and the extensive amount of damage and destruction that's happened to Aboriginal heritage since colonisation, but more recently in the boom times of the west where Aboriginal people had no say and were completely locked out of the legislative framework in WA.

“It’s really about correcting the balance and recognising the significance of Aboriginal cultural heritage to this nation and to First Nations peoples, and it’s one of the few things governments can do to try and redress the awful injustices that have happened to Aboriginal people,” he said.

Asked if he was confident the government would adopt the recommendations contained in the report, the Labor senator said: “I’m not confident this government will do anything, quite frankly. But I think that they need to.”

The destruction of the Juukan Gorge shelters in May 2020 ignited worldwide condemnation, led to the federal inquiry and plunged Australia’s second-largest miner into crisis. An uprising by Rio Tinto’s biggest shareholders in Australia and Britain eventually forced the resignations of the company’s chief executive Jean-Sebastien Jacques and two of his deputies – iron ore boss Chris Salisbury and head of corporate affairs Simone Niven. Rio’s chairman Simon Thompson is stepping down in the coming months.


Rio’s blasting of the site to make way for an expansion of the Brockman 4 iron ore mine was legally sanctioned, but went against the wishes of the traditional owners – the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura (PKKP) people – who told the federal inquiry they were not aware of the miner’s intention to destroy the site until it was too late for the explosive charges to be removed.

Rio Tinto has apologised and acknowledged failures in its engagement with the PKKP and “missed opportunities” that could have prevented the debacle.

More than a year on, Rio remains in the process of pursuing improvements, including the formation of an Indigenous advisory group to point out gaps in protocols for managing Indigenous cultural heritage, ensure a better understanding of Indigenous culture and issues across the business including at board level, and provide a “clear pathway” to re-establish trust over time, the company said.

The PKKP Aboriginal Corporation said on Monday that it would take time to consider the report and its recommendations.

“There continues to be much written and said both about what happened leading up to the destruction of the Juukan caves and the priceless artefacts within them, and what should be done to stop such behaviour from happening again,” it said.

“For the PKKP, actions, not words, will be the true test.”

The PKKP added it would continue working in good faith with Rio’s leadership to ensure the attitudes and processes that led to the disaster were replaced by a “genuine partnership and respect”.

“Part of achieving that shared approach is a role for us in decision-making, and we believe this can be achieved through the co-management of mining activities on our lands,” the group said. “Put simply this means early, meaningful and ongoing engagement through all stages of mining activity.”

Senior traditional owners representing the Aboriginal Heritage Action Alliance welcomed the report and called on the WA government to immediately withdraw its proposed Aboriginal Heritage Bill.

Clayton Lewis, a Nanda Widi man with family and cultural ties to WA’s midwest, Murchison and Gascoyne regions, said the inquiry highlighted what traditional owners had long-known: the existing legislation “serves developers, not protection of our culture and sacred sites.”

“The report should cause the WA government to hang its head in shame, highlighting its failure to listen to traditional owners and the lack of trust we have in government to protect culture,” he said.

Rio Tinto’s new chief executive, Jakob Stausholm, said the company was working hard to rebuild trust with the PKKP and other traditional owners across its mining operations.

“We know this will take time and there will be challenges ahead,” he said. “But we are focused on improving our engagement with Indigenous Peoples and our host communities to better understand their priorities and concerns, minimise our impacts, and responsibly manage Indigenous cultural heritage in and around our operations.”

Across the nation’s mining sector, the loss of the Juukan Gorge rock shelters and the federal inquiry have drawn attention to the power imbalance underpinning relations between mining companies and Indigenous groups, including the use of “gag” orders in land-use contracts that ban traditional owners from publicly objecting to projects on their ancestral land, and outdated WA legislation that provides only applicants, not traditional owners, the ability to seek reviews of approval decisions.

The Minerals Council of Australia, a mining industry group, said its members deeply valued their relationships with diverse First Nations landholders, and had taken significant action since the gorge’s destruction to strengthen partnerships, heritage-protection practices, accountability and oversight.

“The tragedy at Juukan Gorge should never have occurred,” the group’s chief executive Tania Constable said. “It must never happen again.”

The Minerals Council said it would review the committee’s final report.

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